Raw sewage spills into Tahoe at Keys Marina

Sewage from the Fresh Ketch restaurant spills onto a walkway before it reaches Lake Tahoe. Photo/Andrew Lubrano
By Kathryn Reed
Sewage from an overflow tank at the Fresh Ketch restaurant flowed into Lake Tahoe for at least 24 hours this weekend.
People at the restaurant first saw the spill Friday night, but Summit Plumbing of South Lake Tahoe said they didn’t receive a call for service until 6:08pm May 3.
Employees with the El Dorado County Environmental Health Department went to the restaurant Saturday afternoon. Dry bleach was used on the surface areas where people frequent.
“There is not much you can do once it is in the water because algae starts taking up the nutrients. Bacteria has only a certain amount of time it can stay viable,” Lauri Kemper with Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board told Lake Tahoe News.
The cold temperature of the lake and sunlight would dissipate the bacteria quickly.
However, her agency will be at the Tahoe Keys Marina on Monday to take samples for bacteria.
It is near impossible to know how much sewage made its way into Lake Tahoe, but several gallons, according to witnesses.
No one from the marina or restaurant was available for comment.
The expanded outdoor seating area behind the restaurant has tables and chairs that sit over the overflow tank for the restaurant. This is where the problem was.
“We walked up and there was a very large puddle and an interesting odor. When we got up to it we saw toilet paper, etcetera coming from the old pump out station,” Andrew Lubrano told Lake Tahoe News.
This was on May 2. He went back out the next morning and saw the problem had not been fixed. He called the 800 number for Lahontan to report the spill.
Kemper said her agency would work with the county to see what it has found, as well as with South Tahoe Public Utility District.
“With all the facilities connected, they may need a larger tank or to maintain the lines better. They could be dumping grease. STPUD has ordinances against dumping grease into their lines,” Kemper said.
This will be the second investigation Lahontan will have involving the Tahoe Keys Marina. The other is the fueling dock. Kemper said she is not at liberty to discuss that case further at this time.
Tahoe Keys Marina, Gawd Damnit! Get your act together!!! Letting raw sewage from a holding tank spill into the lake is unacceptable and you should be fined and shut down until you fix this major problem of polluting the lake!
I’ve seen and used the the lousy pump out for the heads on boats as well as the leaking filling lines for the fueling station.
If Lahontan and other agencies don’t step up and force you to fix this awful mess, I’ll file a suit against this polluting entity.
I’m not a rich man, but you go polluting MY lake, I’ll do whatever I can to either put you out of business until you fix this very serious problem or I’ll go broke trying! Fix it or close it!!!
Kae don’t allow swearin’, but man do I have some choice words for you! OLS
Monopoly marina having a great year. Government monopolies are good, just look at At&T and Charter consumer satisfaction ratings. Proud to have paid taxes that support these enterprises.
OLS, you would probably have many join in on your lawsuit. This situation is absolutly unacceptable.
This makes the 4th fireworks issue pale in comparison!
Since I now live near, but not at, the Lake, I don’t pretend to have any personal direct political interest, but, based on other threads on this site, the city needs to combine with the District Attorney’s office and make a full head-on attack on the folks who have taken over the marina. Even if it means being distracted from their stupid parking meter issues.
This is a truly despicable situation that strikes directly at the heart of what makes Tahoe special, as well as why folks off the hill feel empowered to protect the Lake from the locals.
I should add that, as of this moment, the Tahoe Daily Tribune, which imagines itself to be the media outlet for South Lake Tahoe news, has not picked up this story.
One more time, thanks Kae.
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, You must get on this raw sewage spill at the Keys marina IMMEDIATELY!!! There should be no “we’re busy” or “we will schedule an investigation later”.
Raw sewage into the lake? Lahontan, if action is not taken first thing monday morning there will be hell to pay!
Think I’m kidding? I’m slow to anger generally but when it comes to the lake or So. Shore, well you’ve met a formidable foe in OLS.
I will not let this drop as I’m very persistent and care a great deal about my home town.
