More workers claiming ‘wage theft’
By Steven Greenhouse, New York Times
MIRA LOMA — Week after week, Guadalupe Rangel worked seven days straight, sometimes 11 hours a day, unloading dining room sets, trampolines, television stands and other imports from Asia that would soon be shipped to Walmart stores.
Even though he often clocked 70 hours a week at the Schneider warehouse here, he was never paid time-and-a-half overtime, he said. And now, having joined a lawsuit involving hundreds of warehouse workers, Rangel stands to receive more than $20,000 in back pay as part of a recent $21 million legal settlement with Schneider, a national trucking company.
“Sometimes I’d work 60, even 90 days in a row,” said Rangel, a soft-spoken immigrant from Mexico. “They never paid overtime.”
The lawsuit is part of a flood of recent cases — brought in California and across the nation — that accuse employers of violating minimum wage and overtime laws, erasing work hours and wrongfully taking employees’ tips. Worker advocates call these practices “wage theft,” insisting it has become far too prevalent.
Some federal and state officials agree. They assert that more companies are violating wage laws than ever before, pointing to the record number of enforcement actions they have pursued. They complain that more employers — perhaps motivated by fierce competition or a desire for higher profits — are flouting wage laws.
Many business groups counter that government officials have drummed up a flurry of wage enforcement actions, largely to score points with union allies. If anything, employers have become more scrupulous in complying with wage laws, the groups say, in response to the much publicized lawsuits about so-called off-the-clock work that were filed against Walmart and other large companies a decade ago.
Morals and scruples have flown out the window. Businesses are numbers whores. Lines are being erased with regards to personal time, electronic communication, etc.
FedEx is a perfect example of gaming the system. Their profits are astronomical, yet they abuse their workers by forcing them to work 10 hours in what they think is a clever little technicality. These firms bank on the fact that many are out of work, and the workers cannot go without even one paycheck, or their lives will fall in to turmoil. It’s a vicious abuse of the American workforce. Companies are slowly and insidiously gobbling up more and more of their employees time and not adequately compensating them, and at the same time threatening their employment status. Big business is walking all over us, and is most definitely telling big government to F off!!! They were meant to serve us, now they control us. And they have only their own interests in mind. Just do an Internet search and see all the billion dollar + fines that have been imposed recently.
Oh those pesky labor laws! People should be happy for whatever scraps they can mooch from the floor of the uber-rich’s dinner table. Thinking about supporting Rand Paul or any other teaparty or Koch sucking candidate? Read this first: