CDC: Americans can expect to live longer
By Karen Kaplan, Los Angeles Times
Americans are living longer than ever before, government data show.
A typical toddler born in 2012 can expect to live 78.8 years — a new record, according to a report published Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s 36.5 days longer than in 2011.
Adults who were 65 in 2012 could expect to live an additional 19.3 years, on average, the report said. That’s also 36.5 days longer than in 2011.
These gains in life expectancy are the result of small but steady decreases in Americans’ age-adjusted death rate (a statistic that controls for the age distribution of the population as a whole).
The CDC can’t be trusted anymore on anything and is now a political propaganda arm of Obummer with a script of pretending Obola isn’t a problem here now thanks to incompetence at all levels. The risk is keeping those out from W. Africa and contained which so far is NOT being done and should be the biggest story in the country instead of the latest scandal and cover-up . Keeping a lethal virus out of this continent is a no-brainer and people, especially non-citizens, should not be allowed to enter this country from W. Africa at all or get here through open borders. This insane Obummer gang is a danger to all and even in Africa the people from countries with Ebola are not allowed to enter other countries. Why has this country risked it all? For what? For who’s agenda?
How many hours of Rush do you listen to per week?
You really bought into that fear mongering.
Can you ask the nurse who was just diagnosed and all the people who have to be in quarantine how this no travel restriction is working?
Hey justice, go climb back under your rock….your b s is getting old
You don’t have the intelligence to be a rock, a parasite is more like it. Unintelligent name calling liberal with nothing to add to anything what a waste of space and air.
“Unintelligent name calling liberal with nothing to add to anything what a waste of space and air.”
You know the saying about living in glass houses, don’t you?