Old Long Skiis ( bobroxtahoe@yahoo.com)
1). Daily trib won’t want to run this any more than they have to b/c the marina is a huge advertiser.
2). I don’t know about the restaurant, but the pump outs at the dock were held together by duct tape shortly after Spinnato and friends took over. Sunction never has worked correctly, and sewage constantly leaked.
This is not a surprise and I agree, criminal prosecution for negligence is warranted!
The Trib used to call itself ‘the community’s voice, from America’s playground’…hahaha
Laurie, you may think that there is nothing they can do, but EPA has delighted authority to you to enforce the clean water act. So act on behalf of everyone that swims in Lake Tahoe and fine the polluter. Lahontan continuing to look the other way facilitates polluters. Do your job please
But if I add a deck to my cabin the green goons red tag me in a couple of days.
Also has anyone else filled out a temporary food permit lately? They want to know the size of the mess used in the windows of your booth but they let this slide?
I’m surprised no one has said this yet, Boycott the Fresh Catch and marina and tell everyone to go elsewhere.
do you folks know that the Keys Marina is owned by some Mafia Guy out of Chicago.
the guy who runs the place is in way over his head and has been since day 1.
he should Quit and move on to something that he know’s how to do.
Negligence like this, and the fireworks cleanup mess, adds credence to the perception and argument that locals are not capable of protecting the Lake.
Yeah, Steve, you’re probably right. Let’s just hand it over to the Feds. Everything THEY touch turns to gold.
Ok dog, lets just let the marina owners police themselves. Im sure that they will get right on it and fix the problem. Maybe they will get an award for being so honest and forthright. Maybe they will try to do the right thing. RIGHT
you go believing that and we can all watch the lake turn to a nice shade of brown. Ill put my money on the oversight of those trusted with making sure its fixed and the responsable parties are held accountable. I dont see the tea party freaks coming to this guys rescue.
I saw the raw sewage too, also took photos on my phone and sent them to a newspaper. Several people saw it and could not believe it, we all took pictures because it was so upsetting.
I wasn’t aware that Mr. Spinnato was still working at this place until I read it somewhere online. Last summer I tried to talk to him about renting a slip and he was very rude to me. I don’t know why he is like that. I hope they clean up this mess. I have eaten at this restaurant many times and naturally I have concerns about the lake. We live about 10 min from this area and it’s a shame what has happened, because this is a very nice location for a marina, yet the people running it seem to not care about it.
So, was the health department on site? This sewage could not have been more than 10 feet from restaurant customers eating at the Fresh Ketch. How is it possible that the restaurant was not closed down?
The marina should be a lake treasure and a gold mine for the owners. We are witnessing our lake being destroyed and the Marina management is never available for a comment.
Thanks Spinnato! Not half shady, all the way shady!
I know absolutely nothing about supposed gang activities at the Marina, but I’m old enough to remember when SLTPD had a special relationship with the LAPD organized crime unit and was willing to take over surveillance of Mafioso types when they visited South Lake Tahoe. I remember the PD following Jimmy Fratianno around every time he’d show up at the Christiana Inn to hang out at the casinos. At the request, along with an agreement to share information, of LAPD
These kinds of inter-department relationships only occur when PDs have established a trusting relationship with one another – which usually goes away when a city decides to go outside the organization to find a chief who’ll be more compliant with the local politicians. Is that, by any chance, what’s happened in South Lake Tahoe PD?
And Dog comes to the rescue of private industry. Read the story! The Tahoe Keys Marina/Fresh Ketch just dumped raw sewage into the Keys waterway; NOT THE GUBMENT! Like your Cow Pal Bundy, I hope the City, Feds, State and Locals come down hard on these clowns.
Want to “fix” Lake Tahoe? Bulldoze the Tahoe Keys.
“Raw Sewage in Lake Tahoe!”, How’s that for a national headline? Since we have so many agencies in Tahoe that state they’re here to protect the lake they better get on this right away.
Not only is this a health / environmental issue, this could also have a serious impact on our local economy. Whats our new slogan ? “Welcome to Lake Tahoe, just don’t go in the water as it may be hazardous to your health.” ?
