S. Lake Tahoe cops busy dealing with gangs


By Kathryn Reed

STATELINE – Gang members are among us – in schools, at stores, in our neighborhoods. They get recruited at the elementary level and often don’t leave until they’re killed.

While these facts seemed to come as a surprise to many members of Soroptimist International South Lake Tahoe, the reality is gangs are nothing new to the Lake Tahoe Basin. Every year law enforcement tries to figure out how to get a handle on the situation, and how best to educate kids, parents and the public at large. And every year media writes about it.

There are 26 known gangs in South Lake Tahoe, with about a half dozen of those being inactive. And there are 159 documented members in those gangs. Sureño – aka Southside 13 in Tahoe, Norteño – aka Eastside Familia, Juggalos, OMG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang), TNB (Trust NoBitch), and Cyclones are some of the more active gangs locally.

South Lake Tahoe police Sgt. Shannon Norrgard on Sept. 17 talks about local gangs. Photo/LTN

South Lake Tahoe police Sgt. Shannon Norrgard on Sept. 17 talks about local gangs. Photo/LTN

Blue, red, 13, 14, TNB, ESF – see those colors, numbers or letters and know it’s gang related. Thirteen comes from M being the 13th letter in the alphabet. M is for Mexico and the Southerners. The letter N is the 14th letter and represents the Northerners.

South Lake Tahoe police Sgt. Shannon Norrgard and Detective Nick Carlquist gave an overview of the local gang situation to Soroptimist on Sept. 17 at Harveys.

One Soroptimist member talked about having just served on a jury that convicted Cesar Caro in the 2012 gang related shooting on Bonanza Street. He could get 25 years to life when he is sentenced in October.

Carlquist said there is a link between guns being easy to obtain in Nevada and marijuana accessible in California. The two are often traded without any money exchanging hands.

“Where there are gangs, there are weapons and where there are weapons, there are drugs,” he said.

While there are a slew of crimes tied to gangs, in South Lake Tahoe assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism are the predominant issues.

In state Penal Code it doesn’t use gang, but instead considers this behavior street terrorism.

“They will recruit anyone,” Norrgard said.

She said the more a gang member is feared and can intimidate others, the more respect that person garners in the group. And gang members are both genders. Females are often the ones to carry the drugs and weapons.

The officers said without the community’s help it’s impossible to get the gang-bangers off the streets. People need to pay attention to what kids are wearing, scribbling on paper, tattooing on themselves; letting officials know about graffiti; and having an awareness in neighborhoods, and when out and about. But they also cautioned not to intervene. Anonymous calls about suspected gang activity may be placed to Secret Witness at 530.541.6800.


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Comments (42)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: September 18, 2014

    Legalize the drugs; take away the gangs’ source of revenue. Seriously.
    Al Capone got rich off prohibition alcohol sales, and the crime connected to it because of the stupid laws.

  2. Steve Kubby says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    “The answer to gangs, violence and drugs is unchanged and is as simple as ending the Al Capone era of gangs and violence – the answer is end substance prohibition. Taking the profit out of the drug business by legalizing substances remains the essential tool in the fight to dismantle gangs, reduce gun violence, reclaim youth, and control dangerous drugs.” –Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (

  3. Rhinopoker says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Dogula and Steve,

    If your argument is to legalize drugs Why not legalize the guns also? Both kill people in the wrong hands. Many of the people who want drugs legalized to stop crime while many want guns made harder and harder to get for legal law abiding citizens. At least with a gun you can protect yourself, hunt and shoot for sport.

    Gangs are not going to go away because we made weed, coke or heroine legal they will turn to something else just like the mafia did after prohibition. The answer to slowing down gangs is a strong task force that is involved from inside undercover work and the outside presence everywhere they hang out. The gang problem will never be stopped just like the mafia but it can be managed. Legalizing drugs and keeping guns away from citizens is not the answer. What drugs do you legalize certainly not something like heroine and meth? Just like we don’t allow fully automatic weapons to be sold. They are too dangerous for our society and there is no benefit.

