Curtzwiler: ‘El Dorado County has lost its focus’


Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News asked the two El Dorado County District 5 supervisor candidates a series of questions. All are the same except for one that is specific to each candidate. The responses are being run in the order LTN received them.

kenny curtzwilerName: Kenny Curtzwiler

Profession/work experience: Room service waiter at Sahara Tahoe – two years / Bartender-Carlos Murphy’s –19 years / Bartender Chevy’s – one- year / Bartender Tudor Pub — three years / Nevada Army National Guard — 20.5 years (I held the ranks of E-1, E-2, E-3, E-5, E-6—O-1, O-2, O-3, and retired an O-4-Major.) I own Skibumfamily Inc and dba K & K Services. Pam and I named our business K & K from the initials of myself Kenny and my son Kaleb (Tree Service, Roofing and Construction Clean Up Company) Lake Tahoe Custom Cycles (Motorcycle Repair Shop) Tahoe Skibum, South Lake Tahoe Skibum and Lake Tahoe Skibum (Retail clothing and writer of the Skibum articles in Lake Tahoe Entertainer and Tahoe Mountain News).

Age: 58

What organizations, committees or groups are you or have you been involved with?: It would be much easier to ask which ones I haven’t been involved in as I am involved with them all. Specifically the major ones are Christmas Cheer, the Children’s Memorial Tree, American Legion and Boys and Girls Club. I do not belong to any one group with the exception of the American Legion. I feel in this way I can give freely to everyone without breaking any affiliation feelings. My company and family have donated to almost every function this community has had for the last 33 years. I am also a registered non partisan and am not affiliated in any way to a political party, in this way I can vote for what is best for our community and not a certain group whether it be political or special group.

Why are you running for supervisor?: My son asked me to make a difference here in a letter he wrote.

Why should people vote for you over the other candidate?: I honestly feel that I have prepared for this position since I first moved to Tahoe by getting involved with the community and lifestyle this area has to offer. I would also like to hold the agencies and elected officials (yes, that will include myself) accountable for their actions, decisions and commitment to our community, which now includes our friends in Pollock Pines.

What do you think is the most pressing issue facing El Dorado County and how will you deal with it?: El Dorado County has lost its focus when it comes to the community and the community needs. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of police, fire and community infrastructure like our roads and facilities. Too often they have gotten lost in the eye candy and smoke and mirrors of certain interest groups whose only focus is to promote themselves first and the community second.

The 56-acre project, which includes Lakeview Commons and the campground on the other side of Highway 50, is owned by the county and maintained by the city. The county has not invested a dime and does not contribute to the maintenance and operations. Would you ask the county to help with paying some of the bills or would you advocate for deeding the land to the city? Why or why not?: I do not know if the county has invested anything. I would have to check on that and get back with you. To the best of my understanding the county is no different than a landlord, they lease the facility to the city and it is the city’s responsibility for T I & M. There are several hundred examples of a landlord not doing anything to their property as long as the rent is paid up here in our community. They see no reason to invest in our community as most of them do not live here, the county is no different, outta sight outta mind. Rather than sell it to the city we need to work together to improve our community, if the county is not willing to work with us then perhaps we should look into transferring stewardship of the site to our community and the people that actually live here.

The city and county are putting together a recreation master plan, but the Board of Supervisors has never voted on whether it would fund the implementation of the plan. Would you dedicate funds to promote the investment of recreation?: See above answer where I talk about out of area landlords. The word Landlords used to be reversed where there were Lords of the Land until the land became a part of the community. As far as investment goes, yes. Obviously, I will take care of our community first.

Being on the board requires working with four others. Give readers an example of how you work well others in difficult situations with differing opinions: My experience in the military required me to work with everyone above and below my pay grade on a daily basis. Contrary to belief the military is not a democracy yet we were required to work as one. The biggest asset I have is that I do not belong to a political party, special interest group or community organization. I belong to this community and will and have always kept that first and foremost in everything I have done in the 37 years I have lived here. I have had a working relationship with just about everyone in this town through my writings as the Skibum to my business as a contractor and specifically due to all the years as a bartender. I am able to walk into the offices of our officials and work out any differences we may have. We don’t always agree but that is what I am here to work out and move on for the betterment of our community. I do not always get what I want but neither does the other side but we do come to a compromise.

