Goldman: Climate change hurting Lake Tahoe


By Kathryn Reed

If treated wastewater weren’t pumped out of the Lake Tahoe Basin, the clarity of the lake would be much different than it is today.

That was one of the messages delivered Aug. 21 by Charles Goldman during the South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District board meeting. The 83-year-old renowned limnologist has been studying Lake Tahoe for more than 50 years. While he has retired from teaching at UC Davis, he is still actively involved in what is going on with and at Lake Tahoe.

“This organization probably has had more to do with keeping Lake Tahoe blue than any other organization,” Goldman said of the utility district.

Charles Goldman talks about climate change on Aug. 21 in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/Kathryn Reed

Charles Goldman talks about climate change on Aug. 21 in South Lake Tahoe. Photo/Kathryn Reed

He said helping to get sewage out of the basin may be his most important achievement.

Treated wastewater from STPUD is pumped over Luther Pass where it is then used as irrigation water for Carson Valley ranchers.

He is against any reclaimed water being used in the basin because of the energy it takes to make it useable, the air pollutants associated with the process and that phosphorous would reach the lake.

Goldman said if the wastewater stayed here the lake would likely be green by now.

This has a lot to do with climate change. The warming surface water of the lake and the increase in phosphorous are already altering how the lake looks and functions.

The fact that it doesn’t get as cold at night as it used to in Tahoe contributes to a warmer lake, which in turn means the lake water is not mixing as often. Warm water is harder to mix than cold. All of this then can affect oxygen levels at the bottom of the lake. A warmer lake is contributing to more algae growing near the shoreline.

Algal growth increases at a rate of about 5½ percent each year at Lake Tahoe, according to Goldman.

He said if the amount of nutrients reaching Lake Tahoe is not reduced, things will worsen. Nutrients can produce neurotoxins, which are known to kill people and cows.

“That is one reason to keep nutrients out of Tahoe,” Goldman said.

A picture of the United States proved how much of the country has already sustained unprecedented increases in warming.

The carbon dioxide level acceleration is rising at a level that he called “dire.”

“It’s strictly the result of burning fossil fuels of all kinds,” Goldman said.

His idea of bringing a monorail to the basin has fallen on deaf years for 52 years. It would get people out of their cars and reduce air pollution – a significant contributor to problems with Lake Tahoe.

Predictions are that by mid-century 65 percent of China’s more than 46,000 glaciers will have disappeared, with all of them being gone at the next turn of the century.

The North Pole has already melted at times to where there is water standing on top of the ice. This in turn melts the ice faster because the water is warmer than ice, plus it doesn’t reflect back to the atmosphere.

Climate change, Goldman said, is the largest threat to humanity since the Black Plague.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (41)
  1. Steven says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    ” get people out of their cars and reduce air pollution – a significant contributor to problems with Lake Tahoe.”
    Close Oneidas/Fountain Place Rd to all motorized traffic. This will stop the shuttling of bikers up the hill. Same goes for shutting of bikers up Mt Rose Hwy and I’m sure in other places. Heavy vehicles going uphill, what could be worse for exhaust.
    Close the Tahoe Watershed to motorized off-roading.

  2. go figure says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Steve, id agree to that. Ohv travel can do alot of damage and can certainly affect air and water quality and clarity.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    What selfish attitudes some people have here. THEY don’t ride motorcycles or snowmobiles, so they don’t want to let anybody else do it. Not in MY backyard. Mean-spirited, selfish, and ill informed. The few places here in the basin people can ride don’t hurt anything. Eco-nazis won’t be satisfied till they control everything anybody does. Man is PART of the environment. Get over yourselves.

  4. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    STOP TRPA, The Tahoe Conservancy and Corporate Developers from conspiring to enhance trashy commercial development – dramatically increasing automobile traffic, congestion and emissions !

    Get a “Vision” people ! There is only one Lake Tahoe, and it could be redeveloped to accommodate less visitors who pay more, and to experience much more “class, open space and design”.

  5. Mama Bear says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    “doesn’t get as cold at night as it used to” Really?? It was 37 degrees last night. And it is still August. What has happened to our summer???

