1 arrest in S. Tahoe marijuana trimmings case

Nearly 300 pounds of marijuana trimmings were confiscated Thursday in South Lake Tahoe.

Dwayne Crenshaw was arrested on charges of possession of marijuana for sale and manufacturing of a controlled substance.

“The marijuana trimmings were being used to create concentrated cannabis oils via several methods including butane fuel extraction,” Matt Underhill, commander of South Lake El Dorado Narcotics Enforcement Team, said in a statement.

Also found at the Fresno Avenue residence on Aug. 7 at 7am were 180 expended and 65 partially used butane fuel canisters, all 300 ml in size. Agents seized nine extraction tubes made of glass and steel, which they said were used to process marijuana/hash oil. Agents also confiscated approximately 10 ounces of concentrated cannabis in various forms.

“In addition to being illegal, (butane hash oil) extraction is a highly volatile process. When an ignition source such as a cigarette or pilot light comes into contact with the butane, an explosion will occur. The size and damage of the explosion are dependent upon the amount of gas present, but can cause serious injuries and death,” Underhill said.

The last such explosion in South Lake Tahoe was in 2013.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report