Douglas County patrol boat sinks

Douglas County needs a new boat after this one sank while moored at Zephyr Cove Marina. Photo/LTN file

Douglas County needs a new boat after this one sank while moored at Zephyr Cove Marina. Photo/LTN file

A second patrol boat at Lake Tahoe sank this season.

This time is was Douglas County Sheriff’s Department that lost a vessel earlier this month. In May, it was a Washoe County sheriff’s boat that sank.

“Our boat sank due to structural deficiencies in the hull. It has undergone multiple repairs and is simply too old for the rigors of service on Tahoe,” Douglas County Undersheriff Paul Howell told Lake Tahoe News.

It had been moored at Zephyr Cove Marina.

The department is going to use a boat from Nevada Department of Wildlife for the rest of the summer.

“We anticipate the purchase, build, and delivery of a new boat by January,” Howell said. It will cost between $200,000 and $300,000.

Because of the age and condition of the boat the department was already in the process of buying a new one. The deadline for request for proposals is July 14.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report