Poll: Most people against guns in restaurants


By Michele Richinick, MSNBC

Most Americans don’t want to dine or shop near armed customers.

More than half – 55 percent – of the country supports banning guns in food establishments and retail stores, according to a new Huffington Post/YouGov poll. A mere 32% of the public said they prefer allowing armed individuals into such locations.

Seventy-two percent of Democrats and 41% of Republicans favor a no-gun policy. Exactly half of the GOP members who participated in the poll said they want shops to allow their clients to carry weapons.

Additionally, 64 percent of gun owners said they prefer businesses that permit firearms. But 65 percent of people who live in a household without guns and 63 percent who live with a gun-owner said they would rather visit a shop without armed citizens, the poll found.

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Comments (51)
  1. go figure says - Posted: June 6, 2014

    Guns are offensive. I would refuse to do business in an establishment that allows this kind of blatent and repulsive display of gun toting thugs to parade around with their phallic weapons on display.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: June 6, 2014

    Gofigure, you really shouldn’t refer to police offers in such offensive terms.

  3. go figure says - Posted: June 6, 2014

    Sorry to say dog but I was refering to yahoo wing nuts like the whack jobs in texas. I actually have no problem with our law enforcement being the ones to carry weapons. Seeing fat texans packing heat in target is quite the turn off, but maybe you go for that kind if thing…not surprised

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 6, 2014

    Police officers do not carry guns to protect you, they carry them to protect themselves.

  5. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    ‘Gofigure, you really shouldn’t refer to police offers in such offensive terms.’

    Why not?
    We should be allowed to give cops the finger, tell them to go f themselves, etc, freely without repercussion. Consider it an instant way for the public to express their outrage over the militarization of the police in this country.
    Sure there are good cops, but they are part of a power structure that is fundamentally flawed.
    Take people of mediocre intelligence and have them uphold ‘the law’ which is part of a more complicated and philosophical part of ‘a society’.
    They aren’t special. Take away most of their guns and make them solve problems intelligently.
    Anyone have statistics on the number of people killed by police in the US vs other countries?

  6. Dogula says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    Sarcasm is wasted on zealots.

  7. Dan Wilvers says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    I’m not a fan of open carry, but two thumbs up for every citizen that is a concealed carrier.

    I personally don’t conceal but I’m thankful there are those that do, simply because I believe they can stop lunatics if the need were to arise.

  8. go figure says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    Dan, as long as they arent the lunatics. Quite frankly, I just hate guns and would like to see them all melted down and made into art. No sarcasm intended dog…

  9. baphomet says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    gun-totin’ right-wing christian zealots…these are the substrate of the lunatic fringe…be wary of this crowd!

  10. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    ‘Sarcasm is wasted on zealots.’

    Sarcasm should be reserved for those who can use it properly.
    You failed.

  11. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    What the hell is wrong with this nation? We claim to love freedom but we have the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. We are now telling ourselves that having our citizenry being at risk for mentally ill idiots going berserk with guns(or anything else for that matter) is an acceptable price to pay for being such a great, free country. No it isn’t. Can’t we smell the stench of our own rotting humanity?

  12. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    I went to the Range this morning in Carson City.

    I took a lesson in how to use my new XD40.

    I think most of the folks with CCW’s would wet their pants if the whip came down.

  13. Mama Bear says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    Thank you, Dan Wilvers, for your comment. I am also in favor of concealed carry. If you don’t know who is packing you just might be a bit more careful.
    And to Chief Slowroller, perhaps I will run into you at the range in Gardnerville some day. It is a very nice facility maintained by DCSO. Very clean, tables provided, you have to bring your own seating.

  14. BitterClinger says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    Señor Fish, I carry a gun on occasion. However, I wholeheartedly agree with your comment above (the first one).

    You see Fish, we have more in common than you might imagine, even if you can’t accept facts from time to time :-)

    By the way, our founding fathers gave us the 2nd amendment to protect ourselves from government, the kind which you are rightfully criticizing in your comment I referenced.

  15. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 7, 2014

    If you weren’t scientifically illiterate you would be able to use those facts in meaningful ways.

  16. sunriser2 says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Attending El Dorado High in the seventies I had a pick-up with a rifle, shotgun and fishing poll in the rack.

    Had great times with friends after school. Sometimes just went target practicing.

    I had the tarrr!! beat out of me a couple of times next to the truck and never thought of using one of the guns. Had several girl friends leave me and never shot her or her new boyfriend. As a freshman I was bullied and never pulled a gun or knife.

    Something much more complicated than guns was happened to our country.

