Editorial: Laine, David, Sass for S. Tahoe council


laine-david-sassPublisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News convened an editorial panel of seven community members to come up with this endorsement.

An elected board, while comprised of individuals, ultimately is a team. They don’t have to agree – in fact 5-0 votes are not necessarily a sign of a healthy board – but they do need to play nice together.

The current South Lake Tahoe City Council is not always respectful of one another. They don’t all look each other in the eye or actively listen. Their body language, at times, is atrocious.

Too often the same subject matter is revisited over and over again because a vote didn’t go someone’s way. This keeps the city from being able to move forward. The vote on the plastic bag ban is just one example.

While technically the recession ended years ago, the fallout from it is still being felt in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Not everyone has recovered in terms of jobs or the housing market. Summer was good to many, winter bad for most. But when 60 percent of Lake Tahoe Unified School District’s students receive a free or reduced lunch, clearly the people here are not doing well. That translates to 60 percent of the people with school-age children not being able to provide their child with lunch. Who knows what those families are eating the rest of the day.

South Lake Tahoe needs jobs that pay a livable wage. The town – and region – needs to attract people here who will spend money. We need infrastructure. We need businesses to invest in their product, including modernizing their buildings and signs.

First, we need to take care of more than 20,000 people who call South Lake Tahoe home. Then we can worry about the greater South Shore, the basin and those who visit.

Government can only do so much to help. A few ways the City Council can help include creating regulations that encourage redevelopment, not charging outrageous fees, enforcing the rules on the books so the town doesn’t look like a flea market, bringing like-minded businesses-residents together to form community service districts, marketing the area and not relying solely on the primarily Nevada-funded tourism agency, realizing recreation is more than a bike trail (though we like bike trails), and investigating new and different industries to supplement tourism beyond minimum wage jobs.

We believe the continued efforts of Brooke Laine, and the infusion of newcomers Wendy David and Austin Sass will help South Lake Tahoe be a more progressive town by the time their terms are up in 2018. We believe they are already leaders who have like-minded goals, though different approaches. We believe they comprise the team that will take South Lake Tahoe out of its morass of conflict and backpedaling and into a world of progress and prosperity for all, while bringing compassion and understanding to the process.

Laine has demonstrated her ability to be a voice of reason since being appointed in January 2013 to the unexpired term vacated by Claire Fortier. Laine was elected to serve on the council from 1998-2002.

One thing that makes her unique is she is and would be the only councilmember who has a full-time job where she is an employee not working for herself. She is more like most people in town – working for someone else. Laine has demonstrated the ability to do the city’s work efficiently and effectively. She is always prepared, having read the council packet.

As someone who was born and raised here, Laine brings a breadth of experience others cannot. She also has the institutional knowledge that is critical.

She can see both sides of an issue, does not come to meetings with blinders on, and truly cares about the town and residents. She is thoughtful in her approach to decision-making, is not swayed by whoever talked to her last and is not climbing a political ladder.

David has demonstrated she is a consensus builder. We need that now.

She is the only one who has the life experience of working with the less advantaged in our community through her endless volunteer and paid positions. She is the one interacting with those who are working three jobs to barely survive. She will bring to the council a depth of knowledge from a sector of the community that is not currently represented.

We expect she will be well versed in the rigors of the city in short order. She has the time and intelligence to be a contributing member of the council from Day 1.

Her tenure on the Lake Tahoe Unified School District board is an asset — she understands a board is a team. Plus, the district is an integral component of future recreation plans. She could be a bridge between the entities, as the city and district have not always seen eye-to-eye.

As with our 2012 endorsement of Sass, we’re still wary of his arrogance. It has not been tempered since he last ran. Still, we believe his strengths outweigh his weaknesses. We hope he embraces the team concept quickly.

Sass does his homework as evidenced by his thorough responses to Lake Tahoe News’ questions and depth of answers at forums, he cares about the economy, he understands numbers and he is without question the candidate who recreates the most. This last fact is important as the area puts more of an emphasis on recreation.

Plus, he has worked for major players like Heavenly Mountain Resort and Aramark. He is the candidate with the most big-business experience. We need that type of diversity on the council.

