Candidates turn in financial forms
Updated Oct. 9 7am:
Financial forms for candidates running for office in November were due this week.
Here are the forms for El Dorado County District 5 supervisor candidates Sue Novasel and Kenny Curtzwiler.
Michelle Sweeney has not turned in a Form 460 for Lake Tahoe Community College.
Only candidates who have formed committees must turn in forms.
Here are the forms for Duane Wallace and Jim Jones who are running for South Tahoe Public Utility District, though not against each other.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
“Sue Novasel, El Dorado County supervisor”
To the best of my knowledge, Sue is a candidate like myself. Norma Santiago is the current Supervisor.
Thank You
Please check your email. I turned in my 460 within the allotted time and have scanned the document for your information. You will notice that the front page is stamped and initialed by our local County Clerk on Monday, Oct. 6th – the date the document was due. I respectfully request that you retract your statement that I did not do so and ask that next time you contact me directly about any questions before you print something in error like this again.
There is nothing in LTN’s email from you — even in spam.
The information provided to LTN is from Kim Smith with the Elections Department. Maybe if you get elected, you can get employees to jump for you, but you will never get the media to do so.
Good luck.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
I am not ASKING the media to do so… I am just asking them to report things accurately. Check your email again. Then check your facts – the requirements for turning in the FPPC forms are quite clear – they can be submitted into any County Clerk’s office, which is what I legally did. The SLT Clerk turns in the form to the Placerville office when they have time – not necessarily the same day as when they were filed.
Still nothing from you.
The facts are from the Elections Department. We reported the facts as we knew/know them.
Why don’t you just upload them?
Being so bitchy is really unbecoming of a candidate.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
I will be happy to upload the file so that you can see what I have been trying to explain to you.
Thank you
Sue Novasel
Here is a direct link to the document which is published on her website:
It may not work for all browsers, in which case one can navigate to her contact page, then click on “See her Form 460” on the left side, via the following URL:!contact/c1z0x
Hope that helps! :)
Molly Novasel
Oh no she didn’t.
Perfect example of why Sue is not the best choice. The language, the attitude and the officiousness is exactly what we don’t need.
Kae, “bitchy”? Really? How unprofessional of you!
Kae, I find your commentary toward Ms. Novasel to be below your usual standards of professionalism. I see a lot of name-calling and sarcasm being posted in the commentary sections of LTN, but I am surprised to hear it from you. To call someone, “bitchy” is not only unprofessional; it is misogynistic. You are better than that.
Well one thing we can take away from this race by virtue of both candidates correspondence with LTN.NET in letters or comment threads is that both candidates have some very human characteristics. And that is that they are both capable of stepping in it.
Janet, Did you read the endorsement?
Can someone let me know when the catfight stops, along with the personal attacks on other candidates? Some of whom are seeking re election or others running for the first time. Ain’t poiltics grand!!!
Meanwhile, I’ll be hiding out in my bunker till the dust settles!!!! See you on the front lines!
Take care, OLS ,(your trusty war correspondent)
Umm… did the Publisher of this “news source” really use the word “b i t c h y” to a candidate for County Supervisor? How impartial of the Publisher. I will keep that in mind when posting myself. LOL!
Kae? insert “Snarky” for the b- word….
“Please” and “respectfully request” seem pretty polite to me. Also Sue’s document is stamped as she said it was.
Fairness and accuracy matter in the media. Neither seem to have achieved here.
WOW! Really? Kae you just made it very clear you are nothing but a blogger pretending to be an impartial reporter. Just another reason why I rarely visit this “news” site any longer.
I want to apologize if I sounded harsh in my previous comments. I was frustrated because I take a great deal of pride in my reporting accurately and on time. I did file my 460 in the El Dorado County Clerk’s office in the South Lake Tahoe branch which is available to any county supervisor candidate.
It was not my intention to sound harsh – I just wanted to be clear that I filed on time and properly. I hope this clears up any confusion and I appreciate the Lake Tahoe News endorsement for me as Supervisor for District 5. Thank you Kae for posting my 460.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for my lack of professionalism in my comments.
As soon as we were supplied the information, we did post it, but that does not excuse my response. We have always relied on the Elections Department for the financial documents for races other than City Council.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
Sue, there is no reason for you to apologize. You were defending yourself. That is completely understandable. What is not understandable, is a “reporter” replying to your defense by name calling!
And reporters aren’t allowed to defend themselves? — or to apologize? Sno, maybe you should go back to not reading LTN because you aren’t contributing anything worthwhile.
Hmmm… I posted my last comment as Kae put her’s up. I appreciate that she apologized but take serious offense to the wording she used against a person commenting on her site. Kae has always stood up against name calling on her site but stooped to a very low level by posting what she did. If you don’t agree with me that is fine but to try to say I don’t have a right to say anything is not.
Well done Kae. We all make mistakes and say things we later regret. Thank you for acknowledging your actions so graciously.
I slowly emerge from my bunker and it appears the dust has settled and the war of words has been somewhat been resolved by you know who and you know who.
I couldn’t make it to the canditate forum yesterday with those running for office as I had tenant issues I had to deal with.
So I ask, how’d the forum meeting at LTCC go? I’d appreciciate any info. Take care, OLS