Opinion: ‘California Comeback’ hasn’t helped everyone


By Dan Walters, Sacramento Bee

As Gov. Jerry Brown runs for re-election, he has adopted “California Comeback” – voiced during his State of the State address in January – as his informal slogan.

Dan Walters

Dan Walters

Not surprisingly, therefore, Brown’s Employment Development Department issued a report last week, keyed to Labor Day, crowing that California has recovered – numerically – all of the 1.3 million jobs it lost during the recession.

“California is helping lead the nation in solid job growth, which has enabled us to put the recession behind us,” said EDD Director Patrick W. Henning Jr.

A day later, the left-leaning California Budget Project released its annual Labor Day report and didn’t buy into the everything-is-rosy scenario painted by the governor and his minions.

It pointed out that while the job numbers have recovered, unemployment remains relatively high (tied for sixth-highest in the nation) because, since the recession began in 2007, California’s labor force has grown by more than 700,000 and “far more jobs are needed to account for those additional Californians who are searching for work.”

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Comments (5)
  1. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Hey Dan! California is coming back! Most objective data clearly points to a comeback. Is it perfect? No. Are there challenges? Yes. But ask any sane Californian if they want to go back to your parallel universe terminator days of “Ahnold?” I think not.

  2. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    In Obama’s America the rich get richer … everyone else heading south.

    The Federal Reserve just released a study that everyone should read. It says only the richest 10 per centers have seen a growth in their median income under Obama…

    Yup, in fact the report goes on to say…

    … the median income fell for every 10-percent grouping except the most affluent 10 percent.

    Comeback, hardly.

    America in decline.

    Add to that Americans are getting beheaded by ISIS and they captured 11 jetliners – Obama ignored them – called them JV league terrorist. Closer look – this is the result of Obama’s so called Arab Spring.

    One thing is for sure … Jimmy Carter will never again be called America’s Worst President.

    Oh, yeh JUST IN – more news on Benghazi – The would be rescuers less than a mile away were told to stand down. By whom – was it Hillary? … Bets?

    America you are being duped and betrayed

  3. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Hey CJ. Newflash: Income inequality has been growing since 1980. The 1% have seen their tax rates drop from 70% in 1970 to below 35% now. I would have no problem going back the Tax Rates under Ike in the 1950’s to help fix the problem.

    Every major American economic indicator is positive. California has turned around. My neighborhood in the Y is doing pretty good; new cars, home improvements etc.

    If you want “hardly,” look at Europe and it’s “austerity” program. They are looking at a third recession since the economic heart attack of 2008. And NOW the European banks are worried and have lowered interest rates to almost zero while purchasing back bonds. Sounds familiar to what we did 5 year ago.

    I would remind you that President Obama killed Bin Laden and many other terrorists that the previous administration failed to get; dead or alive. I am sure he will get these killers too.

    I would also remind you that it was John McCain and his minions that wanted to ARM these ISIS rebels just last year! I feel for the families of the reporter(s) captured and killed in Syria; they knew it was a rough part of the world before they went.

    Remember General Powell’s pottery barn statement… If we break Iraq we own it? At least he had some knowledge of the savage history in the region and the can of worms a War would open up. Sunnis and Shiites have been fighting and slaughtering themselves and others for almost 1400 years. American GI’s are good but they will not be able to fix 1400 years of carnage; only reasonable Arabs can do that.

    Democracy is messy; we had our own Civil War too. I agree with President Obama that the Arab people need to figure out how to govern themselves at some point. They seem to want Democracy with Theocracy; doesn’t work. This is why we have separation of Church and State.

    Benghazi? Really? Sorry, but that story is over. Ambassador Stevens himself refused more security, twice, before the attack. Now, if you want to talk about a real catastrophe, let’s talk about the 1983 Truck Bombing in Beirut that killed 241 GI’s and nobody was held accountable and all Reagan did was bug out.

  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    ‘Jimmy Carter will never again be called America’s Worst President. ‘
    Yeah, we settled that in 2001.

  5. CJ McCoy says - Posted: September 5, 2014

    “Benghazi? Really? Sorry, but that story is over.” According to who?

    4 Americans were left to be slaughtered by our enemy and now we are finding out that a team of rescuers just a mile away were ready to go and save them right from the very beginning and they were told to stand down.

    The cover up must end! Americans have a right to the truth… it’s not over.

    not hardly, not hardly at all.

    Who told them to stand down? why? …

    This cover up will be uncovered.