Editorial: Novasel for EDC supervisor
Sue Novasel
Publisher’s note: Lake Tahoe News convened an editorial panel of seven community members to come up with this endorsement.
Who is going to genuinely represent the constituency the best?
While that question is good to ask in every race, it was the deciding factor for us when it came to who should be the next El Dorado County supervisor representing District 5.
We kept coming back to Sue Novasel.
Experience trumps the guy you want to have a beer with. The listener wins over the talker. We want substance not hot air. We want someone who will work and not call in sick on a powder day.
Being on a board requires the ability to count to three to get your measure passed. Novasel has demonstrated the ability to do so on the various boards she has been on, most notably to the elected board of Lake Tahoe Unified School District.
There is a give and take to being on a board. It equals working together.
But what we can’t tolerate is another four to eight years of a District 5 supervisor who is led and is not a leader. And being president of a board does not make a person a leader. Leadership is a trait we hope is inside Novasel that she has yet to demonstrate.
Novasel’s experience with such varied endeavors as Soroptimist International of South Lake Tahoe and Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care give her a glimpse into working in different group dynamics. This could aid her as she joins a board that is mostly inexperienced at least at the current job.
When it comes time to act the supervisors represent the entire county, not just where they were elected from. While the East and West slopes are dramatically different, it is still one county. We need someone who will take an interest in all the issues that come before the board.
We trust Novasel will be prepared at each of the weekly meetings, that she will use the time of staff wisely and that she will be more of a presence in the district than the current supervisor.
There is no doubt Kenny Curtzwiler, the other contender, is passionate about his community. He talks a good game until the knowing listener seizes the opportunity to punch holes in his diatribe. The problem is with the unknowing listener who wants to believe Curzwiler’s tales. His spoken word is no different than his writings – full of nuggets of wisdom saturated in half-truths (or less) that amount to a hill of beans.
We need someone in office who looks at all sides of a topic, understands hard topics and gets the answers; not someone who is unprepared, acting on emotion and fails to truly grasp what the job entails. We believe Novasel is the best choice voters have for El Dorado County District 5 supervisor.
With all due respect to the LTN Editorial board, I read this “endorsement” and was very disappointed. There was no mention of the issues facing our county government and where these candidates stand but only personality slams and whether they can “play nice” or not. I happen to like both candidates so my vote will depend on how I feel each candidate will have the courage to speak up for what they believe in and not be afraid of making the necessary changes county government sorely needs. What criteria was discussed? Were issues even talked about? Some comments, to me, were totally unnecessary such as the “calling in sick” on a good snow day. All things considered I learned nothing new reading your editorial other than perhaps you like Sue better than Kenny, and who’s to say at this point would be a better supervisor? I want substance, not gossip. Sorry Kae, but felt I needed to voice my opinion.
Good pick
No. Not the best choice, IMHO. Just read the thread on the other relevant article.
I agree with Judy’s comments here. I don’t get a chance to attend the candidate forums (work), so a clear description of what they stand for, how they are going to keep the east half of the county relevant against the much larger and different constituency that exists in the western half would be far more interesting to me than a review of their personalities. Sometimes a passionate voice is exactly what is needed. Still haven’t decided how I’ll vote, but it won’t be based on what I’ve learned here.
I will never vote for an amnestista. Until she understands borders, language, and culture are the backbone of America it is impossible to do what is best for the citizens of El Dorado County. We have long memories Sue and haven’t forgotten your traitorous vote.
With all due respect – have either of the candidates really given us any really strong position statements on important issues other than canned generic answers to get votes ?
Hey KAE help Judy and others by naming the editorial panel!
Agree with many previous comments. And Sue & Kenny haven’t even taken a clear stand on the Meyers plan. Sue seems to be waiting it out on the sidelines to see who the the winning team is 1st. Kenny wants to support the community but does not seem to grasp how that translates to the planning situation.
Sue also has major financial investments and properties in Meyers, SLT and Nevada. Can she be objective? Is Kenny interested in learning and understanding the facts around big issues? Frankly not sure what to do on voting day.
I believe there is a candidates forum tonight at Lake Tahoe Community College. This is a chance for everyone to meet candidates running for city council, STPUD board, LTCC board and county supervisor.
Get out and meet the candidates in person and ask the questions that are important to you and our community.
Become an informed voter!
Tahoe Chamber question April 29
What is your view on the Meyers Area Plan?
Curtzwiler: There should be a hold on this planning process until after the election, when new County management can come in and clean up the problem. Meyers residents need to take control of this process.
I have also wondered if there might be a conflict of interest with the candidate and her husband’s business interests and activities. Would it be possible to be truly objective when evaluating and voting for the Meyers Plan?
Politics has been known as the “art of the possible”, but here, it is very difficult to fathom any ‘art’, & even more so to discern what is “possible”, when the strings are not apparent, & the resources are always diverted as “slim”, in turning “possible” into accomplishment. . . we’ve a long way to go to get there. . .
Mrs. Novasel has my vote.
Sorry Mr. Curtzwiler, but in my opinion “I don’t know” sounds more like “I don’t care.”
As a supporter of Sue I have watched her attend numerous meetings on both sides of the hill getting to know the issues and the constituents she hopes to serve. She is hard working and her commitment to organizations she is involved in is evident. Her board positions with the Lake Tahoe Unified School District, Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care and Soroptimists show her willingness to put in the time and energy needed to make a positive impact in our community.
Excellent point Aileen! I would like to hear from Mr Curtzwiler how many EDC BOS meetings he has attended. We all know he has attended SLT Council meetings more than most, but that’s an apples and oranges scenario.
BE REMINDED whomever is elected has a seat on the TRPA Board and must also vote on projects on the North Shore like the unprecedented and ill- conceived proposal by East West Partners (The Martis Valley West Parcel project and associated Tahoe basin 112 acre Area Plan) and Sierra Pacific Industries to rezone 112 acres of Tahoe Basin Forest Conservation land to Resort Recreation allowing luxury residential cluster development on a ridgeline. The development proposal on behalf of SPI and East West is nothing short of perpetuating sprawl in the name of greed for huge corporations.