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    ” Eco-nazis”
    The most efficient way to demonstrate the world that you are stupid is by calling people Nazis.
    That and believe that the earth is a few thousand years old.
    Check, and check.

    ‘“doesn’t get as cold at night as it used to” Really?? It was 37 degrees last night. And it is still August. What has happened to our summer???’

    “How many ‘weathers’ make a ‘climate’?”

  7. Moral Hazard says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Cosa, you are arguing about nothing. It doesn’t matter one single bit that there is anthropogenic climate change. There is no substitute for oil.

    There is absolutely no way to stop the developing world from increasing their use of oil. There is no way the developing countries will accept that they have to remain poor and the 1st world countries get to stay rich.

  8. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    My subject of the comment is ignorance and scientific illiteracy.
    We can do something about climate change. Anticipate and plan for a different future.

  9. reloman says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Moral, you have hit the nail on the head, in tne last 9 years we have dreaced our daily use by about 10% while asia has gone from 10 million barrels a day to close to 25 million. we have no contol over them. It would seem the more we conserve the slack is taken up else where in the world

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Dog. “Eco-Nazis?” Really? LOL! We heard the same arguments and name calling before the 2 stroke ban was implemented.

  11. Dogula says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    R4T: Just goes to prove my point. Everything switched over from 2 stroke to 4 stroke like you guys wanted. But NO! THAT’S STILL NOT ENOUGH. You will never be satisfied till you get rid of the stuff YOU disapprove of, completely! You eco-nazis are the ones who will not compromise. You want it your way.
    Well we’re tired of always being the ones to compromise, while you continue to move the goal posts.
    THAT is why we call you eco-nazis. The shoe fits.

  12. go figure says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Dogzilla is such a hypocrite. I distinctly recall her rant about all the great development that was slated for the west shore and her quote that the construction crews would be local hires. Then she turns coat and starts ranting about keeping meyers a locals only with no changes kinda town. Talk about NIMBY. But no, as soon as someone else states their opinion on OHV use she feels like some dicktater and can call those with a different view eco nazis. Well dog face, you and your flat earth republictards buddies can have Texas and build your big ol fence to keep out everyone that dosent fit your mold, have all the guns and gas machines, pollute your nests with whatever filth you choose and sing cumbai. Have fun…

  13. Total recall says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Dogula there has never been meaningful compromise or sacrifice in tahoe in the name of clarity. We have the same built environment and same transportation network that started clarity loss in the 60’s. nothing has changed with respect to roads, golf courses, subdivisions and boat marinas.

  14. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    He Dog! You can take your “Eco Nazis” and shove it since you don’t have a clue what a Nazi is, DA. I used to swim in the oil slick behind the 2 strokes and it was nasty.

  15. legal beagle says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    TC, 15,000 private lots were deemed unbuildable after the fact by TRPA and upheld by the Supreme Court.
    How’s that for sacrifice?

  16. Total recall says - Posted: August 23, 2014


    The removal of existing development would be a sacrifice. Not allowing future development is not

  17. Dogula says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    Gofigure, your memory is extremely faulty. You’re remembering incorrectly. So get it straight, or don’t claim I said things I didn’t. You and the rest of the libtard crew are good at twisting facts to fit your own agenda, while you accuse everybody else of doing so.
    Pots calling kettles, and all. . . it’s time to move on.

  18. cosa pescado says - Posted: August 23, 2014

    I see dog lady double down on stupid and continues with the nazi stuff.

    ‘the libtard crew are good at twisting facts to fit your own agenda

    libtard, a combination of liberal and retarded. Well done.
    Ironic, coming from a woman who denies evolution and think the earth is a few thousand years old.
    There is a special level of stupid where the person is incapable of realizing that they are stupid. Unfortunately their vote counts as much as yours.

  19. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Total Recall,
    Agency dictated large scale commercial development as a trade-off over already regulated long term residential development is a tremendous sacrifice for our local economy. It destroys a local economy base and reduces funds for future environmental restoration and protection for Lake Tahoe.
    It brings a bunch of money into hands of local agencies and their corporate buddies which doesn’t do a thing for locals or the well being of the lake.

