Writers’ conference in Zephyr Cove

The 2014 Zephyr Point Writers’ Conference will run July 20-25.

Each day will include a time of ecumenical Christian worship and inspirational words from a featured presenter.

The Zephyr Point Writers’ Conference is led each year by writer and poet Marilyn McEntyre, tenured professor at the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program. McEntyre is the author of numerous books of poetry and three nonfiction works.

Her teaching on writing is grounded in the conviction that writing can be a spiritual discipline, can fuel prayer, and, at its best, can leave the writer as well as the reader “surprised by joy.”

This year’s retreat topic focuses on six elements of writing as storytelling, posed as “Six Questions” that will be explored through daily group presentations:

• accurate description (WHAT)

• lively characterization (WHO)

• articulation of process (HOW)

• space and place as contexts of story (WHERE)

• the time dimension in storymaking (WHEN)

• explanation, reflection, and the contemplative moment (WHY)

Conference price of $549 includes all meals and free parking. For more information or to register, go online.