5 houses destroyed in Sand Fire

Smoke clouds the sunset July 26 from Snows Road looking toward Somerset and Fair Play. Photo/Bill Kingman

Smoke clouds the sunset July 26 from Snows Road looking toward Somerset and Fair Play. Photo/Bill Kingman

Five houses and seven out buildings have been consumed by the fast moving Sand Fire that is burning in the wine region of El Dorado and Amador counties.

Smoke from the 4,000-acre blaze is infiltrating the Truckee area, and the smell of smoke is strong through the American River canyon into Placerville from Lake Tahoe. As of Saturday evening the fire was 20 percent contained. Authorities as warning people that smoke could be an issue for the next few days.

The fire is east of Highway 49 and five miles north of Plymouth.

More than 450 people have been evacuated in the Fair Play, Somerset and Outingdale communities. This area is home to vineyards and ranches. Several horse trailers were seen fleeing the area.

CalFire said the fire started July 25 when a vehicle drove over dry vegetation.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report