  20. Total recall says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Toxic, I don’t disagree with your characterization. But the agencies control of the basin makes us feel like we are sacrificing in the name of clarity with their management of residential bmps, coverage, TAUs, building allocations, boat inspections etc. Meanwhile the real problems from the 60’s are ignored. Golf courses, marinas, development and roads next to lake, as long as no one addresses these issues those “sacrifices” described by others are meaningless

  21. go figure says - Posted: August 24, 2014

    Dog. YAWN

  22. CJ McCoy says - Posted: August 31, 2014

    New research shows the Arctic Ice caps are expanding … an August 25 2012 to August 25th 2014 comparison shows the Arctic Ice field has expanded by 43%.

    On top of that the Farmers Almanac is predicting a wicked cold winter.

    FYI – The Farmers almanac has a very respectable track record on their predictions unlike the climate extremists who’s computer models have a track record of successful predictions equal to ZERO.

    Smart moneys on bundling up this winter.

    As with most reasonable people, I am all for research. But many in the scientific community have let us down. We need to remove the political influence and outright corruption of the process.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    CJ. More hot air! The Arctic Sea Ice average over the past 35 years has SHRUNK by over 2.5 Million Square Kilometers.

  24. Moral Hazard says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    CJ, if you argue there is no climate change you will look like an idiot. There is no getting around it.

    If you argue that climate scientists do not have proof of anthropogenic climate change, you may or may not have an argument. I don’t have the education or experience to form an opinion one way or the other and nobody else writing here does either.

    If you argue that there may or may not be anthropogenic climate change, but it doesn’t matter….well now that is the winning argument. Because there is no replacement for oil and there is no way to tell poor countries they have to remain poor while we enjoy our cars, boats and RVs. The bottom line being that every gallon of oil saved here will be burned in India.

  25. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Sorry Moral. Your “it (climate change) doesn’t matter” argument is a looser too. Homo Sapiens have cracked the Atom, decoded DNA, sent Humans to the Moon and created telescopes that see the edge of the known Universe; I believe we can and will replace fossil fuels.

  26. Moral Hazard says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    rock I didn’t say it wasn’t possible, I said nobody is doing anything now and they have no interest in doing anything in the future. I will lay most of that on established industry interests. But the reasons are irrelevant, there is no work taking place today, or with the investment necessary to develop commercial scale alternative energy sources and then change the worlds energy logistics. The scale is like a Manhattan project scaled to global proportions. Most sources cant be scaled to anything approaching world demand. This question is enormous and the investment in new technologies is on par with marketing budgets for new underwear worldwide.

  27. snoheather says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    WOW! How can we affect any change and help solve the issues our children and grandchildren will deal with if we can’t even have rational discussions without name calling and insults?

    It is a fact that burning fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. It is a fact that we have destroyed forest lands. It is a fact that CO2 levels are rising. It is a fact that the world is warming because of this. Please stop thinking that humans haven’t done damage to our environment and be a part of the solution to try and repair the damage that has been done.

    Come on people lets work together to create a better future for our children!

  28. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Wrong again Moral. Humans are doing things now. We are using less fossil fuel; primarily oil and coal. We are making strides in conservation of energy. Automobile CAFE standards are rising. Use of non-fossil fuels is rising. Our carbon emission rate is falling. Humans are very intelligent and oil can be replaced. If you say it is an investment problem, I say eliminate the fossil fuel/extraction subsidies and invest the funds into new technologies.

  29. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    In order to work together the climate zealots should be called to task for the hatred and deceit they bring to the table.

    Most people agree that climate needs to be studied. But the scientific community has damaged their reputation repeatedly and the computer models of the climate change are consistently wrong.

    The Farmers Almanac has a near 80% accuracy and they are predicting a very cold winter. If they are right the Arctic Ice cape will continue to expand as it has for the past several years.

    … to respond to the absurd assertion and lie above – of course the climate changes I never ever said that didn’t – NEVER. I always say we need to continue studying.

    If you let the Leftists lie your freedoms die.

