All things wildfire part of Tahoe expo

Local fire agencies are hosting a Wildfire Safety Expo on June 21 from noon to 3pm at the TJ Maxx parking lot in South Lake Tahoe.

The event will include information on creating a home evacuation plan, preparing for fire, creating defensible space around your property and more.

The Wildfire Safety Expo will provide fun for the entire family and special appearances by Smokey Bear and Lake Tahoe Humane Society’s Hopeful Henry will be in attendance.

Participating agencies include: South Lake Tahoe Fire Department, Lake Valley Fire Protection District, U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, CalFire, California Tahoe Conservancy, Lake Tahoe Master Gardeners, Tahoe Resource Conservation District, American Red Cross, El Dorado County Sheriff’s Department, California Conservation Corps, Lake Tahoe Humane Society, and South Tahoe Public Utility District.