Letter: McClintock is not the problem
To the community,
A recent letter criticized Congressman Tom McClintock for opposing government regulation of the Internet. Net neutrality mandates by the federal government is not the answer. We do not need the government harming yet another industry. Look what happens when government gets involved in mortgages, picking winners and losers in energy and health care, and the increase in education funding and mandates without accompanying results.
There is a difference between a company needing a faster Internet connection to download a critical component for their company- upon which jobs depend- and the ability for someone to stream a movie or access social media. If someone is willing to pay more for faster service, they are free to switch to a company that better meets their needs.
The previous letter inaccurately linked Congressman McClintock’s position on net neutrality to campaign donations. This is not just misleading — it is plain false. Ninety-two percent of Tom McClintock’s come from individuals. OpenSecrets.org, which tracks campaign donations, shows that less than 0.02 percent of Congressman McClintock’s donations have come from the computers/Internet industry.
Mavis Bowes, Truckee