Climate change threatens half of North American bird species

LTWC volunteer Wayne McKnight throws a golden eagle into the air as way to exercise it. Photo/John Adamski
By Louis Sahagun, Los Angeles Times
Half of all bird species in North America — including the bald eagle — are at risk of severe population decline by 2080 if the swift pace of global warming continues, the National Audubon Society concluded in a study released Monday.
“The scale of the disruption we’re projecting is a real punch in the gut,” said Gary Langham, chief Audubon scientist.
Langham led an Audubon study that examined more than 500 bird species and determined that more than 300 in Canada and the United States face large climate shifts that could reduce their habitat by half or more by 2080. The changing environment will force birds to adapt to new habitats with different temperature and precipitation rates if they are to survive.
The first comprehensive species study of its kind, it will be used to help federal wildlife officials develop improved strategies to conserve bird species, whose abundance and migratory patterns depend on specialized habitats, such as forests, grasslands and coastal areas.
By 2080, the bald eagle, the national symbol of the United States, could see its habitat decrease by 75 percent, the report says.
Total fear mongering by people who give wild statistics in order to get attention. Change is needed but what is happening on a global level? I am tired of being made to feel like global warming is my fault as an American.
@Rhino: If every person/country holds the same attitude as you do we will all sit around waiting for the OTHERS to change. All the way to the bitter end. It is a vexing problem.
The animals WILL adjust, they always do. The thing is Humans need to realize this change IS going to happen and there is little we can do. Humans need to quit trying to adjust the climate to fit our needs. Thank God Mother Nature will prevail.
By my own personal research in this Tahoe/Alpine region our Bald Eagles are already exhibiting some stress.
Some have chosen not to reproduce, others seemingly have less young that make it as fledglings.
It is possible that it’s a cycle – but is it something we want to disregard ?
Joseph Goebbels is obviously alive and well and still composing half-truths and lies, lies, and lies.
Goebbels number one dictum: repeat the lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
Any of you who haven’t changed from even ten years ago let the world know your secret for stasis.
10 years, eh? Oh wow, another scientifically illiterate denier using Nazi analogies. At least your reference point is 2 digits.
I bet some of you climate change nonbelievers will be pleased when Ben Franklin’s wishes come true as an alternative…..the rattlesnake being one of them
Legal begal, you sound like cj. Is this your new identity? Or are you just filling the wonderful void?
Rhino. America is making progress reducing it’s carbon emissions, using more renewable energy, increasing efficiency of vehicles and reducing imports of foreign fossil fuels. Don’t take it personal; think local then global.
rock, China wont even quit selling rhino horns. Act local all you want, it is a complete and total waste of time. Unless you know some way to keep the poor countries poor countries, what we do is completely meaningless.
Rhino. China has a lot of problems. China is wallering in it’s own toxic pollution stew and they have way to many men and not enough women in their population.
We are NOT China and we are making a difference even with your meaningless blog vomit.