  30. Rick says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    CJ: you are so ignorant of what climate scientist say it would be funny if not so serious. I suggest instead of listening to right wing talk shows, you actually read the scientific journals (if you can actually comprehend them, as you need a fair knowledge of sophisticated statics – something you clearly lack.

    As for the Farmers Almanac being accurate – that simply proves your ignorance. I could provide you hundreds of articles that demonstrate how silly that notion is – but you would fail to understand them. Here is a simply written article that highlights how silly your notion of the Almanac is.

    Again being purposely ignorant as you choose to be, is not a virtue.


  31. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Hey CJ! Weather is NOT Climate. Oceans levels are rising NOT falling. Oceans are becoming more acidic NOT less. Glaciers worldwide are in retreat NOT growing. Arctic Sea Ice is shrinking NOT expanding. Greenland is cubic miles of fresh water annually NOT gaining. We have been watching and studying Climate change for decades, it is time to act.

    As for your “leftist” garbage. I will remind you that it was a Liberal Leftist President named Roosevelt that killed Fascism. It was another Liberal Leftist President named Truman that dropped the only Atomic Bombs in War on said Fascists. So put a sock in your nonsense name calling blog vomit already.

  32. Moral Hazard says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    rock, humans are not using less oil. Not even close. There isn’t even a reduction in the growth rate of oil consumption. That’s the point. There is this whole world out there of third world nations who are discovering the wonders of cheap oil.

    Have a read rock.

  33. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    rock… “Humans are using less oil.”

    … what planet are you on?

    How did you come up with that?

    To Rick’s point, ” you (CJ) are so ignorant of what climate scientist say”

    Huh? what they say? This is science, I study facts, not what people say.

    I am very interested in the science of it all, one of my degrees is in science, Plant Science.

    I am all for studying the climate and I am all for improving the environment, always have been. In fact for many years I worked with many research institutions, among the most noted was the UC Davis College of Biological Sciences. They were one of my biggest clients.

    What i am not for is the lies of a corrupted and politicised grant system.

    It has led to a massive fraud that the faux scientist have been caught at.

    For them I’m more interested in seeing some of these faux scientists in prison for defrauding the American people.

  34. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    Hey Moral & CJ. We, as in “Americans” are using less oil. So are Europeans for that matter. And We are importing less Foreign Oil. And you two have a problem with that. Figures.

    And CJ. Did “faux” Scientists create the Atomic Bomb, decode DNA, put men on the Moon, discover the boundaries of the Universe, etc… No. Just because you don’t understand climate or gravity does not mean they do not exist.

  35. reloman says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    unfortunatly, the rest of the world is taking what we dont use and are useing even more. since warming is a global thing how do you proposal getting the rest of the world to cut their use also when we cant even stop them from killing each other?

  36. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    I would like to take issue with cosa pescados insulting the shrews of the world in his post-some of my best friends are shrewish

  37. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    CJ-please cite your sources re: accuracy rate of the “Farmer’s Almanac” if you can. Cross reference it to the accuracy of the “Old Farmer’s Almanac.” Which one are you referring to, the one first published in 1797 or 1818? Yes there are two(at least). Independent studies place their accuracy rate as just under 52%-in one localized 5 year study, and ‘…not more accurate than chance’ in a study of the OTHER one.

    So I ask you… are you being disingenuous, or just or dim, shallow and easily duped/gullible?

  38. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    Kae, I have contacted my lawyers and informed them of the slander on your pages, they tell me that if it remains I may be able to collect damages from you as well as leash boy.

    I have also contacted the sheriff’s office and informed them of the threat on your pages and based on their guidance am preparing to file a formal report if it is not removed.

    As for leash boy … I intend to own your house when we are done.

  39. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    You have nothing and no lawyers-you are a con man and liar who ripped off people in So. Lake Tahoe and had to sneak out of town-I have informed the Bend Chamber of Commerce about you-you may want to move on

  40. admin says - Posted: September 5, 2014


    You are priceless.

    I respond via email to ask what comment you have a problem with and you don’t respond.

    Then you threaten me. You make some comment about “leash boy” in reference to I don’t know who. But you threaten to own his house.

    You are banned CJ. Enjoy Oregon.

    Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher

  41. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    @CJ-where have you been threatened? By whom?