City Council, LTVA, Chamber of Commerce you better put the “spin” cycle on warp speed to make this sound like it’s not a big deal because once the word gets out it will be a VERY big deal.
We need press releases from every agency and environmental group so we can be updated as to the current condition of the water, the amount of the fines levied against the owner of Fresh Ketch and current condition of the resturaunt inside and out.
This could be a possible conversation between a father and his young son at Tahoe Keys Resort or over at El Dorado beach. ” Hey dad, is that a German Brown trout that just floated by?”. The dad replies “Not exactly Timmy, and don’t touch it”. Nice, huh?
Take care and stay out of the Keys, Old Long Skiis
Over weekends & holidays, it is usually the Fire Department who is responsible for public health issues. This should be checked out so that if this type of hazard ever occurs again somewhere, the Fire Dept or responsible agency will come out & close the place down while the hazard is encapsulated, cleaned up, etc.
I had a problem with a Safeway sewer leak in a parking lot near my house in the Bay Area. I advised the store manager to address the problem asap, as customers were walking & pushing their carts through the seepage…. when they did not respond, I discovered the Fire Dept was the responsible entity and I called them. They came taped off entrances to the parking lot, & closed the store down until it was cleaned up and fixed.
Somehow this isn’t surprising, when I used to live there I kept my boat in a slip in the keys for two summers, every time I went to the fuel dock I thought to myself “they can’t even fix their cc swiper on the pump, wonder how well they maintain the things that really matter”
That’s why I never felt bad about hauling a bunch of fuel in 5 gallon containers down to my boat, did I know I wasn’t supposed to do it? Sure. Did I think the fuel dock was doing any better of a job of keeping things from leaking into the lake, Hell no!!
If you’ve been at that fuel dock anytime in the past 7 years you had to think to yourself “this could use some fixing up”
Now I know it was sewage, but my point is if they couldn’t even spring to fix the cc swiper that helps them make money, do you think they cared enough to maintain things that they don’t see as directly making money. Frankly I’m surprised this hasn’t happened yet
Why would they fix anything as long as lahontan doesn’t think there is anything to be done. Without fines, no incentive to change
Today is Cinco de Mayo, the ketch probably has a big celebration planned. No one go ! Boycott the ketch and the marina. Tell everyone not to go.
I agree, we should boycott the Ketch. That place has turned into a dive over the years. Over priced, mediocre food and lousy service. In the four years we’ve had our boat now, we’ve only used the marina pumps once. The rest of the time they either don’t work or the staff is busy sitting on a nearby bench yaking. The whole place should be shut down immediately by the Health dept.
The pump out station at the Keys Marina has been a joke for years and a dirty one at that. The thing barely worked and there was a garden hose hanging there from the bulk head to hose off any spillage into the channel. We stopped using the head on the boat and I bought one of those porta pottie/camping toilets that I could empty at home.
It is my sincere hope that there is a thorough investgation and inspection of not just The Fresh Ketch but ALL of Tahoe Keys Marina.
The Keys never should have been built in the first place, it was much better as The Truckee Marsh. Tahoe’s own natural filter and home to a wide variety of wildlife. We are stuck with it now so at the very least make them clean up their act and become compliant with the regulations including the environment, health issues, protection of wildlife, ground coverage, water quality, eradication of the miloil that has now spread everywhere in the lake, and there’s whole lot more!
Either they play by the rules or shut em’ down!
Thanks for your time, OLS
In situations like this, or where there is even the potential for something like this, is where I would like to see local citizens groups focus their attention. If local individuals could come together to form Tahoe4Tahoe over parking meters I would think something as damaging in addition to being disgustingly dangerous as raw sewage going directly into the Lake would elicit at least an equal reaction of uniting for a cause. Individuals mobilizing over issues of polluting the Lake would be impressive; maybe Tahoe4Tahoe could become involved since they are an already united group under the presumption of a better Tahoe, and they already have a proven record for action.
Well hopefully Lahontan does something to punish the guilty party?! Didn’t sound like it though from the, interesting shall we say?, rationales the Lahontan spokeswoman was making.