  17. Dogula says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Amen, Sunriser.
    Only a poor workman blames the tools.

  18. remembers when says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    when did the right to bear arms become the right to enter a restaurant armed to the teeth? are people there to eat something or to put down an armed insurrection? i believe business owners should be the ones who decide if the patrons should be armed or not. Used to have signs saying “no shirt, no shoes, no service” could be easily amended to “no shirt, no shoes, no weapons”.

    i don’t know if huffington post is representative of all americans. since they require their members to have facebook accounts. not a clean pool for sampling.

  19. baphomet says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    cosa, i can’t help but notice a pattern in your posts: they are all generated by an arrogant illiterate.

  20. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    I am sure you have a lot of substance to back up your claim that I am illiterate. Or are you one of those people who makes up their own definitions of words?
    Pardon me if I expect that people who discuss matters of science demonstrate a basic understanding of it.

  21. Dogula says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Well, 2 guys walked into a restaurant in Las Vegas today, and gunned down two cops who were just sitting there eating their lunch. Then they went to a K-Mart and killed somebody else. Maybe if somebody in that restaurant had been armed, they could have stopped those assassins. The poor cops never even saw it coming.

  22. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    And yet Dog so many keep telling us that MORE guns are the answer. Two highly trained and armed police officers didn’t get much of a chance to use their weapons, did they? So please explain to me how they were somehow safer by virtue of possessing a weapon, and that had everyone in that restaurant been armed this somehow would, miraculousley, never had happened.


  23. Dogula says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    The bad guys KNEW the cops had guns. The cops never SAW the bad guys. Concealed carry means that bad guys don’t KNOW who has a gun and who doesn’t. If SOMEONE in that place had a concealed weapon, they could have taken those thugs before they hurt others. The bad guys totally ambushed the cops, and there was NOBODY there who could help.

  24. remembers when says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    dogula, maybe police should just eat at home, where its safe? how would those assassins have known they would find two police officers sitting having lunch? dumb luck? the story will come out eventualy that the shooters had an explicit target and those cops were in their sights before they sat down to eat. then they panic and run to wal mart … seems like they had fish in a barrel at the restaurant. remember the carson ihop?

    hey i know it’s a crazy thought but how about making all the guns in the world available to anybody who wants to buy. but limit bullet sales to one per customer. then there suicide pact would have been all they had enough ammo for.

    we are verging on a ‘shoot first ask questions later’ society. when we get there every better have a gun because if you want a sandwich youre gonna have to shoot your way to the front of the line.

  25. go figure says - Posted: June 8, 2014

    Yeah, everyone packing heat is really the right answer. People in other countries think americans are violent and out of controll. They are right. If there were no guns than these violent gun killings wouldnt happen. GUNS SUCK and this country is full of mentally disturbed people that have unfettered access to guns whenever they want. And it is the NRA that has bastardised the second ammendment and they are the most mentally ill of all. SICK HUMAN BEINGS who use guns as their back bones because they are spineless. Not a single one is appealing in any way. GUNS KILL. PERIOD.

  26. Dogula says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    If guns kill, how does anybody get out of a gun show alive??

    There is SOME info on the shooters coming out now. They’re trying to paint them as Tea Party people, but you won’t find a Tea Partier sporting a swastika. Ever. They sound like probably white supremacist lunatics. Meth heads? Possibly.
    But the point is not that the cops should eat their lunch at home. How absurd. Maybe you think we should all stay home and hide? Nope. The bad guys with guns will find you there too. The answer is for all good people to be able to arm themselves if they so desire. To protect themselves, their families, and other good people, FROM the bad guys who will ALWAYS be out there. We can’t depend on government to protect us. Haven’t you figured that out by now?? They have failed miserably.

  27. Biggerpicture says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    Dog, you MAY be right about Tea Partiers and swastikas.

    But boy do they love to carry signs covered with ’em trying to paint a negative picture of anyone disagreeing with their slim view of the world!

  28. Dogula says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    I’m not here to defend the Tea Party. But I do object to how the media is so quick to try to place blame on them, every chance they get.

  29. go figure says - Posted: June 9, 2014


  30. Mama Bear says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    Go Figure-
    First, quit yelling at us. We get the point.
    Second, why are you referring to legal open carry as bullies walking around with killing machines? Do you drive a car? It is quite the killing machine.
    And third, you cannot tell by looking at anyone whether or not they are mentally unstable.

