Letter: Heavenly takes a turn at Bread & Broth

To the community,

“I really enjoy being a part of Heavenly’s Adopt A Day and support what the Bread & Broth organization is accomplishing in our community,” said Tom Maugeri, Heavenly Mountain Resort’s security manager.

Joining Maugeri at B&B’s June 21 dinner were Damian Lanum, Nicholas Corbridge, Nathan Castellanos (all security supervisors) and Frank Papandrea, environmental manager at Heavenly Mountain Resort.

These five AAD sponsor volunteers from Heavenly did a great job of helping the B&B volunteers put on a great spread for our 105 dinner guests for the evening. From bagging give away bags to drying dishes, to working the serving line, to stacking tables and chairs, Heavenly’s volunteers cheerfully and enthusiastically worked side by side with B&B volunteers throughout the evening.

The Bread & Broth program will soon be celebrating their 25th anniversary of providing meals to the needy in the Lake Tahoe South Shore community at St. Theresa Church Grace hall and over five years at the Lake Tahoe Community Presbyterian Church. B&B would like to thank Heavenly Mountain Resort and the Vail Echo Grant Program for their long time financial support and their employees’ active participation at Heavenly’s sponsorship dinners.

To help B&B as a donor or sponsor, contact meat 530.542.2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

Carol Gerard, Bread & Broth