NTPUD institutes mandatory water conservation

North Tahoe Public Utility District’s board of directors this week voted to implement Stage 2 mandatory water conservation measures and established an enforcement plan for customers.

The district had been under a Stage 1 voluntary conservation program since February.

The prohibitions include:

• Washing sidewalks, driveways, and other hard surfaces
• Excessive plumbing leaks not repaired
• Excessive irrigation run-off
• Irrigating between 11am-6pm
• Non-commercial washing of privately-owned vehicles, trailers, RV’s, bikes and boats except from a bucket and a hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle for rinsing
• Water for single-pass evaporative cooling systems
• Water for new non-recirculating industrial clothes wash systems
• Filling or refilling swimming pools
• Use of potable water for dust control except as a condition in a permit issued by a state or federal agency
• Use of fire hydrants except for public health and safety or unless used for dust control as a condition in a permit issued by a state or federal agency – must have a hydrant meter.

Violators will first be warned. Then fines will be issued for subsequent offenses.