Nevada County considers limiting outdoor events

By Richard Chang, Sacramento Bee

After selecting wedding rings and finding the right caterer, brides and grooms in Nevada County may soon have to draw up a traffic abatement plan.

The Board of Supervisors plans to vote Tuesday on an ordinance that would limit and regulate outdoor events, including weddings, parties and concerts, that in recent years have become highly popular in the rural region.

Under current rules, permits are required only for outdoor musical events. If the ordinance passes, nearly all outdoor events – with the exception of non-commercial and political gatherings – will be subject to an extensive permitting process through the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office.

The permit requirements include drawing up a detailed site plan, providing toilets and access to water. Organizers will also be required to submit plans on parking and traffic, depending on the area.

The ordinance would cap the number of events on any given property to four per year, which wedding-related business owners have called a death sentence for their livelihoods. Violators could face misdemeanor charges, including up to a $5,000 fine or jail time.

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