Opinion: Chamber explains political activity


Publisher’s note: Even though the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce claims to not have a preconceived political agenda and says it wants to be transparent, board member Jason Drew last year at a public meeting said, “Our goal is to find, recruit, and elect people to the South Lake Tahoe City Council and then hold that council accountable.”

To the community,

There have been many questions related to our new activities associated with candidate endorsements so in an effort to clarify here is an overview of the history and process. I apologize for the length — this is a complicated topic and not one well suited to brevity.

Tahoe Chamber has a long history of representing business to government via advocating for policies that provide a fair and predictable process for businesses of any size. This process is guided by our Government Affairs Committee (GAC), the board, the chamber CEO and our government affairs liaison. In 2012, the Tahoe Chamber board of directors decided it was time to take an active role in political advocacy by engaging in the electoral process. This decision was based upon the premise that the future sustainability and economic vibrancy of our community was dependent upon well informed and capable elected leaders. Board and staff members participated in several workshops and trainings with experts. While this is a new activity for Tahoe Chamber, hundreds, if not thousands of other proactive chambers across the country have long been engaged in the electoral process.

B Gorman

B Gorman

It is perfectly legal for a chamber of commerce to endorse candidates and to share the reasons for so doing. Given a chamber’s mission of supporting and growing business it only makes sense that candidates who are endorsed by a chamber are those who exhibit the greatest understanding of business and economic development.

If a chamber directly contributes funds to candidates or ballot measures it risks triggering a reclassification of its corporate status resulting in complex reporting. Thus chambers who wish to support candidates or ballot measures with direct expenditures form committees that vary depending upon the type of activities to be undertaken. These committees typically fall into one of three categories: Independent expenditure committees, 529s or political action committees. These entities have separate bank accounts, reporting requirements and boards which typically include the chamber CEO and several board members. Tahoe Chamber has initiated 2014 candidate endorsements through our newly formed Candidate Endorsement Committee (CEC)and also formed a California Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC).

The CEC is comprised of eight individuals who have volunteered an inordinate amount of time to develop a process they believe is fair to all concerned. The IEC is comprised of five community leaders who are raising funds separately from the Candidate Endorsement Committee. A listing of these committees can be found online and the work of the IEC online, too. If you are interested in serving on either of these committees, please contact me.

Prior to forming the CEC or IEC our pre-existing Government Affairs Committee (GAC) developed the Tahoe Future A South Shore Community Vision 2020, which can be found here.This document guides the GAC’s support or opposition of ballot measures, legislation and initiatives and it now provides the foundation upon which candidates are being questioned and measured by the Candidate Endorsement Committee (CEC).

The candidate endorsement process:

The CEC is focused on local California races. Candidates are being evaluated for LTCC, STPUD, City Council and El Dorado County District 5 Supervisor. Endorsement recommendations will be provided to the board by the CEC. The board will vote at their regularly scheduled open meetings on whether to accept the slate suggested by the CEC. Endorsements will be provided to the media and highlighted in chamber publications.

All candidates have an opportunity to be evaluated – TRUE

Every candidate, even those running unopposed, were sent a letter by the CEC Chair inviting them to seek an endorsement. All candidates will be evaluated irrespective of whether they seek an endorsement. Candidates can choose to what extent they engage in the process. Research will include:

o Questionnaire answers

o Websites and collateral materials

o Interviews

o Public forums (City Council forum is Sept. 10)

o Past voting records

o Ability to collaborate and affect positive change

o Alignment with Tahoe Future Vision 2020

o Background checks

Tahoe Chamber has solicited specific candidates to endorse – FALSE

TahoeChamber encourages civic engagement through its Leadership Lake Tahoe program. Leadership participants are encouraged to join service organizations, serve on commissions, volunteer for a nonprofit, coach youth sports and consider running for office. This year we are pleased that five graduates from the 2003 [Nancy McDermid], 2006 [Austin Sass], 2012 [Jeff Cowen] and 2014 [Matt Palacio and Shane Romsos] classes are running for four different offices. The fact that they are graduates from this program in no way guarantees them an endorsement from the CEC. It does however provide the community assurances that the graduates have been exposed to many facets of the South Shore contributing to their knowledge base.

The review of candidates is not fair or transparent – FALSE

The CEC continues to evolve and is committed to making this process fair and consistent. Every candidate is being scored using the same grade sheet and process related to Tahoe Future 2020. All questionnaire answers (with the exception of personal information) and their scores will be posted on the Tahoe Chamber website whether or not the graduates sought an endorsement.

Tahoe Chamber will publish Social Security numbers or background information – FALSE

We would never publish sensitive information and will ensure that all personal information is protected. Only the chamber CEO will handle personal information. Candidates may provide their Social Security number as it ensures the background check doesn’t retrieve negative information associated with another individual. (For example, one candidate background check picked up several other individuals of the same name with arrest records). Chamber CEO will provide the CEC with a pass or fail on background checks and provide no details.

The campaign process:

The Independent Expenditure Committee (IEC) is raising funds independently from the CEC and the candidates. It cannot by law coordinate efforts with any of the candidate’s campaign committees. Any individual or business can contribute funds to the IEC. The donor cannot dictate to which candidate(s) their funds support. The IEC will conduct its own research including taking into account which candidates the CEC recommends, but it is under no obligation to support those candidates.

