Lahontan working to curtail invasive weeds in Keys

Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board is looking to find ways to contain the aquatic weeds that are so prolific in the Tahoe Keys.

The state agency this week released a draft permit for public review, which aims to reduce and prevent the aquatic weed infestation in the 372-acre waterway in South Lake Tahoe.

Milfoil and curlyleaf pondweed compete with native species and present persistent navigation and swimming nuisances.

If the permit were awarded, it would allow the Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association to perform various land-based tasks to prevent nutrients and sediment from entering the waterways. Beyond outreach and education, it would include fertilizer and irrigation management, and promoting the retrofit of all properties with best management practices. The draft permit also will allow the homeowners’ association to lay bottom barriers over the invasive aquatic weeds to suffocate them.

People have until July 3 at noon comment.

For more information or questions about the proposed permit, contact Doug Smith at or 530.542.5453.

The board will discuss the issue at its July 16-17 meeting in South Lake Tahoe.