Letter: Alpine County receives state award

To the community,

The California State Association of Counties is honored to recognize Alpine County in our 2014 Challenge Awards program, which recognizes the most innovative, cost-effective programs developed by our 58 counties.

In March of this year, Alpine County and the Washoe Tribe created an unprecedented memorandum of understanding in order to provide child welfare services to families of the Washoe. Having this agreement in place allows the Alpine County Child Welfare Social Worker to work with all children and families within the county. This ensures that everyone can receive the full, comprehensive child welfare services available in California.

Congratulations to the county’s Board of Supervisors and Health and Human Services staff for developing this program. Innovation is alive and well in Alpine County.


Matt Cate, CSAC executive director

LTN note: Alpine County Health & Human Services has won two awards in the last three months, one from the National Association of Counties and another from the California State Association of Counties.

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Comments (13)
  1. Justice says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    An award for a government welfare program? Seriously?

  2. Justice says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    How about an award to get people off welfare and working, this nation is headed down hill so fast it will take a decade or more to bring it back. Welfare is expanded to the point of disbelief and given an award.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    Government rewards itself for creating more job security.

  4. fireman says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    Bet there is a ton of welfare in Alpine County. Would probably have to import people to meet quotas or something

  5. tc says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    So, instead of commending a small local agency for coming up with an innovative method for being more efficient and cost effective, including posting job information, helping to provide access to education and training, while reaching out to the Native American Community, the trolls would rather just continue their endless diatribe without offering better solutions.

  6. Dogula says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    Here’s a solution: Get rid of 3/4 of the Federal government for starters, cut their budgets, legalize all victimless “crimes”,and let people be free to work unencumbered by burdensome regulation.
    I think that would make a good start toward lifting the poor out of poverty.

  7. tc says - Posted: October 11, 2014

    Dogula, Though there is likely fat to be trimmed in the Federal government, there is also a significant amount of fat (overhead) that can be trimmed in the private sector as well. We, as well as the poor, get to pay a little extra for food & fuel and buy that banker his jet. As for burdensome regulation, sure there is some of that out there too. But for the most part, I would venture to say that we are the beneficiaries of having clean water, clean air, safe buildings, etc. There are a lot worse places to live. A tropical storm hits Cabo and all hell breaks loose down there. Would you rather a few regulations, or would you rather have your house ransacked after it fails due to a little wind?

  8. Dogula says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    The main difference between trimming fat in government and trimming fat in the private sector is, it doesn’t cost the taxpayers money if a private company wants to run inefficiently, it only costs the business. Unless of course, you’ve got government backing you as “too big to fail”. And that should NEVER have happened. Let bad businesses fail.

    Comparing the US government to the Mexican government is almost funny. Really, how different are they? Here in the US, our government might be slightly less corrupt, because our foundation is English common law. But we are far richer because of a history of entrepreneurship.
    Our current Administration is doing its darnedest to make us just like all those third world countries you keep comparing us to.

  9. tc says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    Dogula, To counter your supposition that “it doesn’t cost the taxpayers money if a private company wants to run inefficiently”, it does cost the taxpayers huge amounts of money when a private business chooses to ignore basic health, safety and environmental laws. Take, for example, the Leviathon Mine. Or, even more locally, our contaminated wells. Private enterprise created these fiascos and we, as taxpayers, get to foot the bill for the cleanup. China is becoming far richer because of their recent history of entrepreneurship, but it is at considerable cost to the low wage earners and their environment.

    Getting back to the original premise of the subject article; My point is that when a small jurisdiction such as Alpine County, with its limited resources, can make strides in providing services to the community in a more efficient manner, what is wrong with it being recognized by the State?

  10. Dogula says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    Not that much is wrong with it. It’s just totally expected. Government rewards itself all the time. With your money.

  11. tc says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    There was no financial reward given to staff for this accomplishment. Your money was unaffected.

  12. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    tc you are talking to a child.

  13. go figure says - Posted: October 12, 2014

    Dog will always choose to point her fingers at government, no matter the subject or the outcome. If there is someone to blame it will be obama and the government, she is pretty predictable and altogether ignorant.