NDOW kills nuisance bear in Glenbrook

This beach bear was put down. Photo/NDOW

This beach bear was put down. Photo/NDOW

A bear in Glenbrook was killed this week by Nevada Department of Wildlife officials.

The 3-year-old male was a threat to humans, according to Chris Healy with NDOW. It had been captured twice before — in 2011 in Carson City, last year in Glenbrook.

Officials are expecting this to be an active bear season because of the drought. Animals will be more apt to scour neighborhoods for easing pickings.

This is the first bear NDOW has put down this year. Five were killed in 2013.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (9)
  1. copper says - Posted: July 10, 2014

    Don’t worry, NDOW, the folks who love bears in their kitchens seem to be moving on to Grizzlies. They’re likely to find the challenge a bit above their kindly sympathetic old heads, but Grizzly management should provide y’all with some salary negotiation talking points.

  2. HMO says - Posted: July 10, 2014

    Bear proof your trash people! This is beyond ridiculous! We can coexist but humans need to be vigilant, not negligent.

  3. Irish Wahini says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    Thank you HMO – that is exactly what needs to happen. The utility companies should incude garbage-bear information always in their bills. Newcomers are stupid about this, and need to be educated about how to avoid bear-garbage experiences. We should have a CITY ORDINANCE in SLT to require all new residents are educated about bear behavior and how to be a good resident. Flyers should be put in the garbage bill, and other utility bills. Stupid residents on my block had to get bear cans….

  4. hmmm.... says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    @copper-I do not know ANYBODY who ‘loves bears in their kitchens’. I know plenty of people who don’t mind seeing them in their yard or sauntering down the street-I even take a minute or two to appreciate and enjoy them, snap a quick picture. Your statement was meant as a cheap insult to those of us who appreciate the wildlife of the region. I call bearschit on that.

    BTW-kudos to Tahoe Refuse for changing trash pickup times.

  5. mike says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    FYI… The bear that visits my neighborhood on trash morning knows how to open the screw top cans…they lay on them to pop the lids off!
    Now that STR comes at 8 instead of 6 it is easier to put trash out in the AM, thanks STR!
    We have also had several vehicle break ins by bears that totaled the cars by eating the foam rubber and thrashing the rest!
    Do Not leave any food in your vehicles and keep the doors locked, they know how to open doors!

  6. ljames says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    If a bear is popping the lids off a screw top ballistic style can I am willing to bet its because the lid has not been screwed all the way down. The weight of the typical bear is not enough to flex the can to where the lid come offs the deep grooves that are designed to screw the top on. Try it yourself to see!

  7. lou pierini says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    Mike, The yellow bear proof cans will keep bears (the bears that live in the basin)from opening them. I purchased 8 in 05 or so and could not sell them for $80.00. They are $100.00 now but bears can not open them. The brown cans are not as strong so maybe that’s what your talking about.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    Lou, drive down Tahoe Mt. Rd toward Fallen Leaf Lake sometime. As you go by the A-frame cabins on the left, check out their yellow bear-proof cans. Shredded.

  9. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: July 11, 2014

    Bears and trash, an ongoing problem, and has been for quite some time.
    It’s not just the newcomers to the lake that are not aware of of wlldlife gettin’ into their trash, it’s also some folks who have been here awhile. Seen it on my street!
    The bear proof trash cans are a deterent to the bears but they are not 100% bear proof. Nothing is truly bear proof form a hungry bear. I know this from working many years in the trash business here localy and seeing what bears do, to garbage cans, garages, houses,cars with food left inside and even steel bear boxes that aren’t periodicaly cleaned.
    If they, the bears, want to eat your garbage?… they’re gonna get it! Trust me, they are strong and voracious animals that will stop at nothing to get there food. Take care, OLS