Couple with baby rescued along Rubicon Trail

By Siemny Chhuon, KXTV 

RUBICON SPRINGS – A California Highway Patrol helicopter rescued a young Fairfield couple, their 4-month-old daughter and their friend from the Rubicon Trail in El Dorado County Tuesday.

It’s a story Elizabeth Oldknow will one day tell her daughter.

“I still don’t know how to completely process it,” Oldknow said.

Oldknow, her husband, their baby and their friend set out on a fun day trip Tuesday along the rocky Rubicon Trail. But then their Jeep got stuck in Rubicon Springs.

“Obviously, it was a mistake to go as far as we did,” OIdknow said. “I wish we turned around sooner.”

With no way out, they were forced to spend the night in the woods. Fortunately, they found a campground.

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