McClintock: People always know where I stand


By Michael Doyle, McClatchy Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Granite Bay, now has a law to his name.

It’s pretty modest. But when President Obama recently signed a McClintock bill transferring federal land to an Indian tribe in California’s El Dorado County, it was a milestone of sorts.

The one-page bill transferring 40.8 acres to the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians marked McClintock’s reaching the White House finish line. More often, the 58-year-old conservative is a voice in opposition, decrying a government gone bad. It’s a distinctive approach, strictly principled and at times, some say, uncompromising.

“I think you’ll find colleagues that like me, and colleagues that don’t like me,” McClintock said in an interview, “but they’ll always know where I stand.”

Presently in his sixth year in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing a sprawling and mountainous district that spans 10 California counties, McClintock does sometimes stand apart. He belongs to the House majority. He’s also a natural dissenter, shaped by years in the legislative minority.

The resulting tension is between governance and ideals, between deal-making and holding firm. It’s a balancing act, for which McClintock gets both praise and criticism.

“There’s no question that he’s a conservative,” said Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif. “And when he gets engaged and really tackles an issue, there’s no one better than him. I think he’s a good member.”

Critics, including some within his own party, counter that McClintock sticks to his guns to the detriment of legislating.

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Comments (10)
  1. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    Yeah Tom, we know where you stand… at the counter waiting for your paycheck for only working 126 days… plus benefits. Can we “sue” McClintock and/or Congress for none performance?

  2. reloman says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    Rock not too sure he will be defeated( unfortunately) I would have loved for someone other than him as the Republican candidate.

  3. orale says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    I hope all the Republicans take a thoughtful look at his opposition. McClintock is just not a good fit for this District.

  4. hmmm.... says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    McClintock doesn’t ‘stand’ at all. On his kness at the corporate trough, serv(ic)ing his corporate masters is more like it.

  5. legal beagle says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    Hey guys, isn’t it a bummer to be lefties in a conservative congressional district. Well at least you got Feinstein and Boxer and Brown and the Prez. That’s a pretty big consolation prize.
    McClintock rocks.

  6. Ralph Cramden says - Posted: August 4, 2014

    Typical left wing weenies/whiners.

    They attempt to pillory the relatively rare Congressman who, unlike the liberal/progressive/Marxists, actually means it when he holds up his right hand, places his left one on a Bible and swears to “… uphold and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

    Indeed… McClintock ROCKS!

  7. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: August 6, 2014

    McClintock is another typical worthless heap.

    He doesn’t give a darn about Tahoe or anything that doesn’t further his Repub career.

  8. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 8, 2014

    Ralph. McClintock put his left hand on a stack of money, NOT a bible.

  9. Dogula says - Posted: August 8, 2014

    So, Rock, do you have a photograph of this event, or are you lying? Again?
    I wouldn’t talk about R’s being intent on furthering their careers to the exclusion of D’s. We’ve got the Clinton Dynasty gettin’ rolling, and I don’t see Boxer or Feinstein showing any signs of retiring. How long have those women been taking public money?

  10. rock4tahoe says - Posted: August 9, 2014

    Hey Dog. McClintock could not even vote for himself because he is from So Cal. At least Diane and Barbara are working for their salary, Tom’s 126 days is a permenant vacation.