And again, where’s that person that was proclaiming how with the new owners, The Ketch was going to be the hottest spot in town?
Can somebody please tell me why a gold mine of a marina is left to fall apart to nothing when it could be the gem of the west coast. Two years ago I attempted to buy a Chriss craft with cash from the marina; and all I heard about on the sea trail was investing in the managers sunglass business… To TKM management “when I want to spend money on boats I go to a marina; if I cared about investing in long shot business I’ll go on shark tank”
Poor choice of venue to make an argument against government, Dogula. If you want to change the paradigm of over-regulation, you might want to choose a better example. It is obvious to most people that this is not a good example for your argument.
Where are the Truxlers, or another Keys resident with deep pockets to offset the apparent myopic regulatory agencies?
Where are the army of lawyers that TRPA keeps in it’s barn, and releases occasionally against individuals?
Thank you, Ms. Reed for your reporting.
Dumbfounded, didn’t you just make my point? All the many agencies that regulate us to death here in the basin did not prevent this problem from happening. They haven’t addressed the years’ worth of problems at that facility, according to other posters.
Way to go!
So, it is a done deal and private citizens have “fixed” the problem? OK. Sorry to have over complicated the issue. Thanks for setting things straight, Dogula.
You’re welcome.
The Tahoe Daily(?)Tribune is not reporting on the sewage spill in the Keys nor is an online paper that goes by the name of South Tahoe Now.
I called TRPA and they didn’t know about it. Lahontan wouldn’t answer the phone. So if you want the straight scoop on the poop,(bad pun intended) stay tuned to Lake Tahoe News.
It looks like all these agencies and other newspapers are just going to turn a blind eye to this whole disgusting mess. Makes me wonder what else is going on around here that we don’t know about!!!
Thank you Kae for being a REAL journalist! OLS
Hey Dog! And if this was your NO GUBMENT NIRVANA, the sewage would still be flowing, East Shore would still have septic tanks, all drain pipes would still empty into the lake, and Lake Tahoe would look like “Clear Lake.”
I called several agencies with no luck. The guy from STPUD was nice but he informed me that area of the Keys is out of their area that they service. The lady at the health dept. said they are not involved with this mess either.If anyone can think of anyone else to call, please do so!
Maybe I’m makin’ too big a deal about this, afterall what’s raw untreated sewage running into the lake to be worried about, right? What’s a few feces between friends, you know what I mean? I’ve got some old motor oil I was gonna take to STR for disposal but now with the way things are goin’, I’ll just dump the oil into the storm drains that spill directly into the lake, as no one cares and I won’t be fined or get a ticket.
Thank you Lake Tahoe Marina and Fresh Ketch for opening my eyes to what Lake Tahoe really is, a giant cesspool!!!
I would also add do NOT go into the lake with any cuts or open sores and definetly , DO NOT DRINK THE LAKE TAHOE WATER. Just a friendly reminder. OLS
Long Skiis:
You may need to take a deep breath and try to regain your composure. Hysteria is rarely taken seriously.
OLS. That other faux news outlet is quiet about the sewage. But, they are posting cartoons of Bengazi and Pollution from Abortions that aren’t taxed; that gives you a clue about their comentary. Oh, but they are closed until Wednesday.
4-mer-usmc, yes maybeI did go off on a bit of a rant. I guess it was my way of trying to deal with my girlfiends grief. Her father passed away early this morning and she is really tore up. After comforting her I sat at the keyboard. That’s part of why I wrote…as a distraction I guess.
I have nothing against you or your spouse. I try to take things a little bit at a time. Somethings are just harder to deal with. Sorry if I offended anyone with my comments.
We will be okay here, it just takes time to get over some things. Take care, OLS
OLS, I agree. Seems nobody or agencies want to deal with this. Just try and add some coverage to your property and they will ALL BE ON YOU. Pathetic passing the buck syndrome with this SERIOUS polluting going on. TRPA as always is a worthless bunch of dung when it really counts. And apparently our own Health dept. SERIOUSLY|???? Pathetic
My sincerest condolences to your girlfriend and to you on this sad loss. I know that death is the natural order of things but it’s still really hard on those of us left behind that grieve. Your ardent passion on this topic is now better understood and a non-issue. Take care of yourself and you and your girlfriend hold one another close.
