Letter: McClintock is not the problem


To the community,

A recent letter criticized Congressman Tom McClintock for opposing government regulation of the Internet. Net neutrality mandates by the federal government is not the answer. We do not need the government harming yet another industry. Look what happens when government gets involved in mortgages, picking winners and losers in energy and health care, and the increase in education funding and mandates without accompanying results.

There is a difference between a company needing a faster Internet connection to download a critical component for their company- upon which jobs depend- and the ability for someone to stream a movie or access social media. If someone is willing to pay more for faster service, they are free to switch to a company that better meets their needs.

The previous letter inaccurately linked Congressman McClintock’s position on net neutrality to campaign donations. This is not just misleading — it is plain false. Ninety-two percent of Tom McClintock’s come from individuals., which tracks campaign donations, shows that less than 0.02 percent of Congressman McClintock’s donations have come from the computers/Internet industry.

Mavis Bowes, Truckee


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Comments (33)
  1. Jack Durst says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Tom McClintock ‘ s opposition to Net Neutrality is only the smallest of his problems: he consistently opposes everything that would help the environment up here, almost never attends a Tahoe Summit and causes a scene every time he does, and wants to log Yosemite.

    He’s a shill for the national Republican agenda and has no interest whatsoever in representing the interests of Lake Tahoe; so unless that is your only interest you should definitely vote for ANYONE ELSE.

  2. dumbfounded says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Can you say “ad hominem”, Mavis?

  3. k9woods says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    You just explained what the problem is….a fundamental difference of vision between Tom and this constituent.

    Government’s role is to protect the individual constituent and not the entity. Seems he is more interested in protecting the entity in this and most other matters that come before the House than what is best for the broadest segment of his constituency.

  4. Justice says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    I think the Congressman understands simple concepts about freedom to choose your free market based products which has always worked best, not what the government can do for you and regulate for you, and what works best for people, along the line of the government that governs least governs best. Soon people will see what the country wants in the upcoming election and it will not be more government regulation of anything, it will be the opposite and the defeat for the liberals/progressives will be profound.

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Justice, let’s accept your premise for the sake of rational discourse. Within the framework of conservative thought and “…free market based products…”, can you explain why there is almost unanimous republican support for subsidies to the energy sector?

    It is apparent from recent politics that simply because an election is won by a majority, “what the country wants” doesn’t matter to the losing side. The defeat of the perverted conservative notions was profound, but ignored by many politicians. Don’t expect it to change because your side “wins”. The paradigm has changed.

  6. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Best democracy money can buy.

  7. Arod says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Art Moore for Representative.

  8. reloman says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    i agree with Arod, elect Art as the next congress man. McClintock is far too far to the right for me and I have been a republician since 1978. Art is also a republician, you demos and liberals should jump on his bandwagon unless you really do love McClintock. BTW love how people from other states tell us how to vote, though he normally is a nice enough guy.

  9. Justice says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    People voted for Bummer twice after he blamed Bush, going on six years now, for anything he could think of which is funny because he spent so much time on Bush in the Middle East and now he is in way over his head and in charge of trying to clean up his huge mistakes everywhere in trying to remake the Middle East. Then back home he promised to save their foreclosed homes and their lost jobs and lower their health care and a lot of other failed ideas of “what we all must do” “Now is our time” well what works good in a speech on a teleprompter is not governing and a huge expansion of redistribution and hiding the unemployed under government programs for those who don’t produce or work is a disaster and dangerous. What he really did do was change welfare to take out the work requirement and the five year limit and put record numbers on welfare and SSI and section 8. This threatens any economic model for recovery and now it is past time to show him and his party the door and reverse this trend before it is too late and there are no tax payers left. That much is beyond a doubt. Many are awakening now to the truth that great speeches don’t amount to anything when the givers of the speeches can’t govern and have zero accomplishments. Your questions about corporate welfare is something that both parties allow and is not something that many outside of DC support. Your point about what the country wants is ignored is false if the winner, like Bungling Bummer, was lying about his intentions and ignoring what anyone wanted in the first place. No-one wanted welfare doubled, a million out of the work force, massive new trillion dollar debt, a very unstable foreign policy and a new Cold War. Add to it a new well armed and funded terrorist horde that could have been stopped long ago instead of on the loose and trying to gain new recruits here. His plan to use executive action for illegals, for one example, is the opposite of what people want as was his allowing tens of thousands of new illegals in and the border still unsecured and vulnerable. I can’t think of one thing Bummer has done that has the support of the people. I don’t think there is one thing that he has done that a majority have supported and he has had one major scandal after another. This is the worst example of a President outside of gas-line Carter in this nation’s history. They are simply two very dangerous inept enablers of Radical leftism and Radical Islam and should be seen for who they are and they and their party defeated.