  31. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    As long as we confuse the gun control argument by asserting, zombie-like, that guns are ‘value neutral’ and ‘if someone there was packing heat this could’ve been prevented’ we become mindless tools of the gun lobby(NRA) and we give tacit approval for these types of mass shootings to continue, if not increase. . Our obsession with owning whatever kind of firearm we want is madness. Before anyone responds screechingly about their Second Amendment rights… please quote for us the Second Amendment, give us the historical context, give us a record of the Supreme Courts ruling on this issue along with a timeline, AND provide documentation of your membership in a ‘well regulated militia’ including it’s incorporation, officers, mission statement and regulatory guidelines. I am all for sane people having firearms-heck I even have one myself, but I don’t agree with ‘anyone should be able to have anything.’

    When Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western Civilization he responded that it would be a good thing.

  32. remembers when says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    dogula, you are again guessing about what happened without reading all of the available information. i said yesterday i thought it would come out that the assailants chose their victims and it looks as if that’s true. and another point i hadn’t made any suggestions about proves that concealed carrying NRA members won’t do us much good. Who was it who got killed at the wal mart yesterday? A man carrying a concealed gun. As he pulled out his gun to “end” the rampage, he didn’t see the woman with a gun pointed at him who ended his life. just because people CAN carry weapons doesn’t mean they are trained in tactical maneuvers. and if a couple of jerks with likely no tactical maneuvers training can kill three people WITH guns who’ve probably seen more shooting range targets than moving ones, then all it proves is whoever shoots first wins. Or loses. Everybody lost. Two cops eating their lunch, one “hero” and two dolts with a suicide pact.

  33. remembers when says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    ps dogula nobody should have to hide, or eat lunch at home while on duty. obviously there should be fewer guns available, or at least less ammunition. they walked 4 miles pushing a shopping cart full of guns and ammo. and nobody stopped or questioned them. where were all the do-gooders across that four mile hike?

  34. Dogula says - Posted: June 9, 2014
    Well, they sure don’t look like tea party people to me.
    Oh, and the reports I’ve read say nothing about a shopping cart full of guns. But there is still a lot of speculation on what really happened and who they were aligned with.

  35. cosa pescado says - Posted: June 9, 2014

    ‘If guns kill, how does anybody get out of a gun show alive??’


  36. Hmmm... says - Posted: June 10, 2014

    @Dogula- you are not here to defend the Teaparty?….well that’s a new one. Spin it, please. You seem to be quite knowledgeable about the intricacies of the Teabagger movement. On a side note-apparently the copkillers had been kicked out of Bundyville. Even those F-wads found them too extreme. Domestic Terrorists, if you ask me.

    @MamaBear-equating cars as killing machines on on par with semi-automatic weapons. Right. Someone(NRA?) tried to sell you that bag-o’crap? And you are shallow enough to have bought it? Jesus!

  37. rock4tahoe says - Posted: June 10, 2014

    This carrying guns debate has been around since before the OK Corral gunfight. We are the most armed nation on the planet yet we have 1.4 school shootings per school week on average since the Sandy Hook massacre and most of those were in Georgia. Other “civilized” nations on this planet have figured out how to protect their citizens from this ending. We can too.

  38. go figure says - Posted: June 10, 2014

    Wow, since I last posted three days ago (or less) there have been three more violent gun killings, and they are the only ones that made the news in our area. Yup, lets arm everyone so when someone comes at us with a gun all those doo gooders carrying concelled guns can save us. Ill take that to the bank, NOT!!!!!
    And mama bear, I WILL YELL IF I WANT TOO…

  39. go figure says - Posted: June 11, 2014

    Dog, gun shows should be illegal

  40. Dogula says - Posted: June 11, 2014

    You’re entitled to your opinion.
    Any stats on how many crimes have been committed with guns purchased at gun shows?

  41. huh? says - Posted: June 13, 2014

    The great thing about this country is the ability to freely express your opinion about something. The legislature passes or dumps many bills based on current case law and a lot of persuasion. It’s a pretty unique system. Whether or not you agree with what the “extreme right” gun toters are doing in Texas, they have a right to do it. Right, wrong, or indifferent. If some businesses don’t want to serve these people… Okay, don’t. Pretty easy solution. We have “extremists” on every position. From gun owners utilizing their 2nd amendment rights, to a 19 year old with a broken toe flashing his 215 card to the cops when he gets pulled over. They do it because they can and they want to make a point. As in, “the law says I can do it, do have a problem with it”. I would be the first person to listen to your opinion and agree some of the gun laws need to be tweaked. I might even admit you make some strong points about how unsafe guns can be. During the same conversation, I would not tell you I am carrying a firearm, or why, or what authorizes me to do so for that matter. It is no one’s business except for the people who authorize me to do so.

