Letter: EDC advised to get spending plan in order

Publisher’s note: The following letter was given to the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors on July 22, 2014.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

The construction of a new sheriff’s headquarters is long overdue and much needed. We must get our sheriff and his staff out of the clearly unacceptable facility in which they now protect and serve the public. Thus, I recommend that your board place on the July 29 agenda a discussion of the preliminary financing plan for the new sheriff’s headquarters.

Joe Harn

Joe Harn

It is my understanding that the cost of the sheriff’s headquarters could be as high as $50 million and that construction may begin in about a year. If the cost is in the $50 million range, this will require the largest borrowing in county history. Regardless of the form of borrowing that the county ultimately chooses (bonds, certificates of participation, or some form of capital lease), we should discuss asking our citizens for conceptual approval of this borrowing in an advisory vote this November.

In November 1990, the voters enacted Measure A, the intent of which was to require voter approval for future borrowing in connection with the construction of new county facilities. Since at this time the county has not determined the appropriate form of borrowing for this project, I believe that we should discuss the matter at the July 29 board meeting. This will give the county time to get this advisory vote on November ballot.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Joe Harn, CPA and El Dorado County auditor-controller