  4. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Switzerland is an interesting study. Guns are required by law and heroin is legal, hmmmm…….

  5. Dogula says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Rhino, you aren’t paying attention; guns (all of them) should also be legal. Unless somebody commits an actual crime with their gun, what, exactly, is the problem? The guns do not commit the crimes, the bad guys do.
    With regards to your assertion that the gangs would move on to other vice, that’s a no-brainer too. Eliminate ALL vice laws. Prostitution is legal in certain counties in NV. And those counties are the SAFEST for the women and men who choose to indulge. NO crime associated.
    Benefit to society is irrelevant. Free adults should be able to make their own choices. As long as they don’t infringe on anybody else’s rights in using drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, whatever, as long as it’s all consenting adults, who are you or I to prevent them?
    So legalize ALL victimless “crimes” and you would leave the gangsters with exactly nothing.

  6. Rhinopoker says - Posted: September 19, 2014


    When a parent od’s the child and the family are the victims.

    When a mother of father leaves their kid home alone to go get a hooker or be a John there is a child that is a victim.

    I believe in freedom of choice and wish that adults could make the right decisions with all the choices but I have seen to much to know better.

    Have you ever seen small businesses have to pay protection money to protect themselves from the very gang that they are paying?

    Kidnappings in Mexico are so common it is an everyday occurrence for gangs. You are fooling yourself by believing in a Utopia where everything is legal that there will be no gangs and no victims.

  7. Dogula says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    There is no utopia. Perfection doesn’t exist in this world. But given the choice between liberty and tyranny, I choose liberty.

  8. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Kae how about listing the 26 names of these groups?

  9. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Gangs have been a fact of life in cities for many years.
    SLT has what, under 25,000 residents, and we are hearing there are 26 gangs in there. They must fairly small gangs, but of course they can still make problems.

    The problem is, there is no work available that pays a living wage for young people who have a lot of energy and time on their hands. Crime pays better so that is what they do.

    Tahoe’s constant quest for a tourist/recreation economy with little if any focus on other divergent options is not going to make this any better, because it is only going to increase the service economy, which is simply put,part time, seasonal, low wage, no benefit type work with no future.

    By this focus, we attract the very people that are susceptible to gang recruitment. Think about the number of our public servants that do not live in the community they are supposed to protect, because they can’t afford the housing costs.

    We need to increase the affordability of Tahoe, which will also affect the sustainability. Yeah yeah, I know we have built a few low cost living units recently, but not nearly enough.

    All this talk and worry about guns and drugs is just noise, overwhelming the problems which really need solutions. It is treating symptoms only and not providing any preventive medicine.

    Someone should look at Marriot and Vail and inventory the number of jobs they have that offer living wages, without working two of them.

  10. Aspen Country says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    They are like insects. They keep breeding so this problem is NOT going away anytime soon.

  11. JuggaloRazzam says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Can anyone explain this to me? Cigarettes kill they are legal, alcohol hurts the liver & people when drunk sometimes hurt people – those things are legal. So why are weed & cocaine, etc illegal?

    Also, most legal medicine advertisements have long list of warning including side effects of possible death!

    FYI – I don’t do drugs, get drunk, or even smoke cigs. I think all drugs should be treated as a health problem not crime. Thoughts?….

  12. SC Tahoe says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Wow! That’s like…6 members per gang! Does that even count as a quorum?

  13. Lisa says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Guns are not required is Switzerland…Reservists have them at home (because they have no standing army) and they are allowed to keep them once their service is over. But, only AFTER taking them in to have them render non-assault weapons.
    That being said, legalizing drugs, taxing them and regulating the contents of them would take the money factor out for the cartels. Would they find something else? Eventually, and with decimated numbers. Places that have legalized drugs have not seen an increase in use. The two drugs that cause the most financial and human damage (cigarettes and alcohol are already legal. They all should be. Many police chiefs share this opinion. Look up LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition).

  14. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Aspen, I agree. It’s like fundagelical xtian teabaggers. They both should be eliminated from civil society.