  42. Jo says - Posted: June 13, 2014

    cosa pescado says – POSTED: JUNE 7, 2014
    ‘Gofigure, you really shouldn’t refer to police offers in such offensive terms.’

    “Why not?
    We should be allowed to give cops the finger, tell them to go f themselves, etc, freely without repercussion. Consider it an instant way for the public to express their outrage over the militarization of the police in this country.
    Sure there are good cops, but they are part of a power structure that is fundamentally flawed.
    Take people of mediocre intelligence and have them uphold ‘the law’ which is part of a more complicated and philosophical part of ‘a society’.
    They aren’t special. Take away most of their guns and make them solve problems intelligently.
    Anyone have statistics on the number of people killed by police in the US vs other countries?”


    WOW! Did I just read that!? Ignorance at its finest….

  43. Common Sense says - Posted: June 19, 2014

    The notion that concealed carry laws stop lunatics is ludicrous.

    Let’s apply some common sense. Is a “lunatic” rational? Answer: no. Do “lunatics” act irrationally. Answer: yes.

    But, when a lunatic gets a gun, you expect them to act rationally and be less likely to shoot because someone *might* have a concealed weapon? That logical leap offends common sense.

    Lunatics do crazy things because they’re lunatics. That’s also why they almost always end up dead after the shootings. Think about it. The shooters are crazy. They no thinkee because they no caree about lifee. They very bad, very sad, no good. Get it?

    If the only thing that could stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, then Sandy Hook wouldn’t have happened. Adam Lanza’s first victim was his mother: a good woman with a gun.

    And, if the only thing that could stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, then the recent Las Vegas shooting wouldn’t have have happened. Both murdered police officers were good guys with guns. And, the third victim shot in the Walmart was a good guy with a concealed gun.

    Common sense people. Use it.

  44. tito says - Posted: June 20, 2014

    whats wrong with having a ccw?? we the ones that have ccws are the ones that are more safe than the peeple that will just have a gun with out running a back ground check, this is a nation of freedom we have the right to protect our selfs.. if at the time of the shooting at ihop in carson city any one would it had a gun they may have save some lifes and got the guy not allowing to reload..guns dont kill people!! people kill peopleif they dont use a gun they will use a knife either way they will do it if they want to , dont tell me that we have to stop making knifes too or other items that can be use to kill anyone

  45. Common Sense says - Posted: July 1, 2014

    I agree, Tito. Let’s protect lifes and our selfs. Next think you know, the government is gonna say that we have to spell wright and use grammar good. Don’t they know what feedome is?

  46. Another Anonymous says - Posted: July 1, 2014

    Common Sense: Your initial post is stated well; but your response to Tito is hurtful/personal, harming you.

  47. Common Sense says - Posted: July 2, 2014

    Fair enough. And, I appreciate that you’re encouraging a congenial and respectful debate.

    But, the emperor has no clothes. If someone wants to present a tenuous argument using poor grammar and plainly misspelled words, they should be prepared to be called out and have their position publicly criticized.

    Public debate is crucial to a working democracy. But, it only works if the debaters are well-informed and take time to formulate their thoughts before speaking.

    Anyway, I do appreciate the reply.

  48. ArmedRN says - Posted: July 3, 2014

    Just an FYI to the people here saying “Armed to the teeth! Guns on the hips!” They are discussing concealed carry in restaurants, not the above phrase, which would be called “Open Carry”. Which is illegal in CA anyhow. But soon concealed carry will be an option for all in CA THE 9th court of appeals just ruled that back in Feb. Many of you here don’t even know that people are carrying sitting right next to you. We’ve been trained to conceal our weapon from public view, also the law. If your weapon can be seen it’s called “brandishing” which is also illegal. So my question to you anti gunners is why do you even care if I’m concealing my weapon sitting the next booth over from you? You don’t even have a clue. That’s why you are all referred to as “sheep” in the concealed carry world. The fact is, guns are and always will be part of our culture and society, THEY ARE NEVER GOING AWAY, so… We the “carriers” will continue to conceal from you and all…Some education for you sheep. Good day!

  49. Kits Carson says - Posted: July 3, 2014

    Anyone have statistics on the number of people killed by police in the US vs other countries

    Cosa: Have some numbers of how many have been killed by whack job mental people? I can think of hundreds off the top of my head including children. Try solving that with intelligent conversation. I prefer when the Police come to handle such mental cases they are armed as much as possible.