Camino man escapes encounter with bear


By Dave Marquis, KXTV-TV

A Camino man charged by a black bear beside his home barely managed to slam a door shut in time to escape.

“I’ve seen a bear up close, but this is up close I don’t want to get again,” said Bart Emry, as he recalled the early Monday morning encounter next to his home on Copperton Road.

When his dog Daisy nudged him in bed, Emry assumed she needed to go to the bathroom outside. But when he opened the door, he saw what he estimated to be a 350-pound black bear less than 50 feet away.

“It was out there eating the garbage and my dog was just looking at it for a minute and then she jumped back,” Emry said.

That’s when the bear charged.

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Comments (10)
  1. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    AMMONIA AMMONIA !!!! Soak newspapers and place them on top of your garbage ! It worked on Lupine trail where we had lived for years

  2. Steve says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Simple solution, don’t keep your garbage outside your front door at night.

  3. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    This guy is uninjured despite is idiotic actions.

    El Dorado County really needs to cite people for the garbage left outside.

    People have not only encroached on the bears territory, but put food out for them. Idiotic.

  4. Mel says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Idiot! Lock up your garbage cans!

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Steve, You’re right! Keep your garbage indoors untill pick up day, then drag it out in the morning before the the garbage truck comes.
    Unfortunately this is not an option for some folks.Some households generate 3,4 or 5 cans of trash a week. I know this from being a garbageman here locally for over 31 years. Seen lots of trash and lots of bears whose main diet has become household garbage left in the open for easy accses to the bears, racoons and the coyotes.
    The bears have become more aggressive in their search for food and are breaking into cars and homes looking for something to eat.
    I urge eveyone who has a “bear problem” in their neighborhood to call the good folks at “the Bear League” at
    (530 525-7297.) . They have some good advice about what to do about bears gettin’ in the neighbors trash. They helped me! And it was free!
    Don’t feed the bears! OLS

  6. Action says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Simply bite the bullet and buy yourselves a bear proof steel container as I had five years ago, I have NOT had a problem since that day I installed it, problem solved!
    I hate to say it, but it be should mandatory to install one.

  7. Know Bears says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    I think Waste Management and other refuse services should make bear proof cans available to customers and allow them to pay for the cans over time, interest-free. Many (if not most) residential customers can’t afford to install bear proof cans without help with the cost.

  8. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 31, 2014

    Know Bears, I’m no longer an employee of STR (South Tahoe Refuse) so I can longer speak for them as a representitive.
    This is just coming from my personal expierence of working there and living in the area for many years. But I will say that in the past when the bear / trash issue became a problem we addressed it as best we could at STR. Bear proof dumpsters for apartmets, restraurauts and campgrounds were requsted and delivered. As far as bear boxes or bear broof cans for private residences? STR simply cannot afford that. It’s up to the homeowner to purchase something to keep the bears out of their trash! Maybe just a little common sense?
    Yes, it will cost some money to buy the cans or the bear box but it’s well worth the money! It sure helped on my street! Take care, OLS

  9. Toxic Warrior says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    The unfortunate part is this bear will eventually be tagged as a nuisance then destroyed because morons like this guy are lazy and leave their garbage out.

    By the way, the “bear proof” screw top plastic trash cans do not work ! We have a local bear that gets them open every day. The ONLY bear proof trash storage is the metal kind with locking doors that mounts in the ground.

  10. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 1, 2014

    Toxic Warrior, Your correct about the bear proof cans as they’re called. I refer to them as “bear resistant” cans as the bear WILL get into them if he wants.
    Yor are right about a properly installed metal bear box is the best way to go, just make sure they are latched closed!
    The bears are here to stay, so we, as humans, have to adjust OUR behavior to adapt to them! OLS