What is working in the county and what isn’t; and how would you go about changing what isn’t working?: What isn’t working is the communication between the BOS and the community. It is our, the community’s, job to get involved with what is happening but it is imperative that the BOS share with the community what is going on. For too long these agendas have been pushed through for the consultants and their employers as to what we need without full disclosure and communication with all those affected. We need a representative that is willing to ask the question “Really?”. Our elected officials need to remember who they work for.

Would you consider replacing the current CAO? Why or why not?: I do not have enough information to comment on this question.

The grand jury labeled the county dysfunctional. What is your opinion of that assessment?: No more dysfunctional that our own City Council. I would agree with the statement based on the fact that I have served on the civil grand jury for a year a few years back and am somewhat familiar with the inner workings. The grand jury is made up of volunteers, community members who want to make a difference yet they have no teeth. Every grand jury report has been ignored and if you read all of them they are almost always the same theme. Our elected officials need to read the grand jury report standing next to a mirror to see what they are talking about.

Agriculture is a huge economic driver for the county. What are your ideas in regards to the drought to ensure farmers and ranchers have enough water?: I do not have enough knowledge or interaction with farmers and agriculture to answer this question.

The Sand Fire this summer proved El Dorado County was lacking in emergency response coordination efforts. What improvements would you propose?: I will use our Lake Valley Fire Department as an example. We must be proactive and not always reactive. I attended an El Dorado County meeting [in August] where all the fire district chiefs and committees were there. The biggest theme was they are all asking for money and their fair share of tax dollars and what do we need to improve their services. LV has been proactive in seeking grant funds for defensible space and wood shake replacement. I am a Tree Service and Roofing contractor and I can tell you that when they implemented these programs we have done about a thousand jobs for defensible space and the protection of our community. Proactive not reactive. LV is now asking for a new “tax” for more defensible space programs. This money will stay in our community to help our community. I applaud our Lake Valley Fire Department for being proactive and taking care of the community. The problem with the Sand fire was the same problem with the Angora Fire. Too many agency chiefs egos were bruised because all the outside agencies wanted to be in charge when they should have had less egos involved and let one local agency take charge. We needed to be able to cross jurisdictions and power structures without worrying about stepping on another agency’s perceived power ego.

How would you improve relations with the city of South Lake Tahoe?: Are you asking what I would do as a person or are you asking as the county? Since the question is stated as “you” I will answer that way. I will be no different in what I have done in the past, present or future. I will still just walk in or call for a talk with our officials. I will still communicate with them only this time we can actually move forward on critical issues not just the issues in my articles.

On Lake Tahoe News you commented how you are proud to collect unemployment in the winter when your business closes down. Ethically, how do you justify this?: Below is the actual wording of what I said. I had Ms. Reed look it up for me as I asked her to show me where I said I was proud.

Jealous Jeff? Yes I do collect unemployment on your dime and enjoy every powder day and have absolutely no regrets or ashamed of what I do. Thanks for your opinion.

My company is a corporation and I am an employee of the company. I receive a paycheck and pay into EDD.

Tell the voters something about yourself that they may not know: Someone asked Pam, my lovely wife of 33 years, if she or I was afraid of someone saying something about us that might not be flattering. Her response, “Are you kidding? This guy puts his whole life story out every month in the Mountain News, there is nothing anyone does not know about us.” There is probably one thing though, both Pam and I were adopted.



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This article was written by admin


Comments (44)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Kenny Curtzwiler is the first and only candidate who actually represents the unique character and lifestyle of Tahoe locals. If we are ever to break through the phony, repressive, fiscally irresponsible leadership that currently infects the City Council and the county Board of Supervisors, it must begin by electing local candidates who can represent our Tahoe values and lifestyles. It’s time we elected folks who will faithfully represent the people of this town, instead of social conservatives who are physically and mentally unfit to understand, much less represent, the typical Tahoe local.

