K’s Kitchen: Zucchini soup

By Kathryn Reed

I remember when I grew zucchini it got to the point I had so much even my colleagues were tired of it. Squash can be prolific.

And while it’s possible to get zucchini year-round, I’ll get on my soapbox and shout – fresh is best. Now is the time to be loading up on veggies at farmers’ markets.

Soup isn’t something I usually make in the summer, but with the abundance of zucchini at the market, I had to do something other than my usual mixed veggie medley.

Sue said this was like eating a garden. I thought the flavors came together better a few hours after cooking it. If serving for others, I would suggest making it a day ahead.

She also was afraid it was fattening. It’s not. No cream. But it is thick. The thickness can vary based on the amount of zucchini and liquid used. Add water if you want a thinner soup.

zucchini soup Zucchini Soup

1 T butter

2 T olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

3 garlic cloves, sliced

Kosher salt and pepper

1½ pounds (or more) zucchini, chopped

1 C vegetable stock

Julienned raw zucchini for garnish, optional

Melt butter with olive oil in large saucepan. Add onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Cover over moderately low heat until soft.

Add zucchini. Cook for about 10 minutes or until soft.

Add stock. Bring to simmer.

Puree mixture in blender until smooth. Return to heat. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve hot or cold, with or without garnish.