Woman hurt diving into Lake Tahoe


A 21-year-old woman sustained serious injuries when she dove from the pier at Timber Cove into the shallow waters of Lake Tahoe.

About 6:30pm Aug. 1 Timber Cove staff and others rescued her from the water.

South Lake Tahoe paramedics transported her to Heavenly Mountain Resort’s California Lodge where CareFlight flew her to Renown Medical Center in Reno.

The name and hometown of the woman have not been released.

“The SLTFD was very impressed and appreciative at the level of care professionalism provided by the Timber Cove staff. They truly made a difference in this young girl’s life,” South Lake Tahoe firefighter Rob Hembree told Lake Tahoe News.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (5)
  1. SeaMoore says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    This sure opens a slew of questions. Bobs crew at the Timbercove are great. I am glad they were able to help. But… how do you drive a car down the pier past the restaurant,tables, etc. and not injure a lot of people? Maybe she wasn’t driving a car but the article states she drove from the pier. Maybe she was leaving the pier and drove into the water next to the pier but I don’t see a way to get serious injuries from that. I think I need to go visit with Craig today. Hope the young woman OK.

  2. Dean says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    She dove in head first, not drove. Evidently from what another article said, her money flew out of her hand into the water and she dove after it. Do hope she recovers from her injuries.

  3. sunriser2 says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    On memorial day I purchased a drink there and sat down at one of the picnic tables. One of the bolts holding it together was sticking out over two inches. It tore a nice gash in my leg. The young punks working there couldn’t have cared less.

    I complained to the only adult I could find working on the pier. He told me he didn’t work for the restaurant and the same thing had happened to him earlier in the season.

  4. Mitch Forster says - Posted: August 3, 2014

    I was paddling my kayak under the pier when this happened. The waves were coming from the north and splashing into my boat. I was going through the pilings that were marked with the red arrows which is the wide place to pass through. There were two girls walking on the pier towards the beach just ahead of me. I was concentrating on getting through safely and did so. As I turned toward the beach to launch my boat I saw one of the girls racing down the stairs, wade through the water as fast as she could go towards me. I wondered what she was doing and came to a stop. About 20 feet ahead of me she reached down into the water and pulled out a limp body face down from under the water.
    I thought that she found a dead body when I realized that it was the girl that was walking with. She turned her over and was rescuing her. About then another guy came down the stairs to help. She told him that she was breathing and talking. Within about a minute two more guys joined them in the rescue. She left them in their care for a moment and swam a few strokes and retrieved something from the water and told the girl that she got it.
    I heard her say that the girl was breathing and talking but couldn’t move. A girl from the pier was telling them to put her into a c-spine position and to not let her bend. All four of them were holding her a flat as they could struggling against the waves. Other people were running around the pier and showed up with a paddle board. They got her safely on it and very slowly brought her to beach where the paramedics were waiting for her. I did see a helicopter coming from the east and thought that it might land but it went toward Heavenly where they transporter her.
    When I was loading my boat I saw the girl that went after the drowning victim so quickly. I asked her how the girl was and she said that was alive buy maybe had some paralysis problems. She said that she had $3o in her hand when the wind blew it out and she went after it and “unfortunately” dove head first to get it. She immediately went in after her which Is when I came out from under the pier and started to see what was happing. The 3 guys had a major role in rescuing her in a very professionally way . I knew that by the way they were handling her that someone knew what to do in this situation.
    She told me that she was a lifeguard and from what a saw of her she should teach people how to be a lifeguard. I told her a few times” you just saved that girls life”. The employees at Timber Cove got recognition for rescuing the girl, And rightfully so. But I saw a girl racing down the pier stairs, racing through the water and pull a limp body face down from under the water. When I talked to her I wasn’t thinking of being a reporter and didn’t get her name. But I will never forget her reaching down into the water and pulling that girl from a certain death 20 feet in front of me.
    I’m not the most industrious guy in the world but it would be great if Lake Tahoe News would follow up and find out who that lifeguard is and see to it that the city recognizes her for saving that girls life. When you see someone scramble so quickly and pull a body from under the water 20 feet from you, you won’t forget that any time too soon.

  5. s says - Posted: August 6, 2014

    Are there any updates on the young lady?