  10. go figure says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Mcclintock is the problem

    justice. YAWN

  11. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Justice, by virtue of using terms like “Obummer”, and making statements like, “They are simply two very dangerous inept enablers of Radical leftism and Radical Islam”, you lose all credibility in ANYTHING you say.

  12. go figure says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Justice. YAWN

    Same rant, response #1 to all things. Predictable…YAWN

  13. Aspen Country says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Bigger: Just because you don’t like those “Terms” you Yawn? He seems to hit the nail on the head.
    Many people in this country are seemingly looking the other way all while Obama continues to tear it apart. Add Gov. Moonbutt to the mix, inviting all Mexicans “legal or ILLEGAL” to come to Calif. “We welcome you all”. Our borders are completly unsecurred!! Now Obama decides it’s a good idea to send troops to Africa to fight a disease?? All while ISIS marches on. Stop yawning and open your eyes.

  14. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    justice-what a pantload of pathetic teabagger blabber-how about your hero Sarah Palin’s latest stupidity?- Caribou Barbie is the perfect clown to lead the willfully ignorant-Palin/McClintock’16

  15. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Aspen I only made a statement about credibility. Never used the word yawn. And your statements lack any credibility as well for the same reason.

  16. Aspen Country says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Sorry Bigger, my mistake. That was meant for Gofigure. But I lack credibility? I watched Brown on TV as he was entertaining the Mexican president. I saw and heard his statement. How do you find that lacks? Plus, have you seen our borders? Have you not heard the news?

  17. go figure says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    AC, im the one yawning as the rant by justice and you are the same rants by cj who is gone, byby, outta here, for a reason. You could join him…

  18. Justice says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Yes they yawn and the country declines and they keep yawning and it is no wonder someone like the Bummer is in office. What he has done and failed to do will take a generation to clean up it is his/their mess and it will take years. Also Aspen is correct sending our military in greater numbers to Africa then to fight Isis and to be possibly exposed to a dangerous spreadable virus is very strange as was bringing the corrupt leaders of Africa for a summit during the Ebola outbreak. When has this country been this careless? If this virus breaks out this will not be without what looks like a purposeful decision to put this country at risk and negligence by not having complete travel restriction to and from Africa.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    The 113th Congress is the least productive since at least the 1940’s and perhaps ever.

    McClintock is a professional politician getting his government paycheck and health care for only working 126 hours a year to do nothing.

  20. Dogula says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    “The 113th Congress is the least productive since at least the 1940′s and perhaps ever.”

    Personally, I always feel a LOT safer when Washington DC is least productive. It means they’re screwing us a little less.
    What do you actually think they should be doing? We don’t have ENOUGH laws yet??

  21. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Justice. NEWFLASH! Our Country is NOT in decline even with YOUR Partisan Psychopathic rants.

    By almost every objective measure, we are better off now then when Bush left office: GDP, Unemployment, Home Values, Stock Market, Auto/Truck Sales etc prove it.

    That Leftist Liberal Ron Reagan passed and signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act that gave 3 Million Undocumented Workers (aka to YOU as Illegal Aliens) Amnesty and Citizenship in 1986! So much for your “borders” rant.

    It was Russian Loving Bush jr that looked into Putin’s big blue eyes and saw into his Soul; NOT President Obama. So much for your “new cold war” rant.

    Since Dead or Alive Bush jr did not get Bin Laden and President Obama did (plus many more), I would not be rooting for ISIS if I were you. I am sure President Obama will find these thugs and kill them. It was your buddies, McCain and Graham, that wanted photo ops with and to give weapons to ISIS just last year; NOT President Obama. So much for your “Obama Radical Islam” rant.

    It was Crusader Bush jr that re-started the Sunni versus Shiite mess by invading Iraq in 2003. Even Powell warned them with his “if you break it (Iraq) you own it” message; but Bush/Cheney/Rummy of course ignored the warning (like they ignored the Al Qaeda determined to strike in US warning in 2001.) So much for your “mess” rant.

    Ebola has been around since at least 1976 but you want to blame this virus on President Obama. You want to somehow quarantine Africa. You ask “when has this country been this careless (with a virus)?” How about the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s? Which originated in Africa… when Reagan was President… that has killed 30 to 40 Million people worldwide. So much for your “ebola” rant.

