TAMBA working on trails in September

TAMBA’s Armstrong Connector Trail Day is Sept. 7.

Members of the mountain bike organization (and anyone else) will be working on the Armstrong Connector and Upper Corral Trail along with 27 AmeriCorps members. Volunteers receive lunch and a post work barbecue.

Meet at 9am at the Corral Trail dirt parking lot. Some will ride, other will take shuttles up with tools and bikes. Wear sturdy shoes, long sleeves and long pants, helmet or hard hat.

On Sept. 28 the nonprofit will be on working off Highway 28.

Nevada State Parks just gave the green light for a singletrack connector trail from the Tahoe Rim Trail at Twin Lakes down to the Red House Flume Trail.  This bypasses the steep and sandy fire road that is impossible to climb unless you’re on a fat bike.

TAMBA sawyers will be clearing the corridor through September with the groundbreaking Sept. 28.  Meet at 9am at the dirt lot behind Tunnel Creek Cafe for a 4-wheel drive carpool up to the top.