Lake Tahoe News believes Laine, David and Sass will be a strong team on the South Lake Tahoe City Council who will represent the best interests of residents and the concerns of the greater South Shore area for the next four years. We also believe they will complement the remaining two council members whose terms expire in two years.

Lake Tahoe News could not endorse the other candidates for the following reasons:

• Angela Swanson: She would be better off working outside of Lake Tahoe for the betterment of the basin or being an employee and not an elected official where there is a light continually illuminating her ethics, judgment and political aspirations. At some point she needs to take ownership for having said before the June supervisorial election that she would not seek to retain her council seat, for having taken money in a paper bag for a charity from someone who is now in prison, and for quitting her term on Lake Tahoe Unified School District and then immediately collecting a paycheck for her work as a consultant with the district.

• Tom Davis: His decisions are not rooted in good public policy. Look at past decisions on the Chateau project, redevelopment as a whole, and the plastic bag ban as examples. He is a follower and not a leader. He is not forward thinking. He can be argumentative and dismissive to the public.

• Matt Palacio: He needs to get more experience before jumping right onto the council. We can’t afford to wait for him to catch up to speed. At a candidate forum he mentioned the town doesn’t need another car parts store, which spoke volumes about his lack of knowledge of zoning and free market issues. He is good at pointing out a need for younger people on the council, but besides being in his 30s, we don’t see that he has anything else to bring to the table. He is lacking vision. And the fact he eliminated a question on LTN’s form (which we reinstated) instead of writing “no comment” or the like points to a character flaw of taking the easy road, or perhaps not being straight forward and honest.

• Bruce Grego: He was voted off the council in 2012. We believe the public has already spoken. He has done nothing in this time to change our opinion of him when we did not endorse him two years ago.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (36)
  1. Steve Kubby says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Outstanding editorial! I especially liked the profile of the candidates. As for Austin Sass, he should have already been appointed to the City Council after the woman who beat him promptly resigned. I even filed a complaint about Sass not being appointed with the El Dorado Elections Department, but they ignored the issue. While Sass may come across as arrogant, he understands this town and the recreationally oriented lifestyles of local residents. I’d like to personally thank these candidates for volunteering to serve as Council members, because we could really use their talent and leadership right now.

  2. xlocal says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Sound like a very good selection, Good luck. Great article.

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Excellent editorial! You hit hit on some key points that concern me about our town.
    You wrote “South Lake Tahoe needs jobs that pay a livable wage. The town-and-region needs to attract people here who will spend money. We need infrastructure. We neecd businesses to invest in their product, modernizing their buildings an signs”.
    And from my view. there is ALOT more that needs to be done in this place we call home. Thank you, OLS

  4. BitterClinger says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    The solution is simple – lower regulatory burdens, reduced taxation & less government overall spurs economic growth.

    Sadly, liberals still haven’t figured that one out.

  5. baphomet says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    regarding the 60% not being able to provide their children with a lunch: i would rather have my tax money directed toward free and accessible birth control than free lunches.

  6. Slapshot says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    It’s really not that simple. When you look back in time when there where no regulatory barriers this region was devastated with extractive industry including fishing, timber and over development. The reaction was over regulation and now hopefully smart regulation. We shall see. It’s definitely not simple.

  7. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    The economics that you suggest have never worked for the whole, Bitter. Yes, they worked for big business at the expense of our resources, but that is not long-term success, nor is it a sustainable model.

    Over regulation is a direct result of under regulation. We need to stop the cycle of extreme over reaction to everything.

    What a wonderful article, complete with well-reasoned support for the candidates.

  8. reza says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Very good Kae. Extremely well thought out. I agree with your choices.

  9. Arod says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    This council does not represent the demographics of the city. Hispanics make up 33% of the population yet not one person of color on the council. How do we engage them in the political process. Do any candidates reach out for their votes or address this segment of the communities needs? And before this post gets derailed into an immigration rant, I am speaking of USA citizens and those here legally.

