Link between fidgety boys and sputtering economy


By David Leonhardt, New York Times

The behavior gap between rich and poor children, starting at very early ages, is now a well-known piece of social science. Entering kindergarten, high-income children not only know more words and can read better than poorer children but they also have longer attention spans, better-controlled tempers and more sensitivity to other children.

All of which makes the comparisons between boys and girls in the same categories fairly striking: The gap in behavioral skills between young girls and boys is even bigger than the gap between rich and poor.

By kindergarten, girls are substantially more attentive, better behaved, more sensitive, more persistent, more flexible and more independent than boys, according to a new paper from Third Way, a Washington research group. The gap grows over the course of elementary school and feeds into academic gaps between the sexes. By eighth grade, 48 percent of girls receive a mix of A’s and B’s or better. Only 31 percent of boys do.

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Comments (15)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: May 3, 2014

    Society now focuses primarily on promoting girls! Much to the detriment of boys. Everything is ‘girl power’, and the schools DRUG the fidgety boys with ritalin and adderal. Instead of channeling that energy into productive directions, the authorities try to CHANGE boys into subservient, passive drones.
    Those rambunctious boys who were hard to manage were the ones who became explorers and discoverers, builders and imagineers. Don’t drug the creativity out of our boys. Let them be who they are and encourage them instead of pummeling them into submission.

  2. go figure says - Posted: May 3, 2014

    The schools are NOT drugging all the boys, nor are they just promoting girls only. My son just went through a local elementary school with out any teachers or staff involved in that kind of behavior. Your need to paint one picture of our teachers in our schools is mistaken and actually very narrow. I have worked in the school district as well and have not seen the things you point fingers at. Of course you always say, things like I know someone who knows someone, bla bla bla….maybe if the things you make such pointed statements about are true, they were warranted…but I forgot, you are all paranoid that the govmant is out to get you. Sad…

  3. cosa pescado says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    ‘Your need to paint one picture of our teachers in our schools is mistaken and actually very narrow.’

    That is what she does. She makes up imaginary people with imaginary ideas that she can criticize. Its one long drawn out straw man, always.
    And the irony of using that to criticize education… oh my.

  4. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Yeah. Men in the world have it SO rough. ESPECIALLY white men. Poor things.

  5. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Didn’t take long for the race card to be played. Pathetic!

  6. Dogula says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Discrimination is totally acceptable in the leftist dogma. As long as it’s done BY the correct people, TO the incorrect people.

  7. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Ooh, all the racists are colorblind now? Please gimme some Cliven Bundy-the ‘feudal patriot without a country’ to be beholden to quotes to back up your assertions. …check the facts…real facts-not the faux news facts or the ‘skeptical libertarian’ facts. Gaspen-the Sun is out…climb back under your rock.
    “Discrimination is totally acceptable in the leftist dogma. As long as it’s done BY the correct people, TO the incorrect people.” Cliven Bundy and friends -Correct people…Black women-incorrect people. Dog-what in Jesus’s name ARE you talking about?

  8. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    From under my rock I don’t see white guys on the street corner selling crack, then blaming society for the way they are. Just an observation.

  9. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Gaspen-From under your rock you can’t see very far, especially when you are only looking for one thing. You have proven over and over again that YOU only see what you want to see. By the way…crack cocaine is old news. Meth and heroin are ‘It” right now in the tag game of drug abuse cycles, along with prescription painkillers.

    But let’s talk some truth here. Since you just played your version of the race card(oops), I will argue that economics is the trump suit, not gender. Race and gender are almost always a secondary issue to Economic Inequality, a red herring if you will. At present, the wheel of that juggernaut(Economic Control) is held predominately by a rogue generation of white males whose aggressive irresponsible values have infused our culture and media. It makes sense to me as capitakeitalism runs out of resources and money concentrates into fewer and fewer hands as population increases we will see more of this inequality, and slick arguments to justify it. Social and Economic darwinists (Spencerians, really) with economics and marketing degrees love to pit one group-color, class, gender, etc. against the other through selective media presentation of how lazy or morally bankrupt this weeks pariah is. Kind of like how the ideologically driven Media wants us to fear the economic power of China and India because they are a threat to our way of life. All the while money continues to collect in the hands of the few.

    @Dog -your acceptance of the Ayn Rand definition of the captains of industry makes me want to puke.

  10. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    You are entitled to your opinion but mine is based on actual experience. You have no idea what I have seen and I base my facts on facts. If you think crack is out you are wearing blinders. I agree, meth and heroin are a cancer and the root of most all of the crimes in Tahoe. But, you played the race card or have you already forgotten that. And from what I have seen slithering into our town will soon be selling crack on the corners. I’m a retired garbage collector. I used to take garbage off the streets. I was hoping it would all get burned up in a landfill….but they keep breeding.

  11. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Your last two sentences are chilling. Get a mental health exam and turn in your weapons. You are not stable enough to have them.

  12. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Gaspen Aspen, You’re a retired garbage collector? Me to! I’m a little banged up from 31 years of dumpin’ cans and drivin’ truck but I’m still hangin’ in there. Just a little worse for wear and tear. Bad knees, sore back and now hips.
    Momma, don’t let your kid grow up to be a garbageman, as he will pay the price as he gets older!
    Come on by the garden Gaspen Aspen, and we’ll talk trash. OLS (once a garbageman always a garbageman).

  13. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Again…you see what you look to see, and an opinion about an ‘experience’ does not qualify your read on it as being as ‘factual’. Having read an article makes a fact of your having read that article, not necessarily of the article being factual. Why don’t you call up Slednet and ask them about drug fatalities and crimes associated with each in TahoeSouth -whether they consider crack cocaine to be more pernicious than heroin, methamphetamine or even alcohol?

    Race/prejudice/discrimination is a major issue in this country. Gender inequality is a major issue in this country. Class is an issue in this country. All three are part of a greater issue of Economic inequality. Only an idiot would ignore such a truth.
    By the consistent lack of caring and compassion in your postings, by the continual blaming of the current president for problems that were well in place before he took office(not to give him a pass for certain things, but to put them into context) I figured you to be an angry bitter man who can’t look past his own prejudices. Your comments on this post seem to verify that. Took out the garbage for years eh? Seems you didn’t clean it out of your heart and mind. Based on your criteria of factuality I could call that a fact.

  14. go figure says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    Hummmm, well said. Its amazing to me what lives under rocks these days.

  15. Hmmm... says - Posted: May 4, 2014

    I say white men have occupied a position of priviledge in this country and he tells me I played the race card.

    He says…. “And from what I have seen slithering into our town will soon be selling crack on the corners. I’m a retired garbage collector. I used to take garbage off the streets. I was hoping it would all get burned up in a landfill….but they keep breeding.”

    Nonsense statement, but I think it was filled with some sort of racial/social code talk. Why else would ‘garbage’ that was ‘taken off the streets’… A) be referred to as ‘they’ B) be ‘burned’ in a ‘landfill’? C) be referred to as something that ‘keep(s) breeding?

    Doesn’t make sense.