King Fire proves stubborn, still burning

Firefighters are still working to completely contain the King Fire that is burning east of Pollock Pines in the Eldorado and Tahoe national forests.

It remains at 98 percent contained, with 97,717 acres burned. The estimated containment date has been pushed back to Oct. 8.

Extreme terrain is slowing containment, specifically in the Rubicon River Valley on the southwest flank of the fire. More than 2,000 are still working the suspected arson that has destroyed 70 structures, including 12 houses.

There will be a community meeting Oct. 6 at 6pm at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Camino. Fire managers will provide current information on the status of fire suppression and repair. The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) team will brief attendees on their ongoing assessment of post-fire conditions and potential post-fire issues.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report