Snippets about Lake Tahoe
- South Tahoe Chamber of Commerce is hosting an informational forum on Lake Tahoe Community College’s Measure F on Sept. 24 at 5:30pm in the college board room.
- Sierra Nevada College and North Lake Tahoe Bonanza are hosting two sessions featuring the candidates for the Incline Village General Improvement District board of trustees. The events are Sept. 23 and Oct. 22 from 7-9pm in Room 139/141 on the college campus.
- This document provides info on Ironman traffic congestion expectations this weekend.
- Team Tahoe is a nonprofit corporation with the mission of developing and promoting programs and best practices that encourage healthy and sustainable communities, environments and economies in the Tahoe area and elsewhere. Team Tahoe’soperating principle is: People + Planet + Profit. For more info, email
- Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit is now on Facebook. The page is hosted through a partnership with the National Forest Foundation.