  2. Scott Freestone says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Kenny collects unemployment, for not working for his own company? Is that actually true? He seems to say it is. He “employs” himself, then what? Lays himself off when things slow down and files for unemployment to get taxpayer’s money? Aren’t you supposed to be “looking for a job” on unemployment? File some paperwork saying you’re looking for a job with the EDD? What does he do after winter, hire himself back? And then do it all over again? That seems like a lot of shenanigans and his statement, “I do collect unemployment on your dime and enjoy every day” is a bit in your face.

    Didn’t we just lose a Supervisor for playing fast and loose with the rules, working the system? Given the lack of substance in the answers, this is a clear no vote.

  3. pine tree says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Has anyone asked him how many years he has not made a house payment and him and his wife brag about it? Even after they got their home refiananced.

  4. TahoeDave says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    He makes the statement that he “collects unemployment on your dime…” and then tries to justify it by saying that he pays in his unemployment taxes??!!?? (Side note- I thought it was illegal for the self-employed to collect unemployment, but maybe I’m wrong.) The statements don’t add up and I have a serious problem with this. The taxpayers are subsidizing him during the winter months so he can have a paid vacation. I am positive that his benefits outweigh his payments into the system.
    Probably a great guy to have a beer with, but not what we need for leadership.

  5. Justice says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Not ready for prime time. If you want this important position you should have attended a number of BOS meetings in P-ville and be familiar with the county budget and General Plan and the other major issues that affect the county including the issues with the CAO and the development issues. There isn’t a on the job training box to check for this as a trainee. The taking of unemployment by the owner of his own company is strange and, although maybe legal or maybe not, it just doesn’t sit well. These are enough for this election to go the other way and it is too bad another candidate isn’t in this one.

  6. Jared Manninen says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Yikes. He completely undercuts his argument with that shameful and unethical unemployment bit. That’s some serious arrogance to publicly admit (and brag about) the fact that he fraudulently claims unemployment. Just because a person can manipulate the system and get away with it doesn’t mean it’s right. You’re required to seek employment while claiming benefits. Period. If you’re not actively seeking work yet still claiming benefits, that’s not only unethical, it’s illegal. However, it’s clear that he simply established a “seasonal” business that would provide him with a winter vacation (on the taxpayers’ dime). Doesn’t he already get a military pension? Then, why the need to take more from the government? I also find it hard to believe he couldn’t segue his spring, summer, and fall business (K&K) into a winter one that offers services such as snow removal. If you want the powder days, hire lower paid employees to run the operations while you’re out playing.

    One interpretation of a leader is a person who does the right thing when no one else is watching. Clearly, this guy does not measure up to that definition.

  7. Arod says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I am curious as to his affiliation with the Brotherhood motorcycle club. Some of the members have been implicated in serious drug offenses.

  8. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I think that Mr. Curtzwiler could easily take a position selling snake oil in the winter and that he should forego the unemployment on our dime and being able to enjoy “every powder day and have absolutely no regrets or shame”. Most people search for alternate work when they get laid off, but then again most people don’t get to lay themselves off, go collect unemployment, and then take the winter off and get paid to go play. But I guess if your wife works all year long for a nondescript attorney you can get away with that.

    Just because you can get away with something underhanded doesn’t mean you should do it. We don’t need another character flawed Supervisor who proudly goes by what appears to be the accurate nickname of “Bum”.

  9. reloman says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Wow, collecting unemployment, very unethical. Though he his company does pay into unemployment and his rate goes up because of his claim, it is still an abuse of why the system was setup. Unemployment is not like welfare where they take into consideration all income. You could be making 100k a year thru pensions and investments(as long as you are not a active investor ieice your sole job) and still collect unemployment. Also he is still too young to collect a pention from the military as reserve retirement doesnt start paying until the reservist reaches the age of 60

  10. ONE TIME says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Kenny is a true Tahoe local, tells you the truth and is up front. Sorry some of you can’t handle the way he is but he will be good as a supervisor for this area. One thing he does not do is tell the ways he helped out other people and the community, he doesn’t want a pat on the back he does it because he cares. Get to know Kenny before you make a judgment, he will take the time and tell you how he feels and what he wants to accomplish.

