Crisis communications workshop in Truckee

Business owners, employers and managers who need the tools to respond effectively and minimize business disruption during a crisis situation are invited to attend Crisis Communications Training 101, Tactics for Effective Community, News and Social Media Relations during a Crisis on June 19 from 8am-noon.

It will be at the Cedar House Sports Hotel located at 10918 Brockway Road in Truckee.

Attendees will be taught how to strategically prepare for and respond appropriately to customers, employees, the community, social media followers and the media, and avoid pitfalls that can derail your business strategy and reputation.

Participants will also learn the anatomy of a crisis, tips used by public relations professionals, and will take away a template for developing their own crisis communications plan.

The cost to participate is $49 for Sierra Human Resources Association members, $59 for Truckee Donner Chambers of Commerce members and $69 for non-members. Beverages and snacks will be provided at 7:30am.

For more information about the workshop, call Charlotte Hawley at 530.550.8764.