Letter: Tourist thankful for care received in Tahoe

To the community,

On June 20, I fell at the Emerald Point Lookout and tourists (two or three families) assisted me by stopping the bleeding to a head wound I had and called the ambulance.

With the arrival of the South Lake Tahoe ambulance, came a team of great EMTs. They secured my safety (with my purse in the ambulance with me) and transported me to the Barton Hospital.

Every nurse, doctor, and emergency worker made me safe and saved my life. After a CAT Scan, it was determined that I had a brain bleed. Immediately, they arranged for me to be transported by air flight to Reno.

The rest of my life I owe to each healthcare worker in your area and the special tourists visiting your area that came to my aid.

I am now home in Texas and will add value to the world for the time that was given to me.
Martha E. Couch, Texas