  15. Sliced says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    Rhino, remove the wool over your eyes. The bad parents are going to be bad parents regardless of laws. I’ll argue that instead of having a slew of unwanted children to neglect, a habitual breeder might better serve his community by investing upfront in a hooker and using protection. A mom who ODs on drugs might better serve her community not perpetuating the black markets. If her drugs were controlled by regulators, she may understand the safe dosage. Also, if she’s arrested buying drugs and goes to jail, now we have to pay taxes to incarcerate her and taxes to assist the children. This whole system is rigged to make you think it’s right, that wool must be itchy. If it’s glaucoma, the best medicine isn’t legal federally, but there are 20-something gangs in Tahoe South making a killing on it and not paying taxes.

  16. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    JuggaloRazzam. Yes, it’s all about selective enforcement!
    Cigarettes and alchool sold at gas stations, while connveiient to the motoring public, are a scary combination.They are selling cigs at a place that sells gasoline. Light up at the pump and , kaboom, “poof”, and you’re toast.

    Selling boozet to people at a gas station that are driving while drinking and “smash”, another fatality.
    Doctors over prescribing pain medication is another big problem, but from what I’ve seen it is largely ignored by the powers that be.
    Take care and beware, OLS

  17. DougM says - Posted: September 19, 2014

    At first, I’m astonished and disgusted that gangs would infiltrate such a haven as Tahoe. Shouldn’t this be a big city affliction? What attracts them to Tahoe? What’s the incentive? Is it just because we have an overabundance of Hispanic workers at the hotels and casinos? Is it just because we have an overabundance of pot users here, a market that Dogula and Kubby are so eager to tap into?

    But then I read that the total documented number of gang members is 159. Really? That’s it? Instead of writing about it, why don’t you just mop ’em up? One can of Raid ought to do it, it seems.

  18. Justice says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Where are most of the gang members coming from? Mexico and S. America. Where is there a Governor welcoming them in? Right here in the Capital.
    Where are most of the drugs coming from? Same answers. Who is also letting out thousands of convicted felons early onto the streets like the arsonist who lit the King Fire? How many millions did this fire cost? This felon is typical and these multiple convicted felons early released are involved in crime waves everywhere. The reason?power who are soft on crime. Until there is a new focus and secure borders and a dozen new prisons nothing will change. Until there is a desire to deal with the felons, gangs, and drug dealers with long prison sentences they will keep increasing. Legalizing drugs will not stop crime it will increase it as black market peon made drugs from S. America with their non-taxed cheaper drugs from corrupt countries will still be in demand and when or if legal, untaxed cheap drugs will increase in demand. Legalization will also cause DUI’S to increase just as using MJ has. The states where MJ was legalized has caused the price of MJ to be about fifty dollars a gram. They also have not seen the taxes they thought and black market dope has undercut the legal and is in demand. This is the real time example and why legalizing drugs doesn’t work. Having Little Border security here, for liberal soft on crime political reasons, and a desire for increasing government dependents is the resulting illegal immigration mess from Mexico and S.A. and IS the real crimes, drugs, and gang problem. Illegals are now about a third of all inmates. This problem should be added to the massive welfare burden and fraud from non-citizen illegals that no country can support. Until something wakes up this country these crimes, drugs and gangs will increase until there is a desire to stop them. Like Israel had to do in securing their country, this country will have to secure the open walk-in route for drugs, gangs, and crimes and also terrorists. People really need to wake up.

  19. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    What a bunch of hyperbolic BS.

  20. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    @Justice…I agree there are numerous problems, but I must ask you-who will absorb the cost of incarcerating ever increasing numbers of people entering or returning to jail or prison? It is ‘interesting’ that for a nation that prides itself on freedom, that deifies ‘personal rights’ we have one of the highest per capita rates of incarceration…and that without holding white collar and corporate thieves and political war criminals accountable for their crimes with prison sentences. Not sure of the best response, but I don’t think pure isolationism or incarcerating people in a penal system where the main thing that people learn is how to be a more effective criminal-from other ‘criminals’ is the answer. I believe that ntil we confront the economic disparity in this nation everything else will continue to devolve.

