Letter: Urging support of SB850

Publisher’s note: This letter was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown on Sept. 26 and is reprinted with permission.

Dear Governor Brown:

I am writing to you to urge your signature into law of SB 850 (“The Bill”) by State Senator Block. The Bill as is valuable to our State’s future to increase the education and training of residents of our State.

The Bill also creates an opportunity to allow for the Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) to apply to be one of the pilot sites and offer a baccalaureate degree to students in South Lake Tahoe. This latter point is particularly important because of our remote location and distance from other public four-year colleges. The South Shore needs a trained population base to grow a viable and diversified local economy and create opportunity for all segments of our diverse economy.

David Jinkens

David Jinkens

This communication is a follow-up to my email communication to your office today in support of SB 850.

In summary, please allow me to offer the following additional reasons you should support this Bill:

• “California needs to produce one million more baccalaureate degrees than the state currently produces to remain economically competitive in the coming decades.” California business and industry need to hire trained Californians first and foremost to reduce unemployment and grow the State and local economy.

• Offering a baccalaureate degree in South Lake Tahoe would complement the excellent work being undertaken by the Lake Tahoe Community College and the renowned preparatory work being conducted by the Lake Tahoe Unified School District.

• Every motivated person should have an opportunity to pursue a baccalaureate degree at a place that is convenient, accessible, and affordable.

• Careers in public safety, technology, and health services now often require baccalaureate degrees even though they may not have required them in the past.

• 63 percent of job openings will require some college education and 33 percent will require a bachelor’s degree.

• Nationally, community college baccalaureate degrees have proven to be cost effective. In a time when student debt is a national concern, low cost, quality degree programs are vital.

• Authorizing community colleges to offer limited, targeted applied baccalaureate degrees will increase access for underserved areas and populations, benefit the State economy, remove barriers to completion, and compensate for the lack of university programs or capacity in certain fields. • Community colleges have a proven record of meeting local workforce demands in applied and technical areas, supporting underrepresented students, and providing affordable, accessible quality instruction.

• 21 states have authorized community colleges to award applied baccalaureate degrees that help meet workforce demand. I urge and encourage you to support SB 850. This is not a partisan bill but rather a good-government measure.

I have no other interest in the matter except to see all who live in our community and State prosper and become productive residents and citizens. Our community’s and the State’s future depend on having an educated and qualified work force. Thank you!

David M. Jinkens