  10. Kevin Murphy says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension knows that these are not necessarily the publisher’s personal choices. These endorsements are the consensus opinion of the 7 “community members”(hopefully gender/age/partisanship diverse). Therefore, the disclaimer.
    It’s great that we have this online resource to get info and I always recommend the LTN to all my friends that are past or present residents or former Tahoe visitors I still communicate with.

  11. Cranky Gerald says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Good assessment. Pretty much along my personal one. Is the group who was polled for this public?

  12. mrs.t says - Posted: October 5, 2014

    Well written and thought out, Kae. It doesn’t hurt that your choices match mine ;-)

  13. austin sass says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Thank you to the members of the editorial panel. Your support is much appreciated.

  14. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Personally, I would not have used the word ‘arrogant’ (“concede everything to oneself, & nothing to others”) w/regards to Mr. Sass. . .otherwise, he might not be running . . .

    It may be that SLT (‘Sleepy Little Town’) has been cowed so long by ‘following’ (down some very questionable roads) that they now can’t distinguish the difference between ‘arrogance’ and ‘confidence’. . .

    ‘Following’ can mean that one is too beholden to the way one thinks it is (& should stay), rather than what it could & should be (in leading there). . .

    That being said, ‘new’ blood doesn’t necessarily mean ‘young’ blood. . . but a change in direction is still very much needed. . .

    Instead of being brought up into the ’80’s, the same time, energy, & money could bring us into the 21st century…

    Good & forthright article – thanks, Kae. . .

  15. Margaret Leonard says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    I completely agree with LTN. These are the best three to lead our city. I especially like your comments with regard to Austin Sass. With the emphasis on recreation we need at least one council member who gets outside with regularity. I think he will be a good ambassador for the city by living the lifestyle we plan to promote. I also like LTN’s point about his business background and how that adds to the diversity of the city council.

    I like David’s community work and experience with education and Laine does seem to always be prepared despite having to work a full-time job. Not sure how she does it but who cares, she gets the city’s work done.

    I can’t leave this post without pointing out how thorough this endorsement process seems to have been. I look at what the Tahoe Chamber did and for them to not even consider Swanson’s ethics and Palacious total inexperience with Tahoe and business is disingenuous. Confirms many many voter’s belief that the entire process was essentially pre-determined. Shame on you Tahoe Chamber for trying to treat us like sheep. We’re not stupid.

  16. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Bitter. The “deregulate” talking point has been de-bunked for years. Actual “research” proves that deregulation does the least to actually stimulate the Economy. Also, your talking point is about 5 years old anyway; GDP has grown an average of 4.1% for the past 5 years, unemployment has dropped .2% for the past 5 years, home values have risen 15% since the 2011 lows, inflation is holding a 2%, global value of the Dollar is holding, value of gold has dropped, price of crude has dropped 20% from the 2011 highs, US Auto sales are better now then in 2006, interest rates are low and consumer confidence is rising.

    We “liberals” have figured it out, yet you “cons” keep whining “the sky is falling the sky is falling.”

  17. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Not sure why people that do not “live” in the City are so vocal on this thread but…

    I actually live in the City and have a basic question. Does the town look and feel better then 4 years ago? Happily I say YES.

    I will be voting a straight Female ticket. Sorry Tom, but to keep picking up other peoples rubbish – plastic bags – is not the solution.

  18. Buck says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Brook along with Angela tried via all means(city manager, city attorney, police chief), to keep 1422 voters from bring paid parking to the vote of THEIR constituents. Now they want our vote? Not so fast, lets think about the hoops they made us jump thru just to VOTE.

  19. rock4tahoe says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Buck. 1422 votes is not even a quorum out of 8700 registered voters. And now tourists think there is free trash – beach cleanup along with the free parking… oh joy.

  20. Buck says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Rock that was the number of signatures to get it on the ballot. They did not want us to even get to VOTE. THAT’S A PROBLEM. Also one picture at any beach is worth a thousand words of advertising.