    Cranky Gerald and Juggalo raise some good points.

    Aspen Country sounds like GaspenAspen.

    Dogula when people use their liberty to terrorize their neighbor-literally and metaphorically-what do you suggest one should do, have more and bigger guns?

  21. TeaTotal says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Justice-as usual you have no idea what you’re talking about-pot at $50/gram?-ridiculous wingnut blowhard

  22. pine tree says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Switzerland now has a problem with illegal immigrants as well. While they pay 65% in taxes.

    Regulating allergy medicine to legitimate allergy sufferers to only allow them to purchase one box every two weeks. The pharmacy runs out of 24 hour decongestent and can only offer you one box of twelve hour…they wont allow you to get two baxes at a time, so the person suffers unable to breathe 12 hours a day because a potential meth addict may be able to get ahold of two boxes. Or search around for some in stock elsewhere where they charge more for the medicine. Or just have someone else buy another box for them. It is not a prescription but it is sold behind the couhter. However it is not covered by insurance. Some pharmacys deny HSA’s, while others allow it. Who comes up with this stuff? You only hurt the legitimate sincere folks.

  23. Aspen Country says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Hmmm: You don’t have to like the truth but it is, what it is. Would you have us coddle these poor misguided urban terrorists? Give them some usless program they will laugh at? You don’t (and never will) get it.

  24. Justice says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Most people writing on this thread may have little to zero experience in the administration of the justice system, the real criminal drug culture, and in the incarceration of people for serious crimes. The truth is the re-incarceration rate for felons is very high and doesn’t seem to vary a lot. This is due to many factors, easy access to drugs and the lifestyle of addiction being major factors and with it there is no chance of legitimate employment. For many years the focus has been on locking up the repeat violent offenders for long sentences and for each felony strike. Now everything has reversed and with it are risks to the public. These risks are people like the arsonist and murderers out killing again. What price can be put on public safety? The idea to early release and reduce time by as much as 90% is flat out endangering every person in this state. One easy step to immediately reduce inmates by close to 33% is to deport all alien criminals to their home countries AND secure the border and enforce visa over-stays. The drug problem is one of over-demand and an open border allowing organized crime and gangs to increase yearly. Legalization has not reduced black market demand as it is simple economics and the legal is being way undercut by the illegal and will continue to be.

  25. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    @GaspenCountry-As I said, not sure what the best response is. Maybe you didn’t finish reading before you responded. Maybe you didn’t think about what you read. Par for the course.

  26. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    @Justice-we have the best democracy money can buy(which is not democracy at all). When people see that the system is rigged to their detriment they stop believing the myth. When the criminal justice system is based on ‘punishment’ there is very chance of people rehabilitating themselves. People WILL learn from incarceration…WHAT they learn is open for discussion.

  27. Biggerpicture says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    “Most people writing on this thread may have little to zero experience in the administration of the justice system,”

    Justice, if you are saying you do, I find that a bit scary. You have extremely biased views that should have no real place in the justice system. From your past posts and viewpoints it’s seems you would like to have a justice system based on nothing having to do with the scales of equal justice for all!

  28. Hmmm... says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    @Biggerpicture. Given the exploitatory nature of media and the hypocritically sick nature of our ‘political/justice system’ I think that compassion fatigue for those who work in the field is understandable…again, when all you see is sickness and people performing political sleight of hand to get the public focusing on symptoms there’s not much room for anything but knee-jerk fear mongering reactions before the next story comes across about some idiot killing their family or punching their girlfriend or turning a blind eye to whatever…for profit. I just find it disagreeable.

  29. Justice says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Media just released a picture of what the media described as five Mexican gang members who broke out of the Madera County jail. Think they are going to surrender? Or respect the law? Or find guns and violently home invade or carjack? This is the risk of not deporting criminal aliens and housing dangerous state violent inmates in way over-crowded county jails. An entire area is at risk. The lower central valley is so far gone now from illegal immigration that soon there may be a majority illegally in the country in several areas. These are hard truths to confront yet they must be. Having a Governor ignoring the law is encouraging this and is a violation of his oath. People will keep ignoring it until these criminals show up at their door.

