Hike for Health events in Carson Valley
The Carson Valley Trails Association is having its annual Hike for Health Trail Adventure Day on Sept. 20.
This year’s event is a multilocation Family Day with a barbecue at the Nature Conservancy’s River Fork Ranch. Interpretive hikes and activities will occur at the River Fork Ranch, Fay Luther Trail, Genoa Canyon Trail and Minden Gazebo from 8am-1:30pm. The event is free.
Participants must sign a release and waiver form. A parent or guardian signature is required for participants age 17 and under. No dogs allowed.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
At the Nature Conservancy’s River Fork Ranch on Genoa Lane: ● 8am: Identifying Birds of the Carson Valley Hike led by Jim Woods of Birding Under Nevada Skies. ● 9am-noon: Art Activities and Trail Treasures ongoing with Genie Littlebeaver and Joni Jackson, CVTA Board Members. ● 10am: Explore River Fork Ranch by Bike (bring your own bike) led by Norah Gastelum (24 miles dirt road) ● Noon-1:30pm BBQ Lunch free to CVTA members, donation requested from nonmembers.
At FayLuther Trailhead on Foothill Road: ● 8am: Forest Mysteries “Bugs and Crud” (1 mile easy) presented by Gene Phillips, Nevada Forestry Tree Health Specialist. ● 10am: Glacier & Earthquakes in Your Backyard. Learn about the geology of the Carson Valley. Led by Peggy Ristorcelli, CVTA member and geologist (13 miles/easymoderate). ● 8-11:30 a.m. Fay Luther Trail Treasures. Ongoing, self led, using CVTA’s Trail Treasures guide. At Genoa Canyon Trail: ● 8am Genoa Canyon Hike led by Steve Hale, CVTA board member. (46.5 miles moderate/strenuous). Meet at Genoa Canyon Trailhead on Carson Street in Genoa.
At the Minden Gazebo: ● 9am: Minden History Walk led by Charlotte Settelmeyer Bass.
For more information, contact Chic and Sue Moxley, 775.265.0766, or email info@carsonvalleytrails.org.