Logging companies must report water use


By Matt Weiser, Sacramento Bee

Logging companies in the Sierra Nevada and elsewhere in California will now be required to report how much water they extract from streams for dust control.

The California Board of Forestry adopted the emergency regulations in response to the drought. The action arose from concerns that very low water flows in many mountain streams could be further depleted by water extractions related to logging.

Logging companies commonly draw water from streams to fill tanker trucks, which then spray the water on dirt roads to control dust. Known as water drafting, the procedure is intended to protect animals, vegetation and people from the dust generated by heavy logging trucks.

Existing regulations require logging companies to report their water use only in streams where salmon or steelhead fish are present. They are also required to obtain stream alteration permits from the state Department of Fish and Wildlife. The new regulations, which became effective June 19, extend those requirements to all other streams in California.

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Comments (13)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: July 5, 2014

    Can’t read the whole story. They want you to have a subscription & sign in.
    But it seems odd that the logging companies are forced to water down the dust by regulation, then they’re forced to account for their use of the water by the same government that forces them to use it in the first place.
    Can you say, RIDICULOUS?
    The government won’t be happy till they’ve eliminated all private industry in California.

  2. go figure says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Dog logic, go figure…

  3. Dogula says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    As usual: attack the person behind the post, without offering any valid point about the article or the post. That’s constructive.

  4. go figure says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Logging operations are required to have dust abatement or mitigation due to the heavy use of big vehicles on usually weak and unstable soils. These operations cause dust issues that affect wildlife and other forest users and are required by their permit to keep the dust in check. That requires using water to spray on the roads during the logging operation. Unfortunatly with the severe drought many of the seasonal creeks have dried up. Often the logging operations create an artificial dam using plastic to gather the water so a pump can be used to fill the water tender. The fact is that water is a scarce commodity and if pretty much every other user is charged for its use, some more directly than others, it makes sense to charge loggers as well. In many national forests the logging operations get cancelled during extreme droughts due to the increase of accidental fires being set from equipment causing sparks.

  5. go figure says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Its not that difficult for the logging operation to keep track of their water use. Simple math. Water tender volume times the number of times filled equals water used. Not rocket science…

  6. rock4tahoe says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Dog has problems with math and does not believe in “science.”

  7. Biggerpicture says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    So Dog, are you saying a private industry should get a free ride when using public lands as a source of revenue?

    How Clive Bundy of you!

  8. go figure says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Yeah, dog and clive bundy, birds of a feather…

  9. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    So dawg is saying that dust control and critical habitat protection is ridiculous?
    And then concludes by saying the the end goal of the government is to drive out all private companies.

    ‘without offering any valid point about the article or the post’
    Right back at you fruit loops.

    “The government won’t be happy till they’ve eliminated all private industry in California.”

    Why don’t you try to go one week without using a straw man. One whole week. It can’t be done.

  10. Moral Hazard says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Junior water rights holders are not getting their water this year. So the Water Board has to monitor other uses, like drafting just so everyone knows they are getting their due. Its the least they can do in a year where 10s of thousands of acres of tree crops will die.

  11. Dogula says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Classic tactic, Fish. Claim I said something I NEVER said. You are a piece of work. Maybe you ought to look up the definition of the “straw man” argument again. You keep saying it as if it’s your brand new discovery. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  12. go figure says - Posted: July 6, 2014

    Really, there is no point, besides the humor, in pointing out dawgs continued need to blame the government for EVERYTHING wrong with life. It amazes me that she keeps trying. We all know the definition of insanity. Thats what makes it so da mn funny.

  13. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 7, 2014

    ‘But it seems odd that the logging companies are forced to water down the dust by regulation, then they’re forced to account for their use of the water by the same government that forces them to use it in the first place.
    Can you say, RIDICULOUS?’

    ‘So dawg is saying that dust control and critical habitat protection is ridiculous?’

    ‘Claim I said something I NEVER said. ‘

    You more or less said that, expressed the idea that I summarized.
    It is not a straw man when it is accurate, because then you aren’t attacking a false idea/imaginary object.

    Get a clue little shrew.