Then and now: Cecil’s Market, 1940-2014


Cecil’s Market was a local’s favorite, offering everything, including groceries, a delicatessen, novelties, liquor, some clothing, and it featured a huge magazine selection.

Cecil’s survived the arrival of the big Raley’s store located directly behind it in 1963 for another 50 years. It survived big winters (1952) and little winters (2014). But finally is time to call it quits. Sept. 21 was the final day for this South Lake Tahoe landmark.

Cecil Caple founded it in 1940. Then John Jovicich owned Cecil’s for 30 years before it was demolished when the state line area was redeveloped. It emerged as Cecil’s Fountain Plaza. Besides the market, the building now houses other businesses.

Vail Resorts has taken over property, but it is not known what will be going in there.

— Bill Kingman

Here is a photo retrospective of Cecil’s:


1947 Cecil’s at what became the corner of Highway 50 and Park Avenue/Heavenly Village Way. Photo/Lake Tahoe Historical Society

949 Cecil's (Lake Tahoe Historical Society) and the first annual wagon train celebrating 100 years since the Gold Rush. This was the only wagon train that headed eastbound first, then reversed!

1949 Cecil’s and the first annual wagon train celebrating 100 years since the Gold Rush. This was the only wagon train that headed east first, then reversed. Photo/Lake Tahoe Historical Society





1950s Cecil's aerial perspective (Lake Tahoe Historical Society). The drive-in movie driveway alongside Cecil's also went to Van Sickle’s Riding Stables.

1950s Cecil’s aerial perspective. The drive-in movie driveway alongside Cecil’s also went to Van Sickle’s Riding Stables. Photo/Lake Tahoe Historical Society

991 Cecil's corner at Park Avenue. Photo/Bill Kingman

1991 Cecil’s corner at Park Avenue. Photo/Bill Kingman



2014 Cecil's last location, midway between its original site and Harrah's. Photo/Bill Kingman

2014 Cecil’s last location, midway between its original site and Harrah’s. Photo/Bill Kingman

Cecil's original corner today. Photo/Bill Kingman

Cecil’s original corner today. Photo/Bill Kingman

2001 Cecil's gone, razed for redevelopment, and Park Avenue was re-named as Heavenly Village Way. Photo/Bill Kingman

2001 Cecil’s gone, razed for redevelopment, and Park Avenue was re-named as Heavenly Village Way. Photo/Bill Kingman


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This article was written by admin


Comments (13)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Another piece of our history lost to redevelopment.

  2. dumbfounded says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    I can still remember riding my bike to Cecil’s with my Mom in about 1955 or so. Thanks again for all your wonderful photos, Bill.

  3. rebel with a cause says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Vail Resorts purchased the property? Rumor or fact?

  4. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Bill Kingman. Good story on the old Cecil’s Market! I’m glad to see the improvement, but I’m also glad to remember how it was before the redevelopment.
    Lots of good sandwhiches there thanks to my old buddy Mark Bonfield workin’ the deli.
    The area looks much cleaner now. Although I was invited up to see the demolition, I deciced against it, too many memories!
    Sure, so maybe I’m likely to be resistant to change, but redevelopment that happened in that area does make that section of town look much better.
    Goodbye, old Cecil’s and that string of motels,(one of which my folks last motels), it’s all different now Take care , OLS

  5. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    There is a mention of “The drive-in movie driveway alongside Cecil’s” in this article. Can anyone tell me if the drive-in operated year-round or did it only operate in the non-snow periods? It must have been awfully cold at certain times of year. Thank you.

    Spouse – 4-mer-usmc

  6. Bill Kingman says - Posted: September 22, 2014

    Steve Myers’ drive-in movie operated only in the summertime, originally at Stateline. In the mid-1950s, he moved to the Bijou area where its entry road has become today’s Glenwood Way. Myers’s successors tried winter car warmers, but the drive-in finally closed and was burned-down by vandals around 1985.

  7. Rhinopoker says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    My first trip out by myself as a kid was to Cecil’s for a huge sandwich and some candy. Always lived the knick knacks they had there.

    A Cecil’s #9 the Tunafish was legendary. My relatives from the Bay Area always wanted to get a sandwich at Cecil’s before heading to the mountain or beach.

    The true Cecil’s left us years ago but goodbye old friend.

  8. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    Thank you Mr. Kingman. I’ve often wondered about the drive-in and you’ve filled in some gaps. Much appreciated.

    Spouse – 4-mer-usmc

  9. LAURA says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    Bill, was Cecil Caple a descendant of the historic Caples Lake family? I’m always interested in your stories about old Tahoe. Maybe the Historical Society needs to do a whole program ONLY on Bill Kingman’s stories/photos of old Tahoe! J

  10. ljames says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    It appears Vail Inc will take over the lease (most likely outbidding the current tenant as renewal came up) – no one has talked about them purchasing the property. Vail has made moves on a number of leases in the stateline area – sooner or later they will have a strangle hold on SLT, if they don’t already.

  11. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    Had some pretty HOT dates in my car at that Glenwood Movie Theater ……. Oh Boy !
    Never really got to see a whole movie there …hmmm..
    Thanks Bill K. for bringing that one up.

  12. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    Toxic Warrior, Yes, I to had some pretty good times at the drive-in on Glenwwood. I worked there during the summers while in high school and had a few hot dates there myself! Some memorable, some?…well lets just say I’d rather forget…BUT I CAN’T!!!
    Good times!!! OLS

  13. Gayle says - Posted: September 23, 2014

    I have missed the “old” Cecils, but the new one that opened at redevelopment never was anywhere near the old one, so guess I won’t miss it now!
    Thanks again to Mr. Kingman