  21. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    rock4tahoe, I have to agree, the town does look ALOT better! We’re getting paved walkways with over head lighting. Not everywhere, but it’s a start! A complete make over of Ski Run blvd. The startings of the improvments to El Dorado Beach , a linear park along hwy 50 by Tahoe Meadows, a neighborhood park that replaced a run down motel on Bonanza ave.
    Sure, it’s been moving at a snails pace …but we’re gettin’ there, but I have to say how ever long it takes we gotta keep pluggin’ along and we’ll get this old town fixed up!
    We’ll do it!!! I ain’t givin’ up! Are you?
    Just a few words from OLS

  22. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2014


    Exactly what did Council Member Laine and Council Member Swanson do (and the City Manager, City Attorney, and Police Chief) to keep from bringing paid parking to the voters? I don’t recall anyone attempting to prevent a vote from taking place on that and would like to know the specific details of your declaration and when that occurred so I can perform my own thorough review.

    I doubt that I’m alone in wanting that information and thank you in advance for your prompt reply and precise direction to that evidence.

  23. reloman says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    MER, most of that should be on tape of the council meetings, look at the beginning of the year and end of last year. First look at the agendas and minutes.
    OLS you are forgetting the Chateau, TJ Max, Crane building gone, BevMO, and a number of Motels remodeled Vagabond, the block, Royal Valhalla to Name a few Plus the Horizon getting a new life. Things are really looking up. Not as tired aand dated as some would have us believe

  24. rebel with a cause says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Does anyone know when the next financial disclosure documents for all the candidates will be published? Sometimes the disclosures are a great source of information.

  25. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    reloman and Buck:

    I watch every City Council meeting and I have no recollection of any City Council Member or of any City staff member attempting to prevent that special election on Measure P. On the contrary they provided extensive assistance to Tahoe4Tahoe and to their Legal Representative, Bruce Grego, in spite of the fact that the City had to needlessly spend taxpayer money on an election because Bruce Grego was apparently unaware of the “Referendum Process” set by the Elections Code and instead they used the “Initiative Process”. The February 4th, 2014 City Council meeting minutes state the following:

    “Watson explained that a Referendum was an appeal of an action taken by a local agency or City Council and that the Referendum Process was set by the Elections Code to be very rapid and was measured from the date of the action by said local agency. He stated that a Referendum was intended as a veto by the people to an action of the City Council which left the City Council quickly prevented from moving forward with an ordinance in order to eliminate costs or regulatory impacts on the community or the taxpayers.”

    “Watson added that the purpose of an Initiative was to provide guidance or boundaries to the City Council moving forward and it was not to repeal something that the City Council had already enacted. He indicated that the Elections Code allowed a longer time period to collect signatures related to an Initiative because the purpose of an Initiative was prospective and did not require great urgency.”

    So now my question to both you and Buck is what did Council Member Laine and Council Member Swanson, and the City Manager, City Attorney, and Police Chief do to keep from bringing paid parking to the voters and when did that occur? I reviewed numerous City Council meetings and sets of minutes and I was unable to find anything to verify Buck’s declarations, and like I said before I doubt that I’m alone in wanting that precise information and when it occurred.

  26. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    reloman, Thanks for adding on to the list of improvements to SLT!
    Somethings get overlooked or forgotten. Yes, to look at what’s happend over the years,.In
    the long run, it’s pretty damn cool!!! Take care , OLS

  27. eco alarmist says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    I would add the cool new ‘barn ‘ with South Shore Bikes and the SUP place, so much nicer than the old rock laundry building where Beckon. And how about autozone instead of the soho gravel lot? And the new pavement on the bike path. Or Harrison which now is paved and has drainage?

  28. eco alarmist says - Posted: October 6, 2014

    Beckon. = Bev mo. Darn auto correct

  29. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 7, 2014

    Yes the town does look better and yes the improvements have moved at a snail’s pace. But perhaps credit should be given where credit is due:

    1. The Ski Run Business Improvement District (BID) was established many years ago by the Ski Run Boulevard property owners and merchants who have pride and wanted improvements made to their street and business area. They agreed to assess themselves a tax to pay for improvements through their BID.

