Brown, Newsom, Harris advance to November


By Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles Times

Gov. Jerry Brown finished first Tuesday in the California Primary, easily advancing to the general election while Republicans Neel Kashkari and Tim Donnelly battled for the second spot on the November ballot.

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Attorney General Kamala Harris, both Democrats, also advanced to November. Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, another Democrat, also was all but guaranteed to move to the general election.

The election was the first full-scale test of a new primary system aimed at curbing entrenched partisanship in state politics. In contests for statewide office, Congress and the Legislature, candidates who finish first and second — regardless of party — will compete in a November runoff.

The “top-two” system was approved by voters four years ago. Exasperated by chronic gridlock in Sacramento and Washington, voters ignored pleas of the two major parties to keep California’s partisan primaries intact.

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Comments (10)
  1. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Governor Jerry Brown gets 54.5% of the vote and all the Republicans put together got 39%.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Just goes to show you that the Ds outnumber the Rs in California something fierce, and that they all pretty much march in lockstep. Whereas those who are NOT Ds all have different, individual ideas.
    Makes it easy for the majority to run roughshod over the individuals in the minority. Are you proud of that?

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Or another way to look at it Dog is that the Democratic party is much more of a unified party than the fractured party known as the GOP.

    And to argue that conservatives are known more as a free thinking party is somewhat laughable.

  4. Dogula says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Fine. You ARE proud of it.
    (I did not say that Rs or conservatives are more free thinking. I said ‘those who are not Ds’. Assuming that everyone who is not a D is an R or a conservative is a huge mistake.)

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    “Whereas those who are NOT Ds all have different, individual ideas.”

    Wouldn’t using the words different and individual ideas somehow equate “free thinking”?

  6. Dogula says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Reading comprehension?
    I never said conservatives in the first place. YOU did.

  7. go figure says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    Gee dog, you seem to think that the R group are the real free thinkers. LMAO

    im quite proud to live in a BLUE state. I lived in Idaho for almost 20 years and that was the sorriest group of backwards R thinkers in the entire country. Of course now there is the states of Texas, Missouri, and the state of Michele Bachman who thinks that Benjamin Franklin was one of the greatest presidents that the good ol USA has ever had. YUP, great thinkers. LMAO

    I dont think any “party” has ownership on free thinking. I do think that here in California the Democrats are well organized and reflect the values that the majority of citizens want to see in their state government. I guess if people dont like it there is always Texas. Be my guest…

  8. Dogula says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    I feel like I just stepped into the Twilight Zone. . .
    Reading comprehension??

  9. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 5, 2014

    You are in no place to question another persons reading comprehension.
    You should really consider moving to Texas, as the person above suggested. They teach your kind of BS in schools so that it fits with The Angry Sky Man Trilogy.

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 6, 2014

    Dog. I am proud that California is coming back from the insanity of the “Arnold” years. BTY. Did any of your Libertarian candidates win anything in California? Don’t think so.