Employers value skills over college degrees

By Les Christie, CNN Money

NEW YORK — Forget about your GPA or paying for that graduate degree. What employers really care about are the skills you bring to the table.

While the vast majority of employees believe their college education has helped them in their career, 72 percent said getting trained in a specific skill is more highly valued by their employer, according to a survey of more than 2,000 adults by job listing site Glassdoor.

“Employees with college degrees believe that their education helped get them through the door, but about half say it has no relevance to the work they’re actually doing,” said Rusty Rueff, Glassdoor’s career and workplace expert.

The survey also revealed just how little attention employers pay to an applicant’s college performance, with 80 percent of respondents saying they had never been asked about their grade point average during a job interview.

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