The IEC will purchase ads or publish direct mail – TRUE

The purpose of the IEC is to engage in the political process to educate voters on why it believes a particular candidate(s) is a good choice for our community.

Some candidates will be given money – FALSE

The IEC cannot contribute funds directly to a candidate or their campaign committee. Any funds expended must be done independently.

I hope this overview is helpful in highlighting our process that in reality is no different than that being undertaken by myriad organizations across this great nation given our constitutionally protected rights. Materials and information will be updated on the aforementioned websites regularly and additional information provided in the upcoming issue of our Business Review.

We trust that you will value the labor of many volunteers in their effort to provide you with credible information on which to base your voting decisions.


B Gorman, president/CEO Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce


About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (16)
  1. reza says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    Ms Gorman and Chamber, The Publisher’s Note, if accurate, says a lot. I look forward to Mr. Drew or B’s comments about the quote asap. Otherwise, the entire submission by the president/CEO of the Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce is nothing more than political spin ala James Carvell or Karl Rove and thus worthless.

  2. Steven says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    Hey Gorman,
    Are you up to date on your TOT fees ? We all know you were not paying in the past.

  3. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    The Chamber is just a Political Action Committee which picks candidates and spends money to get them elected.

  4. SLT Citizen says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    In this article, the Chamber is very forthright and open with their support of candidates that understand and support the local economy and businesses of SLT. This is a very refreshingly detailed and honest account of the procedures for this process. Karl Rove et al hide behind opaque support processes and unscrupulous tactics to try and get their interests met.

  5. Alex Campbell says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    OOPS!!! Now and forever they presentTom and Hal ! Think back to the Holes in the ground!!

  6. SC Tahoe says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    The last time I checked, the government is supposed to work for the interests of everyone, including business owners. Any chamber of commerce NOT representing its members in the political arena and supporting pro business candidates would be derelict in their duties. It is also long overdue to have some fresh faces running for office in our town. It is completely unnecessary for Mr. Drew or B to comment on Mr. Drew’s quote as it speaks for itself.

  7. Brian says - Posted: September 3, 2014

    The Nevada-based Chamber has historically supported and endorsed tax increases for City of South Lake Tahoe taxpayers. Very few of the Chamber Board members live in the City of South Lake Tahoe. Peter loves tax increases, so long as it is Paul who must pay them.

    Now it has a backroom Committee which wants to reach farther and more forcefully across the state line, exerting its influence in City affairs.

    It is no wonder Nevada, and Douglas and El Dorado County interests, outside the city limits, as direct beneficiaries of the South Lake Tahoe Airport, have successfully ensured that the funding of the operations of the airport has remained squarely upon the shoulders of those in the City as they support candidates who never actively pursue a more equitable airport funding mechanism.

    Those with good memories will remember who was recently caught failing to pay TOT on her vacation rental in the City. Is this someone whose judgment should be followed? Or be conducting sensitive background investigations on potential candidates?

    City voters should welcome the new Chamber committee endorsements and candidates, as they can then sensibly vote just the opposite at the polls.

  8. Buck says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    That’s the chamber that supported paid parking. Loop road that puts every one on the Nevada side and Ca pays for it. Lets get out and vote on all issues in Nov.

  9. Jason Collin says - Posted: September 4, 2014

    Let’s simplify things.

    a. The Chamber of Commerce is designed to support and promote business and economic vitality.

    b. NOT recruiting and endorsing candidates that have a business friendly and business prosperous agenda would be a HUGE failure on behalf of any Chamber.

    FYI Buck – The (proposed) Loop Road goes two-ways. From CA to NV, as you mentioned, and, believe it or not, from NV to CA. Funny how that works. Especially when there are far more businesses on the CA side that would benefit.

    We are one South Shore community. Let’s work together to thrive.

  10. Joy Curry says - Posted: September 6, 2014

    I have been involved in South Lake Tahoe political arena for over 10 years. Jason Collins & Jason Drew are examples of individuals we need in our community to move us to the next level. I have served with both of them on different commissions and they are both examples of being positive and hopeful of what we as a community can be.

  11. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: September 9, 2014

    Just go to their website and go through the list of who’s on their committees…….. if you know the people – you know all their little personal glutinous agendas…….

  12. careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: September 9, 2014

    I think endorsing is one thing, forming a committee to raise funds is too much entanglement in the political process.

  13. David Kelly says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    Thats why you should vote for Grego. Laine and David, not one of B.Gordon and Nevada’s hand picked candidates,

  14. reza says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    David Kelly, Wendy David and Brooke Laine requested an endorsement from the NV chamber. If they decide to endorse one of them does that change your viewpoint and vote?

  15. Level says - Posted: September 11, 2014

    David could barely answer a question from an informed stand point as it pertains to current city issues. And she was somewhat unprepared for the question based on her quote in a recent LTN.Net interview.

    Laine, although no slouch and quite versed in city issues, was a business as usual appointment

    Grego? A past train wreck we should forget.

    Davis? Thank you for your service Tom, you’ve accomplished some good things for our community, but it’s time for you to pass the baton.

  16. pine tree says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Swansen is endorsed by the NV side due to her support of the marujuana dispensarys. Bass with his entaurage is a high roller in the casinos. It is trickle down economics in absolutey the worst way. David just rolls along making a career out of her sweet talking politics. I remember when she supported a school tax measure L where the tax payers money would have gone into the general fund to give raises and saleries instead of programs and improvements. Like just happened with STPUDs increases. She was too dumb to see it.