Keep Tahoe grayish green?
The Marina nastiness has been going on for 20 years . Spills, pumpout hose dangling in the water, etc. No serious oversight by any agency. It deteriorating, mismanaged, yet way overpriced. As long as they are supported, there will be no change. So enjoy your dinner!
Tahoe is turning into a dump!
Tahoegal and Moral Hazard, Tahoegal, Yes, the Keys marina has been a mess for a long time from the very beginning when it was first dredged. I have an old brochure/booklet expounding how wonderful this developement wouldl be in 1966. Not sure when it was first printed but you should check it out (possibly early 1960?). Sad, yet interesting.
Moral Hazard, I see you have a bone to pick with me and that’s fine, as I got no problem with you. So feel free to criticize and make judgments about me or my opinions. I try to write things here on LTN that are usually non confrontational or accusatory of others views or ideas. I will not get into a back and forth sniping with you or anyone here on LTN. It’s all so 8th grade!
Oh well, to each his own. Good night, this ol garbageman is gonna hit the hay. OLS
First of all , I would like to say I am absolutely stunned that this could even occur AT ALL in Tahoe. This is most one of the most regulated areas in the entire country. What is going on here ? How can a restaurant or any facility on the lake be allowed to operate as such ? Who is in charge here? I am speechless,disappointed for people taking tahoe for granted and worried about the area as it drifts into an ugly state of drugs,pollution and additonal un-needed development.
First of all , I would like to say I am absolutely stunned that this could even occur AT ALL in Tahoe. This is one of the most regulated areas in the entire country. What is going on here ? How can a restaurant or any facility on the lake be allowed to operate as such ? Who is in charge here? I am speechless,disappointed for people taking tahoe for granted and worried about the area as it drifts into an ugly state of drugs,pollution and additonal un-needed development.
Whyhere… I’m just as surprised as you, the owner appears to zero interest in making money and the general manager makes it his full time job to ruin any chance the place could be reputable business
OLS you get on here and engage in character assassination for the folks at the keys and then get hurt when I point it out?
The Keys was a valuable local marina until the City Council closed the close trailer parking on Venice. Since then the marina is having a hard time. Then enter paid parking on Venice and the people fled in droves. I understand the Keys also made some questionable business decisions, but the real harm was done my the City Council with the Venice trailer parking exclusion.
Did the Keys know they had a bad pipe. Of course not. They fixed it when they found out. How this is a story I will never know.
Here are the facts
1) The marina was purchased about 5 yrs. ago by Robert Krilich sr. google his name and you can see that he has a long criminal record.
2) General manager Robert Spinnato has been managing it from him since the beginning.
3) Mr Krilich has millions of dollars including a 20+ million dollar law suit that he won against the federal government in the last few yrs. ( so $$$$ is not an issue)
4)The Marina has & is involved in numerous law suits for trying to rip people off. ( this is public info, check with el dorado courts)
This is the classic Big Bully story
When all the agencies and the people who head them are on the take nothing will get done Ray was bad enough .
TRPA has been on the take from day one ,keep complaining maybe one day before we all die we will see something good happen
For everyones informaton Kathryn Reed has not done her job properly. The spillage was factual sabotage from a former Key Marina tenant who has just recently been evicted. Because of his eviction he purposefully stuffed plastic bags down the drain, forcing the pipes to malfunction. He was seen laughing at a distance by marina workers who couldn’t understand why he was laughing. When the spillage occurred instead of notifying the Fresh Ketch the young man waited around and then notified the media. If he truly cared about our beautiful lake he would have told the restaurant immediately. Plumbing was done and the pipes were fixed, and indeed it was plastic bags that had clogged the pipes. We just received the water quality results from Mondays inspection by Laurin Kemper and everything is under control. If Kathryn Reed was a real journalist/reporter, she would have come to us and asked questions in order to write a proper and accurate article. Instead, everything was blown out of proportion for no reason.
