Letter: Library measure deserves a yes vote

To the community,

Tuesday is election day. What an awesome opportunity for the voters of South Lake Tahoe to have their voices heard. When the polls close, there will be winners and there will be losers, as is the case with all elections.

That said, if Measure L passes, the number of winners will be immense. A yes vote for continuing the existing parcel tax to fund the library benefits us all by allowing our library doors to remain open, employing our helpful and knowledgeable staff and by giving our community a wealth of services only a library can provide.

If you have yet to cast your vote, please vote yes on Measure L. Let’s guarantee that the South Lake Tahoe Library will remain “the people’s university” – a place available to all, regardless of age, skill level, or ability to pay- making us all winners.

Denise Haerr, South Lake Tahoe