  11. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I can’t hear what you’re saying because what you are doing speaks too loudly.
    If you want others to follow you then get your moral compass set in the right direction. What’s legal and what’s right are WAY different.

  12. Kenny Curtzwiler says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    There is one paragraph left out of the written response dated August 19, 2014. I will include that here. Once again, this paragraph was left out and I am not writing this in response to anything said now.

    Written August 19, 2014
    “I would like to add one more thing. I will not respond to any posters who wish to remain anonymous and spread their crap without regard. Many of you actually have very good posts, but if you are not willing to step up and say who you are then I cannot acknowledge an unknown.”

  13. Level says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Many voice a negative opinion about anonymous commenting on forums like these. But isn’t my vote a form of expressing an anonymous opinion? Aren’t polls a form of voicing an anonymous opinion?

  14. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I’ve known Kenny Curtzwiler since the Bitter Creek Saloon and Carlos Murphy’s days when we were all struggling to make a buck, raise our kids and and make our community a better place for everyone. He was and is a square guy who has done more free stuff for more local people and organizations than any amount of unemployment compensation could get close to equalizing. Vote for the same people that have destroyed middle class families with a race to the bottom on wages and benefits or vote for someone who actually cares about regular folks.

  15. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Just a side note from a disinterested party. Do any of you realize how many “seasonal” employees get unemployment benefits? Most seasonal government employees are eligible for these benefits, too. Firefighters, snow plow operators, etc. They keep very quiet about it.

    IMHO, this guy’s moral compass is far better than most politicians that have graced our local government with their pompous and arrogant presence.

  16. Dogula says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I disagree with Kenny on many issues. But I’d vote for him above his opponent in a heartbeat!
    Enough of the same old, same old, usual suspects in local government. Yeah, vote for them, and you know what you’re gonna get. More of the same, good ol’ boy/girl crap that benefits the same group of people.
    Kenny walks the talk. He’s a citizen, not a politician. A much better choice.

  17. Justice says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    With an apparent no interest shown or time taken in knowing or finding out what the issues are for a major county position how in the world could people expect him to suddenly change and be an expert which is required before taking the job working for the people as a county manager. This is not self employment or a good gig for extra money. As another person said taking unemployment benefits as the owner claiming to be a seasonally unemployed person doesn’t pass the smell test. The other candidate wins by default.

  18. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Internet Trolls, using phony names to hide their real identity and agenda, lecturing us on morals? Wow, what hypocrites! What cowards! Just look how these creepy Trolls criticize Kenny for doing what a lot of folks do in this seasonal economy by seeking unemployment. I’ll bet half of these pathetic Trolls are local politicians or their supporters, who will say any damn thing just to keep their death grip on any genuine progress in this town. Sure, they don’t rely upon unemployment, because they are already on the gravy train with the city and county. Ignore the Trolls and vote for a REAL local, who won’t sell us out. Vote for Kenny and help rid our town of shameful and corrupt “leaders” who are ruining this town, destroying middle class families and are truly clueless when it comes to our local values and lifestyles!

  19. Trolls R Us says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Guy above me is a troll ^^^^^^

  20. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    What an angry little diatribe.

    Ken Curtzwiler + Steve Kubby. Good information to know.

  21. Dingo says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Put the unemployment issue aside and look at Mr. Curtzwiler’s answers.
    56 Acre Project – I don’t know enough…
    Recreation Master Plan – Landlords used to be lords over the land (Huh?)
    The CAO – I don’t know enough
    The Grand Jury labeling the County as dysfunctional – not as dysfunctional as the city
    Agriculture as an economic driver and the drought – I don’t know much about that
    The Sand Fire and emergency services coordination – Fire chiefs have big egos

    If elected will Mr Curtzwiler still enjoy every powder day on the taxpayer’s dime and have no regrets or shame in doing it?

  22. reloman says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Steve, sure many people who work seasonally will claim unemployment. However to set your company up as a corp and put yourself on payroll and fire yourself so you may collect unemployment is gaming the system. Most Employers dontdon’t do it this way as it is concerdered unethical. The main reason most people would put them self on payroll so they pay them self the min wage they can usually 30k a year in order for the rest to be as dividends with no self employment tax.