If this accusation is true, then I look forward to this gentleman’s name being given to the legal authorities so a criminal prosecution can begin!
Parker. Agree. I will add that some mechanism needs to be put in place to avoid another sewage spill in the future.
So if someone seriously sabatoged the marina I’m sure you have it on the countless cameras in the fresh katch. And with that you could file a police report against that person. But you didt, and that’s because “Keys says” should be “Keys Lies”. The marina’s failer to maintain their pipes and heavy equipment to OSHA standards is the managements fault. Blaming the captain who is required by law to report the spillage and the reporter who covers the story just shows how guilty you are. I just saw on the 5:00 that samples taken from the keys had twice the amount of fecal matter allowed by authorities.
“between 12 and 54…” thats a huge range.
“it wasn’t actually leaking that whole time…” so the damage cant be that bad. Also come on guys, im sure people in other parts of the lake have accidentally dropped damaging substances, like kids, and dogs and other animals.
how about we not blow things out of proportion and wait until further notice. Im sure everyone is trying their best to keep Tahoe Blue.
we all love this lake, so lets hope for the best together instead of point fingers and spread animosity like immature children.
Andy buddy,
If they didn’t know about the leak for 24 hours. How can the marina staff determine how much and how often the sewage got into the lake (just a thought ). The deal is that accidents do happen; and that is forgivable. Lying and hiding an “ongoing problem” as the GM said last night on news 4 is not okay.
Things break spills happen “15” gallons of poo is a lot better than millions of gallons of oil or nuclear waste… Maybe if the community supported the Marina to help get them out of this rut things would be better. I personally hear people saying the slips are too expensive or the gas is too expensive or even the price to launch a boat is too expensive. The reason prices are high is to make MONEY to FIX the PROBLEMS the Marina is having. OLS if you think you can run the Marina better, where is your application for employment? This is not a perfect world we live in. S**t happens… No pun intended. Don’t just point fingers because you have them. Gather facts think of all the possible reasons this could have happened then talk about it and come to a conclusion to resolve this situation and help this marina the “gateway” to beautiful Lake Tahoe instead of just complaining about it.
Tahoe Boater, Well I did work at Ski Run Marina for 3 summers, 63′,64’and 65′. I was just a kid makin’ a dollar a day the first year. I was 9 years old when I started there. I then kept my first boat at various places in the keys, behind homeowners houses and then for several years at the Beach and Harbor slips.
As far as me putting in an application to run or work at keys marina? When I retired from my old job, I asked for work there but was turned down.
Could I do a better job running the marina? I don’t know, but I’d give it a helluva try! Back when Ray owned the place it was starting to show its age, (kinda like me now! lol).
There are alot of things around the lake that need to be fixed up, The Keys Marina just being one of many things. Crumbling roads, dilapidated old buildings, gas stations from another era no longer in use and yes, old marinas.
So I may be seen as complaining in the eyes of some. I see it as telling people what I see myself and hear from others. We’ll get things fixed up around Tahoe, just you wait and see!!! OLS
Actually, I am the front desk supervisor here at the keys, and we just got back the FINAL sample, and we are AVERAGE for all waters of this nature. This just goes to show you all that ONE: Over-reaction instead of getting your facts straight is not the right way to go about it, SECOND it shows that we were SPOT on in us telling everybody that News Channel 4 got it all wrong, I was just on Lake Tahoe TV this AM and they gave us the forum to discuss what really happened. THREE- We obviously don’t have the legal right to install security camera’s IN THE RESTROOM, so NO, we don’t have that footage, we however have reliable sources that saw TWO people laughing and pointing and taking pictures. FOUR- When the person who submitted this photo (AKA Andrew) he didn’t even tell the Ketch managers that we even had a spill, BUT he went ahead and told this news blog, as well as the health dept as well as all over facebook, wouldn’t anyone of you, if you cared about our beautiful lake, report it to the upper management instead of sharing all of this stuff with everybody else (IE : News 4, News 2, all of facebook) This person also told News 4 that he cares about our lake, and that he “Swims” in our channel and so does his dog, so at the end of the day, wouldn’t you think that HE WOULD care that much to REPORT the spill, we didn’t find out for a full 24 hours, by the HEALTH Dept. Not him, nor by anyone else. People need to get their facts straight before reporting on something that was CAUSED, It was not an accident. We are open for business and so is the Fresh Ketch, infact our loyal guests couldn’t believe that these storys were even ran, I guess any kid can send a photo, and people can make up a story, and have it be not based on facts, I just wanted to make this clear. When you unclog a pipe, and find MULTIPLE white bags that were flushed down, it’s OBVIOUSLY just some people, who obviously have zero care for our lake, which is very, very sad. This is coming from a LIFE LONG LOCAL, so don’t listen to everything you hear or read.