  30. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Justice. Hate to burst your psychotic aneurysm but crime rates in California peaked in 2005; murders 2503, violent crimes 190,178, grand theft auto 257,543. Current stats are; murders 1884, violent crimes 160,944 and grand theft auto 168,608. Gosh, that Aanold character was the Governator in 2005.

    Think Eric Frien in Pennsylvania is going to surrender quick and quietly.

    The top three American cites with the fasted growing crime rates are: Odessa Texas, Columbus Indiana and Wheeling West Virginia.

  31. steve ellison says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Opinions…. We all seem to have them, agreeable, disagreeable, intelligent & not so intelligent. Ironic, as we witness the current round of distractful happenings, this time involving athletes & their private lives, and the strife therein..

    The most stinging, is how one man was raised, and in the same manor, he is acting in his Father’s footsteps, only to be judged by the social media & because of that, the rest of us. He is attempting to discipline his child, one would hope, to some control in how hos son will conduct himself,in the future. How many times do we witness the broken home, the torn relationships, the broken hearts and the children are the victims here….

    No wonder, they are easy prey, to those, that feel the need to have power over others…Intimidation of the weaker ones, the followers, without a sense of direction and the abandoned, desperately in need of a sense of belonging.

    So take away the discipline, during the development stages of life & what would you expect…

    Guns, drugs, protection, prostitution, take your pick. You let your kids run amok & you get what we have today..

  32. Justice says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Hate to burst your empty bubble but the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation reports crime in California is rising ever since realignment, you can read it on the net and your hero Moonbeam is DIRECTLY responsible by not building new prisons and by cutting up to 90% of sentences. Also by ignoring immigration laws which he should be recalled for.

  33. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Justice. You burst something alright. The CJLF is a non-profit pro death penalty group. My stats came from actual California Public Records and FBI.

    Good luck with your recall on Governor Brown.

  34. reloman says - Posted: September 20, 2014

    Rock what year are your ending stats from? Im guessing 2012 or earlier as it takes time to gather the information. The realignment didnt start until oct of 2011. i seriously doubt there are any good numbers or studies done on this as it is still too soon. We can all give or opinions which are not worth anything an mostly uninformed, but everyone has one.

  35. pine tree says - Posted: September 21, 2014

    Everyone can agree that Mass illegal immigrants cause problems in countries all over the world. The countries without a problem either will not tolerate it, or they are not a country with much to offer. It is funny, our poor have things in our country people in other countries only dream about. Yet the people that want to give them amnesty also wants America to be more like other countries.

  36. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Relo. The stats are as current as you can find; end of 2012. The top three cities with the fastest growing crime are from 2013. Justice posts non-profit opinions.

    Also, it may be hard to match year over year due to Prop 36 changes to three strikes.

    Realignment is due to overcrowding and the courts have ruled against the overcrowding. So, if you want to argue for building more Prisons in California and tell voters how much they will cost, that is ok.

  37. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Pine. That leftist Reagan gave “amnesty” to 3 Million in the 1986’s and the country survived.

  38. reloman says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    As I thought, it will be a few years before either side will have enough reliable data the evaluate this. Personnally i think inpatient drug rehabib is much better than prison unless it was a conviction for dealing, throw the key away for them. Deport any non citizen felons, like they use to do the mafia bosses(after they serve their terms.

  39. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    “Most people writing on this thread may have little to zero experience in the administration of the justice system,”

    Was this guy a cop?

  40. rock4tahoe says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Relo. More data to think about. LA County 2013, 595 homicides; so far in 2014, 385 homicides or a pace of 524, in 2005 there were 1,146 homicides. Clearly we are seeing fewer homicides then we did in 2005 without realignment. BTY. in 2011 there were 649 homicides in LA County.

    Note. People sentenced 25 years for third strike shoplifting and other petty crimes, they help to fill our prisons too.

  41. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    I am certainly not going to change my mind until you show me facts that support my point of view.