King Fire acreage grows, perimeter holds

The King Fire, which is still not completely under control east of Pollock Pines, has blackened 97,718 acres of forest. The increase in acreage is from burning inside the perimeter.

Firefighters have completed a line on two of the last three large areas of active fire near the fire’s perimeter. Today firefighters will focus on the last remaining hot spot near the perimeter west of Loon Lake.

The fire is 95 percent contained.

Less than 2,500 people are extinguishing the remaining fire or repairing areas that were damaged. Eighteen miles of hand and dozer lines, and 19 miles of roads used for fire suppression activities have been repaired. Much of this repair work in the northern part of the fire area has been completed.

Since the reported arson started Sept. 13, 12 houses were destroyed, 68 outbuildings, and 11 people have been injured.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report