Mr. Holden:
Your explanation will make no difference to some members of this community who have no interest in obtaining any facts in advance as they possess a lighted torch and pitchfork mentality.
“We’ll get things fixed up around Tahoe, just you wait and see!!!”
No we won’t. That takes being realistic, having a desire for quality, and the expending of money. Too many people in this town are lacking all three of those components and will do everything in their power to keep us just as we are because “it’s good enough”.
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc
Well put 4-mer
Once again chad Holdren is wrong. Robert spinnato the upper management could not be contacted because he does not awnser his phone. Since that was not an option I called the 24 hour spill response hotline; and THEY called the appropriate agencies including the health department, TRPA ect. I’m sorry that you feel you were sabataged however the fact that the police department is not going to investigate confirms that you are just trying to pass the buck. Maybe you were sabataged maybe you weren’t however I had nothing to do with the sewage leak other then reporting it. so choose your words more wisely or you might want to look up the words slander and defamation
Spouse of 4-mer-usmc, I’ll be the first to admit I’m the (somewhat) eternal optimist about the future of Tahoe, hence my comment that “things will get better”. Yes, sometimes I do paint a rather glum present and a gloomy future but I do TRY to look on the bright side of things which is not always easy.
From my view, things are getting better. We are, after all these years, actually getting sidewalks in some areas with street lights! El Dorado beach is now much more than just an eroding dirt slope spilling into the lake, we have new parks, Harrison ave. is finally being upgraded. I’m not thrilled with ALL this other stuff coming in but at least we’re trying and ya gotta at least try.
So yes, money is being spent and things are getting done.
As far as quality? We won’t know untill some of these projects are done and up and running and we see the finished results. I’m NOT a fan of developement, not one bit, but some places need to be removed and rebuilt, think Tvetens old place in Meyers.
Sure, some things are better left alone or at the very least, refurbished, like the Barton House.
Okay , I’m sure I’ll take some heat from the usual suspects about my comments, but that’s to be expected. Thank you, OLS
Long Skiis:
You can thank the Feds/Caltrans for footing the bill for the sidewalks and lighting on Highway 50, the State of California/CTC for paying for Lakeview Commons; and the City’s staff for seeking and securing all that funding to make that possible and for managing the work done by the contractors that had been awarded those bids which came in on-budget. The City did pay for the Linear Park Improvements, Pioneer Trail upgrades, and is paying the majority of costs related to the Harrison Avenue Streetscape Improvement Project. The construction work that’s been completed in South Lake Tahoe has been quality work but where this community falls down is in the attitudes of some vociferous locals who want everything for free and are unwilling to pay anything toward improving the built environment or even maintaining those already constructed improvements. My reference of the need for being realistic, having a desire for quality, and the willingness to expend money was wholly directed at the people in this town that will do everything in their power to keep the City just as it is because they think “it’s good enough” since apparently they have no recognition of quality, are too cheap to spend any money to make things better, and think being the armpit of the South Shore is perfectly acceptable.
While my spouse clings to the hope that things will be better, I don’t share his optimism due to the attitudes of some of the people in this City. This upcoming June 3rd election will send a loud and clear message of what the majority of people in this community want for their town.
Spouse – 4-mer-usmc
A little bit of sh*(#t sure did cause a big stink. How does the pollution from our cars and boats compare?