    2. The CTC paid almost all the costs for the improvements to the Lakeview Commons through grant funding.

    3. It was the hated Tony O’Rourke who coined the term “Fixin 50” and told the City Council that this town had to be fixed up to improve its economic viability and that the City Council had to start investing in this community to incentivize others to do likewise (such as BevMO, Autozone, the Chateau Project, The Block, former Royal Valhalla, TJ Maxx, Stand-up Paddle, Tahoe Bikes, etc.)

    4. Caltrans paid for and constructed the Highway 50 roadway improvements/erosion control/overhead lighting projects.

    5. City Manager Kerry and the City Council continued O’Rourke’s suggestion and money was borrowed to begin making street repairs to some City streets and to do the Linear Park, the Pioneer Trail, and the Harrison Avenue Streetscape improvements.

    (It should also be remembered that without the City’s staff NOTHING would have occurred.)

    6. It was the hated Edgewood Corp from the hated state of Nevada that initiated a trade of commodities with the City and then purchased the property/rundown motel, paid for and did the demolition and the recycling of those materials, paid for and performed the construction of the Bonanza Park, and then they gave that park to the City.

    7. The City in an attempt to generate additional revenue to maintain Lakeview Commons and other already completed improvements so that revenues could be diverted to other future improvements initiated the paid parking user fees.

    8. 1,422 individuals can share the extreme pride in their elimination of the paid parking user fees (and are responsible for the taxpayers funding the conduct of a special election) so that those additional revenues which would have freed up other revenues for the City to make other improvements would be eliminated. Job well done folks at helping to keep us “moving at a snail’s pace”.

  30. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 7, 2014


    Still waiting for an answer to verify your accusations.

  31. Buck says - Posted: October 7, 2014

    4-mer: LTN November 26,2013, City Council Meeting Jan 13 when Angela walked out of the meeting 5 minutes before the vote and Brooke voted no to stall the vote. The right to vote I take very serious and do not like it when elected officials try to stop the vote. Now get out and vote.

  32. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 7, 2014


    The situation was that Cole with one business days’ notice called for a January 13, 2014, 7:30 a.m. Special Meeting to discuss shifting the paid parking agenda item scheduled for the February 4th Council meeting to the January 14th meeting. Immediately after Cole convened the Special Meeting JoAnn Conner advised that she, Swanson, and Watson had to be at a Cal Tahoe Fire JPA meeting at 8:30 a.m. When Cole opened the public communications period he advised that the Council could not conduct a full discussion on paid parking and requested that any speakers talking on that matter be brief due to time constraints. Lou Perini, Bill Crawford, and Ken Curtzwiler all spoke that morning and they purposely went on talking benders just to make things difficult because they could get away with it. The meeting went long and 1-City representative (Swanson) departed the meeting 5-minutes before the end to go to the JPA meeting and advise those other agency members that the other City representatives would be forthcoming. Then at the February 4th and February 18th meetings both Laine and Swanson voted in favor of every single request that Taheo4Tahoe made of the City, including spending precious taxpayer money on an un-needed election because Tahoe4Tahoe had not followed the laws correctly.

    But you’re saying that Laine and Swanson tried to prevent a vote on Measure P? That’s really rich.

    I don’t think you and your like-minded cronies care one bit about anything being nicer or there being any improvements to our community, unless of course you can get someone else to pay for it. So much makes sense to me now: I fully recognize that you and your cronies are not just part of South Lake Tahoe’s economic and other problems, you ARE the problems.

  33. reza says - Posted: October 8, 2014

    A friend and I went to the Soroptmomist forum today. After viewing she said that she was going to disagree with LTN and vote for someone beside who LTN went with. I asked her who she was dropping and why. All she said was, “I am tired of nice. I want someone who is tougher. The one I am dropping is gag-me nice”. She would not tell who she was adding but I’m guessing it might be Swanson who while pushy and too politically hell bent, is at least tough. Maybe Davis. Anyhow, I thought I would share that.

  34. Buck says - Posted: October 10, 2014

    reza; I don’t think we need any more pushy, politically hell bent and not listening to the voters.

  35. reza says - Posted: October 10, 2014

    Buck, I agree and after the forum at the college last night, I support LTN’s choices for city council. BTW… the forum was excellent. The format was novel, managed well, and worked.