    Just because “you can’t think” does NOT mean others are as intellectually challenged as you.

  22. Justice says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Mr. Rock’s brilliance must suffer when trying so hard to impress others.

    Your knowledge about Syria is wrong, we are still and will arm the people fighting Isis wherever we can. The problem with Bummer is he shows weakness when the world is watching and now China, Russia, and Iran and N. Korea have taken actions confronting this country not seen for decades and these are real new Cold War getting hot threats. Just a coincidence?

    Regan and the Amnesty bill? He was promised border security by the Democrats, never happened and still hasn’t happened on purpose as now they are good liberal voters and government dependents.

    Ebola? When did we send thousands of people into an active dangerous virus zone? And not have complete travel restrictions? Aids is not the same danger as it is not a casual contact virus.

  23. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Dog. We already know you hate and do not believe in Government.

    Congress needs to at lease work on: Authorize use of force against ISIS, Immigration, Raise the Minimum Wage, Road Repair Projects, Equal pay for Women, Water and Drought Projects, avoid another Government Shutdown.

  24. Dogula says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Use of force against ISIS: no (I always thought you lefties were anti-war; was I wrong?)
    Raise minimum wage: no
    Equal pay for women: done long ago
    Road repair, Water and drought projects: states’ issues
    immigration: enforce existing laws, no new ones needed

    We see things differently, r4t. And that’s just the way it stands.

  25. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Just to add to Rocks comment, let’s not forget that Reagan and his amnesty bill were targeted to many multiple thousands that came from war torn Central American countries. And most were well trained at a young age in gorilla war fare. These fine young folks, many trained by our own CIA, that started the biggest, baddest gang in the history of Los Angeles. And let’s not forget that Ronald Reagan also was supplying BOTH sides with weapons and logistical support during the Iran/Iraq war in the 80’s.

  26. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Justice. “China, Russia, and Iran and N. Korea have taken actions confronting this country not seen for decades?” Well, that ignorance speaks for itself.

    Keep your panties on, Syria gave up it’s WMD’s last year without one Tomahawk Missile strike from the US; the UN confirmed this. I say that is good news.

    We haven’t invaded Syria, Iran or North Korea as McCain/Graham want to; I think that is good news.

    Reagan’s Amnesty bill increase the payroll for Border Security for 2 years (1987 & 1988) by $12 & $15 Million respectively. So, we didn’t built the new “Berlin Wall” along our Northern and Southern Borders. That’s ok for me because unlike you, I believe in the words on the Statue of Liberty.

  27. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Already told you Dog. A Democrat dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan. Ask Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Bin Laden what happens when you piss-off us “lefties.”

    Women do not have equal pay in America, they make 77% on average of what a man makes. Women would get equal pay, if Republicans would not have blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act.

    Federal Highways (and more), you know, like US Interstate 80 that Tesla needs to use in Nevada, need Federal Repairs.

    Yes, clearly we disagree.

  28. Dogula says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    I believe, r4t, that I told YOU about the Dems being in charge of starting the wars. And occasionally of finishing them.
    Your statement that women don’t have equal pay in America is a red herring. If you compare apples to apples, the law already states that women must be paid as well as men are. However, in our nation’s Capitol, this administration has one of the WORST records for keeping women’s pay below that of men, by perfectly legal means, of course. Depends on job titles, hours worked, etc. It doesn’t matter your guys pretend to legislate. They’re lawyers. They’ll figure out a loop hole.

  29. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    ‘ this administration has one of the WORST records for keeping women’s pay below that of men, ‘

    Evidence please.

    ‘cj who is gone, byby, outta here,’
    A few people believe they used multiple accounts, often cheering on their own posts. I know they have done that on youtube.

  30. go figure says - Posted: September 16, 2014

    Cosa, I can tell that cj has several other monikers here. I can tell just by the writing style and the use of descriptive words. Cj use to be pub works tv who actually threatened me once when I used my actual name. That guy has serious problems and im sure has an anger issue, definately a gun nut. I could list all of the monikers used here by cj but im keeping my knowledge mostly to myself.
    Peace out

  31. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 18, 2014

    Dog. Still buttering your bread on all four sides ‘eh. First you say, “Equal pay for women: done long ago” then you say, “this administration has one of the WORST records for keeping women’s pay below that of men.” Both comments without any facts to back them up. LOL!