Letter: Chamber is not being truthful
To the community,
The following are the emails that were between the Tahoe Chamber and Kenny Curtzwiler. Please note the dates these occurred as they are prior to the statement put out by the chamber explaining the selection process. Call it what you want as to what the reason was for excluding one candidate from District Five on their original statement of transparency, but I was not scored in their process.
How could the CEC possibly “miss” the scoring on a selection process they initiated? The chamber has since posted our scores, but they do not hold any validity on what was a flawed process to begin with.
I am asking the chamber and have asked them to not correct this as noted in the emails. I urge the community to call B Gorman and Craig Woodward to explain their reasoning behind this and not rely on one sided false press statements.
I chose not to answer the questions as several others have done as well, but I fully expected to be contacted by the CEC as put out by their statement stating that we would be contacted regardless of answering the questions or not. If they had contacted, me they might have been surprised by my answers as I have stated in other questioners that are public record.
Email exchange:
From: K&K Services
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 6:43 PM
To: B Gorman
Subject: RE: message
B, any reason why District V was not included on the pdf? Thanks, Kenny.
From: B Gorman
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:11 PM
To: K&K Services
Subject: RE: message
Hi Kenny
Just got home from a great motorcycle ride and checked the website. I think it just got missed when the committee gave info to staff this week as they did district 5 stuff at their last meeting.
I will ask staff to check in with committee on Monday to get the numbers and load onto site. I am speaking at a meeting Monday so won’t get to office until late in day so likely won’t go up till Tuesday. Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, b
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note™, an AT&T LTE smartphone
From: B Gorman
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 10:00 PM
To: K&K Services
Subject: RE: message
Hi Kenny
My apologies for not getting back with you today. I ended up in a half-day session this morning with elected officials from Sac and then a half day planning session with a new business all afternoon and thus I am still trying to catch up tonight. I did speak with Craig today and I was wrong when I responded to you the other day. The CEC apparently did not score you when they scored Sue. So at this juncture we can leave things as they are or I can ask them each to submit a score sheet for you and then do the same formula as for the others and post both of your scores. I am happy to oblige whichever way you prefer.
Take care, “B”
From: K&K Services
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 10:13 PM
To: ‘B Gorman’
Subject: RE: message
It would be better for you correct the information that was put out in the press release where the chamber stated that each candidate was scored. Thanks, Kenny.
Kenny Curtzwiler, El Dorado County supervisor candidate