1-day free chipping service in South Lake Tahoe
Lake Valley Fire Protection District, South Lake Tahoe Fire Department and the California Conservation Corps are teaming up to help city residents with defensible space and slash removal.
On Oct. 18, members of the CCC are volunteering their time to provide free chipping to residents in South Lake Tahoe.
In order to participate in the chipping service, homeowners must:
- Place slash and brush piles adjacent to a driveway or street so the chipper crew can readily have access.
- Place piles in an area where equipment can easily turn around (chippers are on trailers).
- Place the cut ends of branches and trees facing toward the driveway or road.
- The chipper can only handle material up to 6 inches in diameter.
- Piles must be free of trash, including rocks, dirt, wires and lumber. They must also be free of pine needles, pine cones, leaves or shrubs.
After the pile has been placed, call 530.577.2447 and leave your name, address and phone number to get on the list. State that you are in the city limits for the Oct. 18 chipping day.