Nevada trapping regulations subject of lawsuit


By Martin Griffith, AP

RENO — Two men suing Nevada wildlife commissioners say trapping regulations are causing needless suffering for thousands of animals not targeted for their fur, including dogs, golden eagles and mountain lions.

The lawsuit by Donald Molde of Reno and Mark Smith of Incline Village, filed Thursday in Washoe County District Court, seeks an injunction to halt the upcoming trapping season and force change.

Their complaint comes after commissioners in August voted against increasing the number of times trappers must check their traps or snares in most of Nevada. Now, fur trappers must do so every four days except near the urban areas of Reno, Carson City and Las Vegas.

Days between checks means animals not targeted by trappers will suffer injury or death that earlier release might have been prevented, Molde and Smith said. Even targeted animals such as bobcats, foxes and coyotes should not have to suffer because of regulations that allow for trapper “convenience,” they added.

Typical injuries include broken bones, dislocated joints and tissue damage, Molde said. Some animals such as mountain lions and dogs break teeth when they bite at traps and can lose toes and claws if they manage to get free. Captured animals also are vulnerable to attack by other wildlife.

“This action has been long in the making and is a direct result of the recalcitrance by the commission to consider public concerns about trapping,” Molde said. “Wildlife is not the private property of sportsmen and trappers. It is an invaluable public asset and deserves protection.”

Commission vice chairman Jeremy Drew declined to comment on the suit, saying, “I am confident in our public process and consideration of our mission.”

Last month, wildlife commissioners approved changes that would require visits once every two days to traps set around Reno, Carson City and Las Vegas. But they kept the four-day interval for the rest of the state.

Joel Blakeslee, president of the Nevada Trappers Association, said the suit lacks merit and trapping would end in Nevada if Molde and Smith have their way.

“They would love to have us on a 24-hour trap check because it would make it impossible to trap in the state,” he told the Associated Press. “This lawsuit has to do with just regulating us out of business.”

Long mileages, adverse weather and other factors already make it difficult for trappers to check traps in remote areas once every four days, Blakeslee said.

But Molde and Smith say Nevada has one of the longest trap-visitation intervals in the country.


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Comments (7)
  1. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    Only a real lazy coward uses traps for animals for fur.
    If you’re too lazy to hunt it and humanely shoot it then it shouldn’t be done. Trapping should be illegal !

  2. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    I agree with you, Toxic.

  3. go figure says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    I also agree with toxic. Trapping and chasing wildlife for fur or sport is inhumane and wrong IMHO

  4. Blue Jeans says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    I understand that a number of domestic dogs were caught in improperly set traps along trails in Gardnerville. Traps were set close to trails so people and pets tangled easily with them. They were said to have been set by an established member of the community there who surely should have known better. Trapping is barbaric. What kind of a person can sleep knowing that innocent animals may be in agonizing pain– chewing a leg off to gain freedom–until they decide to get off their fat asses and go check the traps?

  5. legal beagle says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    Anyone so cruel as to use traps to capture or kill wildlife should get to experience the thrill of hearing their bones crush, their muscles ripped, and their limbs torn off. How could any human being treat lower forms of life so hideously when it is not necessary for their survival? There is no excuse.

  6. Blue Jeans says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    good comment Legal. Of course, the more we learn about the extraordinary senses, abilities and emotional lives of animals, the more we question whether their abilities are really lesser than those of humans. Maybe their abilities are just different and reflect the demands of the ecosystem they live in. The more I learn, the more I believe that animals are just as intelligent as we are–just in their own way. Besides, reading comments posted here makes you wonder just how intelligent humans are anyway.

  7. KATHY says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    I so agree with these comments, So cruel ,There should be a law to set the people in traps.