  23. Jared Manninen says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Obviously there are a ton of seasonal employees here in town who claim unemployment in the off-season. However, they’re not 20-year veterans of the U.S. Armed Services who are running for a pretty important public office. Again, the systematic abuse of the unemployment benefit is unacceptable behavior for a community leader.

  24. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Hi Jared. Nice to see someone using their real name. Local residents know and appreciate Kenny Curtzwiler as a stand up guy who never hesitates to help others. We know and trust Kenny to be honest and forthright. We appreciate that Kenny spoke loud and clear in opposing the City Council and their ill-conceived parking fiasco. At the same time, we are fed up with getting hosed by a county Board of Supervisors who consider Tahoe residents to be social misfits. We want someone to represent us who won’t sell us out. Frankly, we don’t care about Kenny and his unemployment compensation, because we know the man and what he has already done to help others in this community. So please ignore the cowardly Trolls and do the right thing by voting for Kenny Curtzwiler for Supervisor!

  25. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I could tell you what it’s like to scrimp and save all season so you can make it thru the winter.

    most of you folks that blabber here are Agency employees, just like my friend Tamarella says “my check comes down the pipe no matter what”.

    Kenny you shot yourself in the foot with unemployment.

    voting for ol Sue is the same as voting for the people behind the curtain.

    so do not ***** and complain when the Big Developments take over Meyers, take over Bijou, take over Lakeview ave. take over Meeks and the Meadow.

    Sue and her Team will march right on down and take over everything

  26. Slapshot says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    I doubt there will be big development in Meyers, locals there seem to be doing fine keeping the place as is. As for Bijou and Lakeview not sure there has been any plans for big development. Has anyone seen any plans or proposals? As for Meeks in the meadow I think its been just the opposite, wasn’t CTC at one time was trying to buy them out to open the meadow?

  27. Gus says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Easy vote for me. If Kubby is for him them I’m against him. Keep drugs out of Tahoe.

  28. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 2, 2014

    Gus, are you going to protest Bevmo?

  29. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    If this guy can spend several months collecting unemployment, the least he could do is spend some of that time getting educated about the issues for which he is going to be responsible for if elected to office.

  30. Leila says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    What a tool.

  31. Haddi T. Uptahere says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Steve Kubby
    WOW! Calling people out because of their wish to comment anonymously.
    What a tough guy! Not everyone who makes comments that disagree with YOUR opinion are government employees or internet trolls. This is a very small community and sometimes people wish to share their thoughts without fear of reprisal. Whether it be from an acquaintance or an employer. Your short tempered rant and Kenny’s lackadaisical views on a good work ethic show that neither of you are, in my opinion, ready for public office.

  32. Action says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Tahoe Mom, try being this old, being the aging work force white male, completing with the 20 year old somethings for $10 an hour up here! Sure you can get a higher education, most of us aging work force white males already have an excellent job skill set, and work circles around these young folks. It doesn’t matter, Corps and companies don’t want us, it doesn’t matter if we have excellent customer service skills, impeccable reliability/dependability or really care about our jobs and who we work for, that doesn’t play into the work environment process anymore. I had personally applied for several jobs up here for $10 hour, NEVER EVER had even a single callback for an interview, and of course they never give you a contact phone number/email, it’s all on line now!
    Also it’s just not Tahoe, it’s everywhere.
    I don’t mean to get off track here regarding this article, but when I read a statement as yours, well been there done that, it doesn’t matter anymore.
    So if there is an employer out there that is reading this and could use an “old school” employee? You know, back in the days where you could walk in meet face to face and greet and shake hands for employment opportunities. Well, that human employment element doesn’t exist anymore. I have a great skill set, don’t need a higher education, just need a bloody job.
    Thank you!

  33. Justice says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    There are more then a few questions now about what Kubby is doing in this. Adding the two together and it is just another reason to vote the other way. Kubby needs to go to a state where his addiction can be legal and he can get stoned 24/7. In this area his endorsement is an immediate vote for the other person.

