Undeclared voters on the rise in California
By Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times
California’s chief elections officer reported Friday that the percentage of voters registered with no party preference has increased while the percentages for registered Republicans and Democrats declined.
Compared with four years ago, the number of registered voters has increased by about 1 percent, to 73.3 percent of the number of people eligible to register, according to the report by Secretary of State Debra Bowen.
The percentage of voters who registered with no party preference has gone from 20.17 percent four years ago to 21.16 percent today, an increase of about 325,000 voters, the report said.
We should take party affiliation off the ballot. To many people follow party lines to vote without ever realizing the individuals personal views.
Getting money out of politics is the ONLY way to make real change.
I agree with Michael about over-turning the ridiculous conservative Supreme Ct. rulings about $$$=speech and corporations are people-only Limbaugh foxbots supports that bs
I hope that people in our community are making sure they cast their votes today, regardless of their affiliations. I myself consider myself a Republicrat and I value the privilege and duty of voting.
Tea total, to be clear, i agree with your opinion of supreme court rulings and free speech. However the real point is that the money so many corporations and the ultra rich (conservatives and dems alike) are able to funnel large crazy amounts of money into our political system.
Super pacs have to go. This is a bi partisan statement and hope all party lines agree with this, we need to limit ways to finance politicians. ( fat chance?) Campaign reform will be the next step.
“Ah, I’m sick and tired of hearing things
From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocrites
All I want is the truth now
Just gimme some truth now” Lennon