  34. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Steve K. Mr. Curtzwiler’s lack of understanding of any topics or questions is “irresponsible leadership.” If you go to a Doctor and all he says is “I don’t know,” that should be the clue to leave… oh, but you go to the Doc for a different reason. Ok.

  35. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Vote for the continuation of reaganomics, keep hoping that something is going to trickle down if the liberals would just go away. You wingers are brainscrubbed chattel and if you’re not a millionaire you’re voting against your personal “prosperity”.

  36. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    From my 52 years in Tahoe, growing up here as a kid in the motel business and other family ventures, there were alot of slow times and depending upon the amount of customers( or guests as we called them at the motel), sometimes you gotta lay people off. Maids, usually.
    We are a 4 season resort town and sometimes things get slow, so you find yourself out of work. Ski areas, Casinos, Construction ,Marinas, Motels, Stores… well,? you get the gist of what I’m talkin’ bout!
    Heck , in the late 50’s, early 60s’ alot of businesses just closed down for the winter just because there was no money comin’ in!
    So I would ask my fellow LTN readers to cut Mr. Kenny Curtzwiller a little slack! He’s honest and does ALOT for the community! A straight shooter , and not beholden to any speciai interest group!!!! OLS

  37. Rick says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    OLS, with all do respect, I am a liberal business owner (C Corp) and understand and support the need for unemployment insurance. If Mr. Curtzwiller once or twice over the last couple of decades found himself in a tight spot in the off season and was unable to find gainful employment and needed to tap into the system, I would not begrudge him one iota. But his business does not pay sufficiently into the system to let him every year (if I understand him correctly) to file unemployment. Now it sounds like he is skiing quite a bit in the off season and not looking for work (in other words the system is paying for his vacation), as is required when one collects unemployment. If that is remotely correct, then he is scamming the system and is not remotely qualified to run for public office. I also agree, that his seems rather uniformed on several very important issues. My sister is running for City Council of a Bay Area town (and will likely win). She was on the school board for 20 years and has won the endorsement of all of the major groups in her City from environmental organizations and the development community, because she is articulate, well informed, and has a great track record of making thoughtful common sense decisions.

    So far of what I have read from Mr. Curtzwiller leaves me with no such comfort that he is articulate, well informed or able to rely on an abundance of common sense. He may be a nice guy who helps a lot of folks out (and good for him), but appears to clearly lack the qualities that one would seek in an elected official.

    My 2 cents.


  38. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    He could easily transition his business to snow removal in the winter or be a “lifty” instead of living off those of us who have foud a way to make a living year round. Not saying it’s easy in Tahoe, but if you can’t make it year round, then move on to somewhere where you can. His business could work year round in a different climate than Tahoe. And my point was that he should have PLENTY of time to be educated on the issues with all of his “paid time off”. Maybe he spends a little to much of that time getting high with Kubby?!?

  39. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Rick , Thank you for your courteous and respectful reply to my comment about Mr. Curtzwiler. A rarity at times here on LTN by some others here!
    I don’t know Kenny real well but we have talked on the phone many times and I’ve got his sign in my front yard.
    We,( Kenny and I) don’t agree on eveything but from my point of view, that would be weird if we did!
    I’d say, as myself being an old aging liberal, give Kenny Curtzwiler a chance. Please vote!!! OLS

  40. michael lee says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    Hey Kenny, thank you for all the years of picking up trash on the 5th of July. You can put a sign on my yard just for that alone.
    Like most politicians we learn if they are capable of the job after they perform. He is worth the vote as a solid local.
    Easy to attack people here on this blog when you use an alias. And it is the same old trolls as usual ……boring.

  41. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    So if someone’s opinion differs from yours, your a “troll”. Do you sit back and collect unemployment off of us that work for a living year round too? If you can make assumptions, so can I!

  42. Slapshot says - Posted: October 3, 2014

    This is amateur hour.

  43. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 4, 2014

    dumbfounded had it right

  44. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    OLS. I can cut Kenny some slack, I just won’t vote for someone that disconnected.